
The School boasts a strong cadre of over 120 full-time faculty members with a broad spectrum of teaching and research expertise educated in renowned universities, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, University of Cambridge, and Imperial College London, etc.

Complementing the highly cited and internationally recognised faculty, including many fellows of various professional societies, is a pool of extremely talented and competitive young faculty recruited from top institutions worldwide.

Our faculty publishes an average of more than 900 journal papers and close to 500 conference papers per year. Over the last 5 years, more than 530 patents have been filed and more than 100 have been granted. 


Emeritus Professor

Er Meng Hwa

Prof Er Meng Hwa
Emeritus Professor
Office: S1 B1A 27
Email:  emher@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Satellite Engineering; Smart Antenna Array Signal Processing; Distributed and Collaborative Signal Processing for Sensor Networks; Deep Learning for Communication Signal Classification; Big Data and AI in Education; Science of Learning and Learning Engineering

Gooi Hoay Beng
Prof Gooi Hoay Beng
Emeritus Associate Professor 
Email:  EHBGOOI@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Microgrids, Energy Storage; Renewable Energy; Virtual Power Plants; Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading;  Forecast; Scheduling Applications; Network Applications
Kam Chan Hin

Prof Kam Chan Hin
Emeritus Professor
Office: S1 B1A 23
Email: echkam@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Nonlinear Optics; Quantum Optics; Quantum Transport; Nanophotonics

Koh Soo Ngee

Prof Koh Soo Ngee
Emeritus Professor
Email: esnkoh@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Speech and Audio Coding, Speech Enhancement, and Blind Source Separation

Ser Wee

Assoc Prof Ser Wee
Emeritus Associate Professor
Email: ewser@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Signal Processing; Machine Learning; Medical Devices


Chang Chip Hong

Prof Chang Chip Hong
Office: Room S2 B2C 97
Phone: 67905873
Email: echchang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Hardware Security; Residue Number Systems; Low-power; Low-voltage and Fault-tolerant Arithmetic Circuits; Design Automation of VLSI Digital Circuits; Application-specific Digital Signal Processing Algorithm and Architectures

Chang, Joseph Sylvester

Prof Chang, Joseph Sylvester
Office: Room S1 B1B 60
Phone: 67904424
Email: ejschang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Bioengineering; Instrumentation; Otolaryngology; Audiology; Psychoacoustics and Acoustics; Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems; Power Management; Fully-integrated Converters and for Radio-Frequency Systems; Digital Circuits and Systems; Asynchronous-logic; High-reliability Electronics; Laser and Leavy-ion testing; Space-grade and for Level-4 and -5 Autonomous Systems; Flexible Electronics

Cheng Tee Hiang

Prof Cheng Tee Hiang
Office: Room S1 B1C 107
Phone: 67904534
Email: ethcheng@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Optical Communication and Networking; Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET); Complex Networks; Network Security

Hilmi Volkan Demir

Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir
Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences (Joint Appointment)
Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering (Courtesy Appointment)
Director, LUMINOUS! Center of Excellence for Semiconductor Lighting & Displays (LUMINOUS!)
Office: Room S2 B2C 100
Phone: 67905395
Email: hvdemir@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Semiconductor; Nanocrystals; Nanophotonics; LEDs Lighting Sensing

Gan Woon Seng

Prof Gan Woon Seng
Director, Smart Nation Translational Lab
Office: Room S2 B2B 68
Phone: 67904538
Email: ewsgan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Active Noise Control for Hearables and Open Window; Spatial Audio Processing; AI for Sound

Gao Weibo

Prof Gao Weibo
Chair, the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Dieter Schwarz Endowed Professor in Quantum Sovereignty and Resilience (QUASAR)
Director, Quantum Science and Engineering Centre's (QSec), COE
Director, CN Yang Scholars Programme
Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences (Joint Appointment)
Office: Room S1 B1A 16
Phone: 67905402
Email: d-eee@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Quantum Information Science and Engineering; 2D Materials Photonics and Transport

Goel Lalit K

Prof Lalit Kumar Goel
Director, Renaissance Engineering Programme
Director, India Connect
Office: Room ABN B2B 11E
Phone: 67904542
Email: elkgoel@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Power System Reliability; Cost/benefit Considerations; Deregulated Power Markets; Renewable Energy; Power System Analysis

