Flagship Projects

Our flagship projects are long-term centre-wide projects involving a team of researchers from Nanyang CEM's global network, focusing on potential high-impact research questions with universal applications.​

Business 2025: Corporate Sustainability and Digital Tr​ansformation

Seung Ho Park, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Dinora Floriani

The year 2025 could be a year in which humanity, many eco-systems and biological species and business sectors could hit the point of no return. This handbook aims to address the intersection between business, society, biodiversity and technology by 2025. The authors seek to analyse the challenges and transformations required to be able to have sustainable businesses with a future orientation. This volume targets contributions to provide elements on current and potential social, demographic, technological and managerial trends; the implications of the digital revolution in society and business as well as the challenges of surviving, being sustainable and profitable. Furthermore, we seek to provide an understanding on business reasons to incorporate a future orientation in business strategy, and to facilitate understanding of the need for profound changes in individual behavior, culture of the organisations, public policy and business environments to adapt to the accelerated changes, and to manage business with orientation to the future.

C​apabilities ​for Sustai​nable Growth for Emerging Market Multinationals (EMM​s), 2018-2019

Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, William Newburry, Seung Ho​ Park 

​A global team within the centre was organised for this project involving 30 scholars from 14 institutional partners in 11 countries. ​Emerging market firms are becoming an increasingly influential component of the global economy. Both scholars and firm managers are realizing that these firms not only possess a different mix of capabilities than their developed world counterparts, but also in some cases suffer from relative disadvantages in their capabilities. As they expand globally and encounter increasingly sophisticated competitors, they realise that some of the capabilities that enabled them to succeed at home are not always transferable abroad, while they find out that they need new and in some cases more sophisticated capabilities to compete in a wide variety of countries. In this project, we will systematically examine the different strategic capabilities that have aided the advancement of successful emerging market firms, along with those that will be most beneficial to these firms in their future advancement, and identify actions and processes that facilitate the development and honing of sophisticated capabilities.
​Faculty ResearchersGlobal Institutional PartnersCountry
​Helena Barnar​
Chris Osakwe
Gordon Institute of Business Science 
University of Pretoria
​South Africa
Subhashish Gupta
P.D. Jose
Ashok Thampy
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore​India
​Venkat Subramania
Almira Abilova
​The Graduate School of Business
Nazarbayev University ​
​Santiago Mingo
Francisca Sinn
School of Business
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez ​​
​​Miguel Angel Montoyo Bayardo
Gerardo Velasco
​Tecnológico De Monterrey
​​Amanda Borda
Carlos Córdova​​​
​​ESAN Graduate School  of Business 
​Michel Hermans
Mariano Acosta
IAE Business School 
​Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto
Maria Tereza Fleury
Claudia Frias Pinto
Afonso Fleury
​Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinaric​
Krzysztof Obłój​
Kozminski UniversityPoland
​Vera Rebiazina​
Natalia Guseva 
​Higher School of Economics (HSE)Russia
​Juan Velez-Ocampo​Universidad de AntioquiaColombia
​Eva Cristina Manotas​Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede MedellinColombia
​Ana Maria Gomez-Trujillo​CEIPA Business SchoolColombia
​Maria Alejandra Gonzalez Perez
Camilo Pérez Restrepo
Maria Teresa Uribe-Jaramillo
Verónica Duque-Ruiz ​​
​​Universidad EAFITColombia​

MNC Localisation and Value Integration in Emerging Markets

Meng Zhao, Marie Harder, Seung Ho Park

The study investigates how values related to organizational purpose take on different meanings in the western and Chinese business contexts. Managers in different cultures are likely to understand common abstract values (e.g., integrity, efficiency) in different ways, tend to contextualise their meaning in their own organisations, and tend to develop a localised understanding of the relevance and importance of foreign values. As a result, while management scholars and business leaders throughout the world evangelise the idea of value-driven and purpose-driven management, it is complicated to communicate and disseminate values across cultural boundaries. The communicated values might not reach a consensus across cultures on what they mean and how to act. A fundamental basis of building a world of good business is making visible and connecting the gaps between localities that construct and enact values in their own ways. This project will reveal the processes and mechanisms underlying the change of the values’ meanings and try to inspire an effective way of communicating and managing values across cultural contexts. We attempt to generate knowledge that enables managers to grasp the patterns of how values are constructed, contextualised and localised in local business communities so that they can adequately identify the opportunities and risks in cross-cultural management, rather than taking on a self-centric approach to simply translate or impose their embraced values into a foreign market.​