Welcome Message

NTU EEE Alumni

Welcome!  NTU EEE produces 1,000 graduates every year and we currently have more than 31,000 alumni globally.  Our alumni are doing extraordinarily well in their chosen careers, making meaning contributions to various disciplines.

The school aims to produce outstanding students and successful alumni in diverse cultures.  We work closely with the EEE Alumni Association (EEEAA) to enhance the cohesiveness of the NTU EEE community.  We share the common vision of fostering close connections between alumni, students, the school and the industries.

Moving forward, we would like to hear from you about your stories and experiences in NTU EEE.  Your sharing will encourage and attract like-minded alumni and students to enrich their lifelong learning experiences.  We wish you every success in your future endeavours and hope to see you at EEE alumni events.

Hello! EEE Alumni

Welcome to “Hello, EEE Alumni”, a casual platform for EEE alumni to connect, share and network.  The platform allows alumni to share experiences, lessons and insights with others in the EEE family.  You can share your travel experiences and career insights, request for networking opportunities, or even put out an appeal for your fellow alumni friends to join interest groups.  Enjoy reading the various quests shown on this site.  You are also welcome to share your experiences with us by writing to Ms May Lim (ecmlim@ntu.edu.sg).