Guan Yong Liang

Prof Guan Yong Liang
Associate Vice President (Infrastructure & Programmes)
Co-Director, Continental-NTU Corporate Lab (FOCUS)
Office: Room S1 B1C 100
Phone: 67905875
Email: eylguan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Coding and Signal processing for Communication System and Data Storage System; Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication; Anytime/LDPC/Turbo Coding and Decoding; Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) Coding and Techniques; Channel Modelling; Vehicular and Powerline Communication Channel 

Hu Guoqing

Prof Hu Guoqiang
Assistant Dean (Research), College of Engineering
Office: Room S1 B1B 56
Phone: 67904362
Email: gqhu@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Optimization and Game Theory; AI Algorithms; Robotics and Smart City Applications

Kot Chichung Alex

Prof Kot Chichung, Alex
Director, NTU-PKU Joint Research Institute
Director, Rapid-Rich Object Search Lab (ROSE Lab)
Office: Room S1 B1A 20
Phone: 67904946
Email: eackot@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Signal Processing for communication; Biometrics; Image Forensics and Information Security

Erick Lansard

Prof Erick Lansard
Professor (Practice)
Office: Room S1 B1C 81
Phone: 67904848
Email: erick.lansard@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Advanced Space Systems: Design, Technologies, Applications Environmental changes & impact on Society Innovation

Lee Yee Hui

Prof Lee Yee Hui
Office: Room S2 B2C 81
Phone: 67906188
Email: eyhlee@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Antenna Design; Computational Electromagnetics; Electromagnetic; Compatibility and Susceptibility; Channel Characterisation; Rain Propagation

Ng Geok Lng

Prof Ng Geok Ing
Director, Centre for Micro- & Nano-Electronics (CMNE)
Office: Room S2 B2B 69
Phone: 67905013
Email: eging@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Gallium Nitride (GaN) High-Electron-Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) on Silicon Substrate; III-V Compound Semiconductor Devices for High-Frequency and Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) Applications

Soh Yeng Chai

Prof Soh Yeng Chai
Office: Room S2 B2B 62
Phone: 67905423
Email: eycsoh@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Robust System Theory and applications; Estimation and Filtering; Signal and Information Processing; Hybrid Systems and Applications; Optical Signal Processing

Su Rong

Prof Su Rong
Director, Centre for System Intelligence and Efficiency (CSIE)
Office: Room S1 B1B 59
Phone: 67906042
Email: rsu@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests : Supervisory control; Model-based Diagnosis; Cyber Security Analysis; Simulation; Formation Control, Output Regulation; Sliding Mode Control; Applications in Smart Cities; Smart Manufacturing; Intelligent Transportation; Smart Buildings

Tan Chuan Seng

Prof Tan Chuan Seng
Co-Director, the National Centre for Advanced Integrated Photonics 
Office: Room S2 B2C 85
Phone: 67905636
Email: tancs@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: 3D Packaging and Integration; Group-IV Hetero-Epitaxy (Si, Ge, Sn) and Devices

Tan Ooi Kiang

Prof Tan Ooi Kiang
Deputy Provost (Education)
Office: Room ADM 05 05
Phone: 65927937
Email: eoktan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Sensors, Actuators, and Smart Materials; Nanoelectronics and Functional Materials and Devices; Design for Electronics, Bio-medical, Functional Sensor and Actuator Applications

Tan Yap Peng
Prof Tan Yap Peng
Associate Vice President (Lifelong Learning - Postgraduate Programmes by Coursework)
President's Chair in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Office: Room S1 B1B 48
Phone: 67905872
Email: eyptan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Image and Video Processing; Multimedia Computing; Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Machine Learning; Data Analytics
Tay Beng Kang

Prof Tay Beng Kang
Associate Chair (Faculty)
Deputy Director, CNRS- International-NTU-Thales Research Alliance (CINTRA)
Office: Room S1 B1A 29
Phone: 67904533
Email: ebktay@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Preparation and characterization of wafer-scaled 2D materials and their heterostructures; Application of 2D materials for tunneling diodes, ternary logic and thermoelectric devices; Development of Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc technologies; Applications of diamond-like carbon / nanocomposites for wear resistive coatings; Low temperature transfer of carbon nanotubes for high frequency applications (such as EM isolation, passive devices, butler matrix, etc).

