Selected Publications

Journal Articles

New Globalisation and Value Chain Alignment
Lehdonvirta, V., Kassi, O., Hjorth, I. Barnard, H. & Graham, M. (2019). The global platform economy: A new offshoring institution enabling emerging economy micro-providers. Journal of Management, in press.

Sustained High-Performance Organisations

Nan, Z. and Park, SH. Forthcoming. Growth or profit? Strategic orientation and long-term performance in China. Strategic Management Journal.

Park, S.H. and Ungson, G. (2019) Rough diamonds in emerging markets: legacy, competitiveness, and sustained high performance​. ​Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management.
Li, S., Park, S.H., Selover, D. (2017). The culture dividend: a hidden source of economic growth in emerging market countries. Cross Cultural and Strategic Management, Vol. 24 (4): 590-616. 

Park, S.H. and Ungson, G. (2016) Blind spots in global strategy: applications in emerging markets. ​Cross Cultural and Strategic Management, Vol. 23 (4): 531 – 550.

Firm Innovation in the Middle-Class
He, Z.-L., Tong, T.W., Zhang, Y., & He, W. (2018). Constructing a Chinese patent database of listed firms in China: Descriptions, lessons, and insightsJournal of Economics & Management Strategy, 27(3): 579-606.  

He, Z.-L., Tong, T.W., Zhang, Y., & He, W. (2018). A database linking Chinese patents to China’s Census firmsNature Scientific Data, 5:180042. DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2018.42 

Digitalisation and Organisational Transition

Martinez, F. (2019). Process excellence the key for digitalisationBusiness Process Management Journal.

Capability Development for Globalization

​Wąsowska, A., Obłój, K., Ciszewska-Mlinarič M. (2016). Virtuous and vicious learning cycles in the internationalization of emerging market firms​. European Journal of International Management, 10 (1), 105-125.

​New Ventures and Entrepreneurial Growth

Ciszewska-Mlinarič, M., Wójcik, P., Obłój, K. (2019). Learning dynamics of rapidly internationalizing venture: Beyond the early stage of international growth in a CEE contextJournal of Business Research.

Dvouletý, O, Longo, M.C., Blažková I., Lukeš M., Andera, M. (2018). Are publicly funded Czech incubators effective? The comparison of performance of supported and non-supported firmsEuropean Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 21 Issue: 4, pp.543-563.

Mingo, S., Morales, F., and Dau, L. A. (2018). The Interplay of National Distances and Regional Networks: Private Equity Investments in Emerging MarketsJournal of International Business Studies, 49(3): 371-386.

Mingo, S., Junkunc, M., and Morales, F. (2018). The Interplay Between Home and Host Country Institutions in an Emerging Market Context: Private Equity in Latin AmericaJournal of World Business, 53(5): 653-667.

Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship

​Hult, G.T.M., Mena, J., Gonzalez-Perez, M. A., Lagerström, K. & Hult, D. T. (2018). A Ten Country-Company Study of Sustainability and Product-Market Performance: Influences of Doing Good, Warm Glow, and Price FairnessJournal of Macromarketing, Vol. 38 (3), 242-261. 

Gonzalez-Perez, M. A. & Leonard, L. (2016). Climate change and the 2030 corporate agenda for sustainable developmentEmerald Group Publishing Limited: Bingley, UK. 

Emerging Market Multinationals
Wu, J. and Park, S.H. (2019). The role of institutional complexity on emerging market multinationals’ innovation. Global Strategy Journal, Vol. 9 (2): 333-353 

Emerging Markets Trade and Capital Flows

Cavoli, T., Gopalan, S., and Rajan, R.S. (2018). Exchange Rate Policies in Asia in an Era of Financial Globalization: An Empirical AssessmentThe World Economy, Vol. 42: 1774-1795.

Gopalan, S. and Rajan, R.S. (2017). Does Foreign Bank Presence Affect Interest Rate Pass-Through in Emerging and Developing Economies? Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 54: 373-292. 

