Published on 27 Aug 2024

Professor Chen Charng Ning Distinguished Lecture and Scholarship Award Ceremony

On 22 August 2024, nearly 150 alumni and guests gathered at NTU@one-north for the Professor Chen Charng Ning Distinguished Lecture and Scholarship Award Ceremony. Organized by the NTU CEE Alumni Association (NCEEA) in partnership with NTU CEE, the event celebrated the enduring legacy of Professor Chen Charng Ning.

Key Highlights:

  • Enduring Leadership: Professor Chen’s profound impact on Singapore’s higher education, engineering professions, and industries continues to inspire generations of engineers.

  • Singapore’s Engineering Transformation: DPM Gan Kim Yong emphasized the critical role of engineering in transforming Singapore from a humble mudflat to a vibrant metropolis. He highlighted NTU’s significant contributions to this journey through innovations in land reclamation, underground space utilization, and coastal protection.
  • Addressing Future Challenges: DPM Gan underscored the need for continuous investment in engineering talent to tackle upcoming challenges, including climate change, demographic shifts, and Industry 4.0.

  • Alumni Support: Er. Dr. Lee Bee Wah highlighted the success of the PCCN Scholarship Fund, sharing how it has already benefited four students. She encouraged further contributions from alumni to continue supporting future generations.

Scholarship Awards: Two deserving students were awarded $15,000 scholarships each to pursue engineering studies at NTU, ensuring that Professor Chen’s legacy of excellence continues to inspire future generations.

The evening was a memorable tribute to a remarkable leader whose vision continues to shape Singapore's future.