Tay Wee Peng

Prof Tay Wee Peng
Associate Chair (Academic)
Office: Room S1 B1A 01
Phone: 67906280
Email: wptay@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Signal and Information Processing over Networks; Inference and Statistical Privacy for Networks; Machine Learning; Distributed Inference and Learning; Detection, Estimation and Optimization

Tjin Swee Chuan

Prof Tjin Swee Chuan
President's Chair in Photonics 
Associate Provost (Continuing Education), President's Office 
Chief Executive, PaCE
Chairman, LUX Photonics Consortium
Co-Director, The Photonics Institute (TPI) 
Office: Room ADM 05 03A
Phone: 67904845
Email: esctjin@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Fibre Optic Sensors; Biomedical Engineering and Biophotonics

Wang Dan Wei

Prof Wang Dan Wei
Office: Room S2 B2C 96
Phone: 67905376
Email: edwwang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Iterative Learning Control; Repetitive Control; Manipulator/Mobile Robot Dynamics, Path Planning, and control; Model-based Fault Diagnosis and Identification as well as Prognosis; Satellite Formation Flying

Wang Qijie

Prof Wang Qijie
Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences (Joint Appointment)
Associate Dean (Graduate Studies)
Office: Room N1.3 B1 08
Phone: 69081392
Email: qjwang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Photonics and Nanophotonics; Semiconductor Optoelectronics; Laser Science and Engineering; and Mid-infrared and Terahertz Photonics and Optoelectronics

Wen Changyun

Prof Wen Changyun
Office: Room S2 B2B 45
Phone: 67904947
Email: ecywen@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Adaptive Control; Switching and Impulsive Systems; Iterative Learning Control; Cyber-physical Systems; Renewable Energy and Smart Grids; Intelligent Systems; Complex Systems and Networks

Xie Lihua

Prof Xie Lihua
Director for Centre for Advanced Robotics Technology Innovation (CARTIN)
Office: Room S2 B2C 94
Phone: 67904524
Email: elhxie@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Robust Control and Estimation Theory; Networked Control; Cooperative Control; Sensor Networks; Energy Efficient Buildings; Unmanned Systems

Zhang Qing

Prof Zhang Qing
Office: Room S2.2 B2 14
Phone: 67905061
Email: eqzhang@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Physical Properties and Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications of Carbon Nanotubes; Diamond-Like Carbon Films; CVD Diamond; Graphene and several other Nanostructures

Zheng Yuanjin

Prof Zheng Yuanjin
Director, Centre for Integrated Circuits and Systems (CICS)
Office: Room S2.2 B2 46
Phone: 65927764
Email: yjzheng@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: GHz RFIC and SoC design, SAW, MEMS, Acoustics; Bio-IC System and Circuits, Biomedical Imaging; Radar and UWB Communication System and Circuits; Adaptive Signal and Image Processing Algorithm and ASIC

Associate Professor

Ang Ding Shenp

Assoc Prof Ang Diing Shenp
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 95
Phone: 67906023
Email: edsang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Reliability Physics and Characterization of Nanoscale Transistors; Nano-Characterization Techniques; Characterization of Novel Devices

Arokiaswami Alphones

Assoc Prof Arokiaswami Alphones
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2A 29
Phone: 67904486
Email: ealphones@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Electro-magnetic Analysis on Planar RF circuits and Integrated Optics; Metamaterials; Periodic Structures; Microwave Photonics; Wireless Power Transfer using Metamaterials

Boon Chirn Chye

Assoc Prof Boon Chirn Chye
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2B 66
Phone: 67905958
Email: eccboon@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: RF/mmW/THz Integrated circuits Design & Testing; GaN/CMOS Design & Testing; V2X/WiFi/Imaging/Drones/Wireline/6G/7G Design & Testing

Chan Chok You John

Assoc Prof Chan Chok You, John
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1B 55
Phone: 67905394
Email: ecychan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Discrete Sliding Mode Control; Nonlinear Control of DC-DC Power Converters; Analysis and Control of Switching Power Converters

