Daily Chinese - HSK 日常汉语 - HSK

Daily Chinese - HSK Programme

Daily Chinese – HSK programme is designed for individuals who wish to learn Chinese language and culture. Using the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) syllabus, it covers a wide range of everyday topics, including personal information, living, working, social interaction, customs, culture, sports, and ethics. The multi-level curriculum caters to both beginners and advanced learners, aligning with the HSK syllabus and progressing at a learner-friendly pace. 


Why Join Us?

  • Enjoy 50% National Silver Academy Subsidy and additional funding support like SkillsFuture Credit, PSEA, and UTAP
  • Course themes are tailored to everyday situations
  • Connect with diverse professionals who share an interest in Chinese language and culture
  • Learn from certified trainers with extensive teaching experience

Course Objectives

  • Gain competence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese
  • Blend language training with cultural insights for a dynamic and engaging experience
  • Build confidence in using Chinese in daily life

Course Structure

The programme consists of 18 courses: 4 Basic Levels, 7 Intermediate Levels, 6 Advanced Levels, and 1 Advanced Plus Level. Each course consists of 30 hours over 10 sessions.

Basic (Level 1 – 4)

  • Master phonetics, including tones, initials, and finals
  • Develop basic conversational skills for daily scenarios
  • Learn Chinese character structure, strokes, and writing rules
  • Explore an introduction to Chinese culture

Intermediate (Level 1 – 7)

  • Improve pronunciation and communication skills for school, life, and work
  • Grasp basic Chinese grammar and construct simple sentences
  • Expand your knowledge of Chinese society and history

Advanced (Level 1 – 6) & Advanced Plus

  • Engage in discussions on culture, society, and economics with fluency
  • Enhance reading and writing proficiency
  • Develop a deeper understanding of Chinese history and culture


Course Details

  • Mode of Delivery: In-person at NTU@one-north campus
  • Course Schedule: Four intakes per year.
    1st Intake: Jan – Mar  |  2nd Intake: Apr – Jun  |  3rd Intake: Jul – Sep  |  4th Intake: Oct – Dec
    Wednesdays:7 PM – 10 PM | Saturdays: 9 AM – 12 PM
  • Duration: 30 hours (10 sessions) per course
  • Post-Course Test: Internal test is conducted during the last lesson


Subsidies and Discounts*

  • 50% National Silver Academy Subsidy (NSA)
  • 10% NTU Community Discount
  • 10% Senior Discount
  • 10% / 15% Group Enrolment Discount


Additional Funding Support

  • SkillsFuture Credit (Base Tier)
  • Post-Secondary Education Account Fund (PSEA)
  • Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)


Enrolment Procedure

  • Book an online Placement Test: Participants with prior Mandarin knowledge must complete a placement test before enrolling in the course. Fresh learners may start directly at Basic 1.
  • Registration: After receiving the course recommendation, submit the completed enrolment form to [email protected] at least 10 days before the course start date. Payment details will be provided once registration is processed.


Contact Us

For enquiries, please contact Joyce / Eileen at 6514 1062 / 6592 2539 or email [email protected].

Training Venue: 11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU@one-north campus, Executive Centre, #08-01, Singapore 138664
(Nearest MRT: Buona Vista & one-north)




What is the Daily Chinese - HSK programme?

The Daily Chinese - HSK programme is designed for individuals seeking to learn Chinese for personal enrichment. While it follows the HSK syllabus, it is not a test preparation course. Instead, it offers a structured yet flexible learning experience, focusing on comprehensive language training and cultural understanding rather than exam-oriented drills.

Are foreign participants eligible to enrol?
Yes, foreign participants are welcome to enrol. However, they must ensure they hold a valid pass throughout the course duration. CI-NTU cannot address issues arising from pass expiry during the course.

Does this programme qualify for a Student Pass?
No, as it is a part-time programme, it does not qualify for a Student Pass.

What are the course timings?
Courses are usually held in 3-hour sessions, held once a week on Wednesdays (7 PM – 10 PM) or on Saturdays (9 AM – 12 PM). Check the Daily Chinese – HSK Course Calendar for exact dates.

Where are the classes conducted?
Classes are held in-person at NTU@one-north campus:

Address: 11 Slim Barracks Rise, Executive Centre, #08-01, Singapore 138664
MRT Stations: Buona Vista and one-north

Are online courses available?
Currently, all courses are conducted in-person to ensure interactive learning. Online options are not available.

What does the course fees cover? Are there additional material fees?
Course fees include training and the post-course internal test. Learning materials are provided at complimentary.

