Published on 10 Aug 2022

Microsoft Virtual Hackathon 2022 for Geolytics

Final year EEE student Aishik Nagar and Ritik Bhatia, from the School of Computer Science and Engineering, were crowned champions at the Microsoft Virtual Hackathon 2022 for Geolytics.AI, an AI-enabled platform for #naturaldisaster #riskmanagement to build disaster-resilient communities. They beat some 700 tech enthusiasts, developers, engineers, designers and entrepreneurs from 15 countries in Asia-Pacific to take home two prizes, a USD5,000 cash prize for coming in first and USD1.000 for the Best Use of Azure. The duo has also been accepted into the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub.

“We were absolutely thrilled and elated to find out that we had won. It had been an incredible journey and to see our hard work come be recognised on such a global scale was humbling and motivational for us. The esteemed judging panel comprising Justin Baird FRSA (CTO APAC, Microsoft), Gandhali Samant (Director, Github) and Annie Mathew (Director, Microsoft Asia Pacific) provided us with great inputs and feedback to take our project forward. Winning this competition has given us the perfect opportunity, credibility, and platform to take Geolytics.AI forward to build resilient communities,” said Aishik.