Chan Pak Kwong

Assoc Prof Chan Pak Kwong
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1B 45
Phone: 67904513
Email: epkchan@ntu.edu.sg 
Research Interests: Mixed-Mode Circuits and Systems; Precision Analog Circuit Design; Integrated Circuit Analysis; Circuit Theory & Applications; Sensor Circuits & Systems; Sensor Interface ICs for Biomedical, Chemical, Environmental; Nanotechnology based Sensors; Power Management ICs for Integrated Sensors and System-on-Chip

Chang Wonkeun

Assoc Prof Chang Wonkeun
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2B 51
Phone: 67904843
Email: wonkeun.chang@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Ultrafast Light-Matter Interactions; Light Source Development in Mid-Infrared and Vacuum-Ultraviolet; Ultrashort Pulse Generation; Complex Dynamics in Pulsed Laser Systems

Cheah Chien Chern

Assoc Prof Cheah Chien Chern
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1B 53
Phone: 67905385
Email: ecccheah@ntu.edu.sg 
Research Interests: Robot Control; Cell Manipulation; Visual Servo Control; Formation Control Adaptive and Learning control

Chen Lihui

Assoc Prof Chen Lihui
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1C 96
Phone: 67904484
Email: elhchen@ntu.edu.sg 
Research Interests: Machine Learning; Algorithms/Soft Computing (Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks) with Applications to Data Mining; Web Intelligence; Image Processing; Pattern Recognition

Chen Tupei

Assoc Prof Chen Tupei
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1B 44
Phone: 67904238
Email: echentp@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Nanoscale CMOS devices; ULSI technology; Semiconductor and Metal Nanocrystals/Nanoparticles; Nanoelectronic and Photonic devices; Memory-based Computing

Chen Yu Cheng

Assoc Prof Yu-Cheng, Chen
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1A 26
Phone: 82287812
Email: yucchen@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Optofluidics; Bio-lasers; Micro-resonators; Biophotonics; Biomedical Imaging and Biosensing; Medical Devices; Cellular and Tissue Diasgnosis; Nanophotonics; Plasmonics; Nanolasers; Neurophotonics; Neural-engineering; Novel On-chip Laser Devices; Bio-Intelligent; Bio-Integrated Optical Devices/Robotics

Cuong Dang Steve

Assoc Prof (Steve) Cuong Dang
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Innovation)
Director, Centre for OptoElectronics and Biophotonics (COEB)
Office: Room S1 B1C 79
Phone: 67904012
Email: hcdang@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: OptoElectronic Devices; Nano-Photonics; LEDs; Lasers; Quantum Emitters; Nano-Materials

Fan Weijun

Assoc Prof Fan Weijun
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 86
Phone: 67904359
Email: ewjfan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Semiconductor Band Structure Calculations by using Effective Mass Theory, Empirical Pseudopotential Method (EPM); Compound Semiconductor Material Growth; Characterizations and Device fabrications; Si Photonics; Spintronics

Erry Gunawan

Assoc Prof Erry Gunawan
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1C 80
Phone: 67905392
Email: egunawan@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Digital Wireless Communications Systems; Powerline Communications; Channel Coding; Spread-spectrum Communications and CDMA; OFDM; MAC Protocol and Radio-Locations

Gwee Bah Hwee

Assoc Prof Gwee Bah Hwee
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Outreach)
Deputy Director, National Integrated Centre for Evaluation (NiCE)
Office: Room S1 B1B 42
Phone: 67906861
Email: ebhgwee@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Asynchronous Circuits; Physical Hardware Attack; Hardware Assurance; Machine Learning; Image Processing; Class-D AmplifiersDC-DC Converter

Goh Wang Ling

Assoc Prof Goh Wang Ling
Associate Professor
Office: Academic Building North
Phone: 67904943
Email: ewlgoh@ntu.edu.sg 
Research Interests: Digital/Mixed-Signal IC; Sensor Circuits; Neuromorphic circuits