Gopalan, S. and Rajan, R.S. (2016). Revisiting Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to BRIC Economies​Global Policy, 7(4): 510-520.



The Rise of East Asia: 1960-2020 (Korean edition) 

Ku-Hyun Jung, Seung Ho Park, Sung-Min Kim

Topics covered include the economic system and representative enterprises; performance and determinants of economic growth of the four major economies; history and governance structure of Japan's big companies after the war; formation process and change of large Korean enterprises (chaebol); characteristics of Taiwanese enterprises and corporate ecosystem; efficiency analysis of Chinese national enterprises; and management  performance analysis of Chinese private enterprises.

 ​ASEAN Champions: ​Emerging Stalwarts in Regional​ Integration
Seung Ho Park, Gerardo Rivera Ungson, Jamil Paolo S. Francisco ​

With a population of 600 million people and a combined GNP of over US$2.4 trillion, the ASEAN Economic Community is set to become the seventh largest economy in the world. The authors seek to address the role of strong local firms in regional integration, how these 'champions' succeeded and endured, despite facing adverse circumstances, and the factors that facilitated or impeded their participation in regional integration. The book provides insights for future firm and government-led strategies to enhance the integration process, by complementing current narratives that focus on macroeconomic, socio-political, and trade considerations, and offers an engaging read ideally suited to academics and professionals alike.​

Emerging Market Multinationals: Managing Operational Challenges for Sustained International Growth
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, William Newburry, Seung Ho Park 

Emerging market multinationals (EMMs) are becoming leaders in their industries, able to compete on equal terms with firms from advanced economies, but their paths toward global leadership are not always smooth. This book examines specific challenges faced by EMMs as they seek to develop their international operations and proposes actionable solutions for them. The authors seamlessly combine academic analyses with a rich selection of real-world cases to provide a clear framework for understanding some of the barriers that prevent firms from emerging economies from succeeding abroad and show readers what actions can be taken to achieve sustained international growth. 

Scaling the Tail: Manging Profitable Growth in Emerging Markets 
Seung Ho Park, Gerardo R. Ungson, Andrew Cosgrove

This book presents a framework for a different type of profitable growth for multinational companies in emerging markets: "scaling the tail." This model focuses on specialized market niches, flanking particular segments and product-categories, developing deeply nuanced localization strategies, and installing supportive management systems. "Scaling the Tail up-ends conventional wisdom about how to succeed in emerging markets and offers a fresh new formula for profitable growth." - Peter Williamson, Professor of International Management, University of Cambridge, UK

East Asian Business in the New World: Helping Old Economies Revitalize
Shaomin Li

The objective of this book is two-fold, with an initial focus on the opportunities and challenges of doing business in East Asia that includes tactics to help readers understand Asian economies and business practices and compete more successfully in the region. ​Secondly, the book seeks to teach readers how the U.S. can learn from East Asia in revitalizing its own economy. This is what sets the book apart as it analyzes the social institutions in ​major Asian countries, including the political, economic, and cultural institutions, and then compares them with the institutions in the U.S., identifying the strengths and weaknesses of U.S. institutions and providing strategic and policy recommendations that may help the U.S. economy and American firms compete in the global marketplace.

Roug​h Diamonds: The Four Traits of Successful Breakout Firms in BRIC Countries

​Seung Ho Park, Gerardo R. Ungson, Nan Zhou

"Rough diamonds" are the best performing firms in the BRIC (Brazil-Russia-India-China) countries. These firms compare favorably with the top 500 firms and the top 25 manufacturing firms in their countries and comparable firms worldwide, exceeding them profit margins and return on assets over an extended time period. This book outlines who these firms are and explains their exemplary performance through the Four Cs for Sustaining High Performance: Capitalizing on late development; Creating Market Inclusive Niches; Crafting Operational Excellence; and Cultivating Profitable Growth.