EEE Research Apprentice Program (RAP)

Established in 2021, EEE RAP is a research program that aims to provide highly talented undergraduate students with exclusive opportunities to interact with EEE faculty members and gain research experience in cutting-edge science and technology.

Key Benefits

  • Opportunity to perform paid research activities with faculty members of students’ choice (up to S$200/month for eligible students)
  • Opportunity to attend international conferences with full financial support
  • Opportunity to participate in organising a EEE UG/MSc research day along with the RAP peers and alumni
  • Regular lunch/dinner gathering activities with faculty members and RAP alumni


Meet Our Committee

RAP is a student-led program, and we focus on ensuring that students can effectively pursue their research and attain their research goals. We manage and organise events for students and faculty members to learn more about research.


Who Can Apply

  • Year 2 and 3 undergraduate students in EEE as of AY2022-23 S2
  • Current master by coursework (MSc) students in EEE
  • Candidates must have a CGPA higher than or equal to 4.0
  • Current and past RAP students are not eligible to apply

Contact us at [email protected]


For further enquiries, please contact:  

EEE RAP Student Committee

Email: [email protected]



Assistant Professor Nam Donguk

Chair, EEE RAP Faculty Committee

Email: [email protected]