Jiang Xudong

Assoc Prof Jiang Xudong
Associate Professor
Deputy Director, Centre for Information Sciences and Systems (CISS)
Office: Room S1 B1C 105
Phone: 67905018
Email: exdjiang@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Pattern Recognition; Computer Vision; Biometrics; Signal and Image Processing; Statistical Pattern Classification; Feature Extraction from Image, Fingerprint Recognition; Human Face Detection and Recognition; Multimodal Biometric Fusion; Visual object Detection and Recognition

Jong Ching Chuen

Assoc Prof Jong Ching Chuen
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1C 76
Phone: 67904788
Email: eccjong@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Arithmetic Circuits; VLSI Architectures; Digital IC Design; Rapid Prototyping of VLSI systems

Khong Wai Hoong Andy

Assoc Prof Andy Khong Wai Hoong
Associate Professor
Director of Students (Innovation & Entrepreneurship)
Deputy Associate Provost (Student Life)
Co-Director Delta-NTU Corp Lab
Office: Room N1.3 B1 01
Phone: 67905489
Email: andykhong@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Microphone Array Signal Processing; Speech Enhancement; Learning Analytics; Machine Learning Algorithms for NLP Applications

Kim Tae Hyoung

Assoc Prof Kim Tae Hyoung
Associate Professor
Deputy Director, Centre for Integrated Circuits and Systems (CICS)
Office: Room S2 B2B 42
Phone: 67904001
Email: thkim@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Low Power and High Performance Digital; Mixed-mode; Memory Circuit Design, Ultra-low Voltage Sub-threshold Circuit Design for Energy Efficient Systems; Variation and Aging Tolerant Circuits and Systems; Circuit Techniques for 3D ICs

Law Choi Look

Assoc Prof Law Choi Look
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1A 11
Phone: 67905424
Email: ecllaw@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Digital Beam Forming Array Antenna; Ultra-Wideband Microwave Circuits, Wideband Channel Characterization and Modeling; Radio Frequency Identification; Wireless Networking; Positioning Systems

Lee Christopher

Assoc Prof Christopher H. T. Lee
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Research)
NRF Fellow
Office: Room S2 B2C 101
Phone: 67905369
Email: chtlee@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Electric Motors and Drives; Renewable Energies; Electric Vehicles; Electric Aircraft; Robotics; Wind Turbine

Lee Peng Hin

Assoc Prof Lee Peng Hin
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1A 09
Phone: 67904474
Email: ephlee@ntu.edu.sg 
Research Interests: Reliable Control with Performance; Assistive Technology; Energy Managements

Lee Seok Woo

Assoc Prof Lee Seok Woo
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2B 43
Phone: 67904363
Email: sw.lee@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: High Density Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries; Electrochemical Systems for Thermal Energy Harvesting

Leong Wei Lin

Assoc Prof Leong Wei Lin
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Academic)
Deputy Director Centre for Micro- & Nano-Electronics (CMNE)
Cluster Director, Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)
Office: Room S1 B1C 102
Phone: 67904389
Email: wlleong@ntu.edu.sg   
Research Interests: Organic and Molecular Electronics; Organic Electrochemical Transistors; ReRAM devices and physics; Interfaces and Surface Science; Printing processes for large-area and flexible electronics

Li Kwok Hung

Assoc Prof Li Kwok Hung
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1B 62
Phone: 67905028
Email: ekhli@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Digital Communication Theory with Emphasis on Spread-Spectrum Communications; Mobile Communications; Coding and Signal Processing

Lim Meng Hiot

Assoc Prof Lim Meng Hiot
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1B 46
Phone: 67905408
Email: emhlim@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Computational Intelligence; Reconfigurable Hardware Systems; Computational Finance; Evolutionary Learning; Memetic Computing

Lin Zhiping

Assoc Prof Lin Zhiping
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2A 14
Phone: 67906857
Email: ezplin@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing; Statistical and Biomedical Signal processing; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning

Ling Keck Voon

Assoc Prof Ling Keck Voon
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2A 22
Phone: 67905567
Email: ekvling@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Control and Optimisation; Online Laboratories; Embedded Systems; Model Predictive Control; Receding Horizon Estimation; Embedded and High Speed Implementations

Makur Anamitra

Assoc Prof Anamitra Makur
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1C 103
Phone: 67904013
Email: eamakur@ntu.edu.sg   
Research Interests: Compressed Sensing; Filterbanks and Multirate Signal Processing; Signal/Image/Video Compression and Processing