Are all courses guaranteed to start as scheduled?
No, courses require a minimum of 8 participants to commence. Participants will be notified at least 5 days before the start date. Contact [email protected] if no update is received.

Pre-course Placement Test & Registration

Why is the placement test required?

The placement test ensures appropriate course placement for optimal learning. Beginners may skip the test and start at Basic Level 1.

Is there a fee for the placement test?
No, the placement test is free of charge.

How is the placement test conducted?
The placement test is a two-step process:

Step 1: Complete a brief survey (approx. 6 minutes) to assess your Chinese proficiency.

Step 2: Based on your survey result, take the written test (approx. 1-2 hours), which will guide you to the appropriate test level.

Placement recommendation will be emailed within 5-7 working days after completing both steps. Start the test early to avoid missing the enrolment deadline. Take the online placement test here!


  • The test must be completed in one sitting without interruption. Make sure you can dedicate the full duration before starting.
  • You can take the test on mobile devices, but a larger screen is recommended for the best experience.
  • Ensure that Chinese input is enabled, as some sections require typing in Chinese characters.

How long is the placement recommendation valid?

The recommendation is valid for 6 months from the date of notification.

Can I enrol based on my existing HSK result?
Our programme follows the HSK syllabus, but the learning pace may differ. We recommend taking our placement test to receive a tailored course recommendation.

Attendance & Post-course Assessment

Why is Singpass required for attendance tracking?

For SSG-funded courses, attendance is recorded via the Singpass to comply with SSG’s digital attendance system. Please ensure your Singpass is set up and functional. Technical issues should be documented for appeals to SSG.

What is the attendance policy?
Participants must attain a minimum of 70% in-class attendance to ensure optimal learning.

What if I miss a lesson?
Make-up lessons are not provided, as the same course may not be available during the period.

Is the post-course test compulsory?
Yes, the post-course test is required to assess your learning progress. Passing the test allows you to receive a Certificate of Attainment, which is necessary to progress to the next level of the course.

If I fail the post-course test, can I still enrol in the next level?
If you fail the post-course test, you will be advised to take a supplementary test (with an applicable fee). Alternatively, you may reach out to the course coordinator for a placement test to assess your readiness for the next level.

Funding & Eligibility

What funding schemes available?

National Silver Academy Subsidy (NSA): 50% funding for SCs aged ≥50
Eligible participants only need to pay the nett course fees (after NSA subsidy) during enrolment.

Will I incur a penalty if I fail the post-course test under NSA subsidy?
No, there is no penalty.

Are there SSG funding schemes like the 50% baseline funding, 70% MCES, or ETSS grant available for this programme?
No, this program is not eligible for SSG funding. It is only available through SkillsFuture Credit (Base Tier).

Can I use SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) to pay for course fees?
Yes, you can use SFC along with NSA subsidy, except for the $4,000 Mid-Career Tier Credit, which is not eligible. Please note that the registration fee is non-claimable. Eligible Singaporeans can access their SFC account here.

Can I use my PSEA to pay for course fees?
Yes, if you are below the age of 31. Contact PSEA Customer Service at 6260 0777 to check your balance. For more information on utilising the PSEA, click here.

Can I combine PSEA and SFC to pay for course fees?
Yes, but ensure sufficient funds in both accounts to avoid rejections or delays.

Is there a limit to the amount of SFC or PSEA funds that I can use?
No, there is no limit, provided there is a sufficient balance in your account. These funds can only be used to pay for course fees.

Can I use CPF for payment?
No, CPF Education Scheme applies only to full-time undergraduate programmes.

Is the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) applicable?
Yes, all courses under the Daily Chinese – HSK programme are eligible. Check the NTUC portal for eligibility details.

Can I use NTU Alumni Course Credits?
No, NTU Alumni Course Credits cannot be used for the courses.

Withdrawal & Refund

Can I get a refund if I withdraw from the course?

Yes, but the refund depends on when your withdrawal request is submitted. Any applicable discounts or government subsidy/funding support will be voided, and the refund will be calculated based on the full course fee. The registration fee is non-refundable.

  • More than 30 days before course commencement: 100% refund of paid course fees
  • 15 to 30 days before course commencement: 50% of the course fees will be refunded
  • Less than 15 days before course commencement: No refund

For full details, refer to the Terms & Conditions in the enrolment form.

How are refunds processed?
Refunds are processed via GIRO to the participant or sponsoring company listed on the Receipt/Invoice. Bank details or other necessary documents will be required.