Mao Kezhi

Assoc Prof Mao Kezhi
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2.1 B2 14
Phone: 67904284
Email: ekzmao@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Machine Learning; Deep Learning for Big Data; Natural Language Processing; Image/Video Processing; Information Fusion; Cognitive Science

Ng Beng Koon

Assoc Prof Ng Beng Koon
Associate Professor
Associate Chair (Students)
Office: Room S1 B1A 15
Phone: 67906559
Email: ebkng@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: The Physics of Impact Ionization Process in Semiconductors; the Design and Characterization of Advanced Photodetectors, The use of Biophotonics Imaging Techniques for Medical Diagnosis

Ng Boon Poh

Assoc Prof Ng Boon Poh
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2A 05
Phone: 67906855
Email: ebpng@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Array Synthesis; Adaptive Array Processing; Spectral Estimation; digital signal processing

Kantisara Pita

Assoc Prof Kantisara Pita
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 89
Phone: 67906375
Email: ekpita@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Novel Oxide based Films; Nanoparticles for Photonics Applications such as Light Emitting Based Devices; Waveguide; Fiber Optics Based Devices

Poenar Daniel Puiu

Assoc Prof Poenar Daniel Puiu
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2A 27
Phone: 67904237
Email: epdpuiu@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Sensors & Actuators; MEMS; Si Processing; (Bio)Chemical Sensors; Bio-photonics; Colour Discriminators (e.g. using Triple Junction Structures); Miniaturization of Bio-Analytical Methods (e.g. Spectrometry, Electrophoresis, Chromatography) for (Bio)Chemical Applications, as well as Optical Detection for these Separation methods; Bio-photonics & Opto-fluidics

K Radhakrishnan

Assoc Prof K Radhakrishnan
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1C 83
Phone: 67904549
Email: eradha@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of Compound Semiconductor Materials including III-Nitrides; Development of Advanced Structures for Gas Sensing; Biosensing and Optical Detectors and Emitters; Device Fabrication and Characterization; Photonics Applications


Assoc Prof Rusli
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1C 92
Phone: 67905414
Email: erusli@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Amorphous Thin Films which include a-C:H, a-Si:H, a-SiC:H, a-SiN:H; SiC Power Devices; Silicon Nanowires

See Kye Yak

Assoc Prof See Kye Yak
Associate Professor
Director, Electromagnetic Effects Research Laboratory (EMERL)
Office: S2 B2c 112
Phone: 67906351
Email: ekysee@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Electromagnetic Compatibility; Signal Integrity; Electromagnetic Shielding; Railway Condition Monitoring

Siek Liter

Assoc Prof Siek Liter
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 106
Phone: 67905441
Email: elsiek@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Analog/Mixed Signal ICs; Low-Voltage Low-Power circuits; Power Management ICs; PLLs and Data Converters

Mohammed Yakoob Siyal

Assoc Prof Mohammed Yakoob Siyal
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2A 28
Phone: 67904464
Email: eyakoob@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Computer Vision; Image Processing; Medical Image Processing; Biometric-bases Security; E-Commerce; Watermarking; Computer Architecture; IT

Soong Boon Hee

Assoc Prof Soong Boon Hee
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 115
Phone: 67905398
Email: ebhsoong@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Ad Hoc and Wireless Sensors Networks; Mobility Management; Network Planning and Capacity Optimisation; Adaptive Video Rate Control

Tan Eng Leong

Assoc Prof Tan Eng Leong
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2.2 B2 24
Phone: 67906190
Email: eeltan@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Computational Electromagnetics/Optics/Acoustics - FDTD, ADI/LOD/SS, Fundamental Implicit Schemes; Hybrid Matrix; Scattering Matrix; Multilayered Biisotropic Media; Bianisotropic Media; Photonic Crystals; Phononic Crystals; Periodic Structures; RF/Microwave Circuit Design

Tan Soon Yim

Assoc Prof Tan Soon Yim
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1b 44
Phone: 67904505
Email: esytan@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Electromagnetic scattering and diffraction theory, localization methodology and propagation models for wireless communication systems and sensor networks, and non-invasive cancer detection. His current research works focus on non line-of sight localization methodology for mobile communications and sensor networks, Microwave breast cancer detection and magnetic therapeutic.

Tang Xiaohong

Assoc Prof Tang Xiaohong
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 87
Phone: 67904438
Email: exhtang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Compound Semiconductors and Photonic Devices; Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy; Nanophotonics and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Physics and Devices; Heterogeneous Epitaxy Growth of Compound Semiconductors on Silicon Substrate; Semiconductor Quantum Dot;  Nanowire Photonics and Electronics

Tang Yi

Assoc Prof Tang Yi
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Graduate Studies)
Deputy Director, Centre for System Intelligence and Efficiency (CSIE)
Office: Room S2 B2A 07
Phone: 67905416
Email: yitang@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Power Electronics; Power Quality; Renewable Energy; Energy Storage; Smart Grid

Teh Kah Chan

Assoc Prof Teh Kah Chan
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Students)
Office: Room S2 B2A 03
Phone: 67905365
Email: ekcteh@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: 5G and Beyond 5G Technology; Deep Learning for Wireless Communication Systems; Signal Processing for Communications; Performance Analyses for Wireless Communication Systems; Cognitive Radio and Cooperative Systems; Radar Signal Processing; Cybersecurity

Teo Hang Tong Edwin

Assoc Prof Teo Hang Tong Edwin
Associate Professor
Associate Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering (Joint Appointment)
Director, Temasek Laboratories @ NTU
Office: Room RTP-BX 09
Phone: 67906371
Email: htteo@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Nano-Composites and Hybrid Materials; BN Nanostructured Materials including 1D Nanodots, 2D h-BN, 3D BN Foams and Thin Films; Re-ordering of Chaotic Materials; Phase-Change Materials; Thermal Interface Materials; Thermal Management through Both Top-down and Bottom-out Approach; Space Materials; Bio-Materials

Wang Hong

Assoc Prof Wang Hong
Associate Professor
Director, Nanyang NanoFabrication Centre (N2FC)
Office: Room S1 B1C 94
Phone: 67905400
Email: ewanghong@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Semiconductor Devices and IC Technologies; Microelectronics & Applications; Nanotechnology & Nano-Science


Wang Lipo

Assoc Prof Wang Lipo
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1C 98
Phone: 67906372
Email: elpwang@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning with Applications to Communications; Image/Video Processing; Biomedical Engineering; Data Mining

Wei Lei

Assoc Prof Wei Lei
Associate Professor
Associate Chair (Research)
Director of Centre for Optical Fibre Technology (COFT)
Office: Room S1 B1A 03
Phone: 67905431
Email: wei.lei@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Fiber Sensors; Fiber-Based Optoelectronic Devices; Fiber-shaped Wearable Electronics; Multi-functional Fibers; Bio-fiber Interfaces; In-fiber Energy Generation and Storage

Wen Bihan

Assoc Prof Wen Bihan
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2B 54
Phone: 67904708
Email: bihan.wen@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Transform Learning; Dictionary Learning; Tensor Modeling; Image and Video Processing; Denoising; Super-Resolution; Inpainting; Restoration; Computer Vision; Robust Classification / Segmentation; Object Detection; Crowd Counting; Image Retrieval; Computational Imaging; Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); Computed Tomography (CT); X-Ray; Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR)

Wong Jia Yiing, Patricia

Assoc Prof Wong Jia Yiing, Patricia
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1B 58
Phone: 67904219
Email: ejywong@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Differential Equations; Difference Equations; Integral Equations; Dynamic Equations on Time Scales; Numerical Mathematics and Inequalities

Wong Terence

Assoc Prof Wong Kin Shun, Terence
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 103
Phone: 67906401
Email: ekswong@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Organic Electronics; Silicon Nanoelectronics; Characterisation Technique; Interconnects

Wong Liang Jie

Assoc Prof Wong Liang Jie
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2B 52
Phone: 67904868
Email: liangjie.wong@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Nanophotonics; Quantum materials; Free Electron Waveshaping; Ultrafast Optics; Nonlinear Optics; Special Fibres; 2 um Light Generation; 

Xiao Gaoxi

Assoc Prof Xiao Gaoxi
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2.1 B2 08
Phone: 67904552
Email: egxxiao@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Complex Systems and Networks; Optical and Wireless Networking; Internet Technologies; Network Security

Xu Yan

Assoc Prof Xu Yan
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 111
Phone: 67904508
Email: xuyan@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Power System; Smart Grid; Data Analytics

Yap Kim Hui

Assoc Prof Yap Kim Hui
Associate Professor
Office: Room S2 B2B 53
Phone: 67904339
Email: ekhyap@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Image/Video Processing; Media Content Analysis; Computer Vision; Human-Computer Interaction; Computational Intelligence

Yoo Seong Woo

Assoc Prof Yoo Seong Woo
Associate Professor
Deputy Director, Centre for Optical Fibre Technology (COFT)
Office: Room S2 B2B 50
Phone: 65927597
Email: seon.yoo@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Large-Mode-Area Fibres; Power Laser Applications; Fibre Amplifiers; Optical Telecommunications; Novel Silica Fibre Fabrication Processes

Yuen Chau

Assoc Prof Yuen Chau
Associate Professor
Office: Room S1 B1A 12
Phone: 67905420
Email:  chau.yuen@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Wireless Communications; Smart Grid and Green Building; Localization and IoT

Assistant Professor

Chae Sanghoon

Asst Prof Chae Sanghoon
Nanyang Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering (Joint Appointment)
Office: Room S2 B2B 64
Phone: 67905393
Email: sanghoon.chae@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Nanostructure Material-based Optoelectronics; 2D Materials Integrated Silicon Photonics; Photonic Memory Devices

Matthew Roy Foreman

Asst Prof Matthew Roy Foreman
Assistant Professor
Office: Room S1 B1C 77
Phone: 67904176
Email: matthew.foreman@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Optical scattering; Polarisation Imaging; Micro and Nano-Resonators; Plasmonic and Photonic Sensors

Ghias Amer M.Y.M.

Asst Prof Amer Mohammad Yusuf Mohammad Ghias
Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 109
Phone: 67905631
Email: amer.ghias@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: High Power Density Wide-Band-Gap Converters; Multilevel Converters; Novel Converters Topologies; Flexible AC Transmissions and High voltage DC Current; Micro-Grid

Hu Guangwei

Asst Prof Hu Guangwei
Nanyang Assistant Professor
Office: Room S1 B1B 39
Phone: 67904337
Email: guangwei.hu@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Nanophotonics; Optical Physics; Metamaterials; Metasurfaces; Photonic Crystals; Optic Crystals; 2D and Van Der Waals Materials; Photonic Circuits, Bio-Imaging; Computations

Huang Hen-Wei

Asst Prof Huang Hen-Wei
Nanyang Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2 B2A 08
Phone: 67906862
Email: henwei.huang@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Ingestible/Implantable Electronics; Medical Robotics; Translational Medicine

Hung Dinh Nguyen

Asst Prof Hung Dinh Nguyen
Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2.1 B2 09
Phone: 67904509
Email: hunghtd@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Complex Systems; Nonlinear Dynamics and Stability; Power System Operation, Control and Optimization; Dynamic Security Assessment/Energy Management System; Smart Grids

Kim Munho

Asst Prof Kim Munho
Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 92
Phone: 67904286
Email: munho.kim@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Development of wide bandgap nanomembranes and its device applications (high power transistors and photodetectors); Flexible/stretchable/wearable electronics and photonics; Silicon/germanium electronics and optoelectronics; Novel nano/micro fabrication processes for future flexible/wearable electronics and photonics; Development of semiconductor heterojunction with wide bandgap materials

Lee Sunwoo

Asst Prof Lee Sunwoo
Nanyang Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2 B2B 61
Phone: 67904518
Email: sunwoo.lee@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Autonomous Microsystems for Physiological Monitoring; Miniature Systems for Smart Farming; Heterogeneously Integrated CMOS as a High Density; High-Speed Opto-electronical Communications Platform


Asst Prof Mohammad Samizadeh Nikoo
Nanyang Assistant Professor 
NRF Fellow
Office: Room S1 B1B 61
Phone: 67905501
Email: mohammad.sn@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Electronic Devices; Terahertz; Functional Materials

Sia Jia Xu Brian
Asst Prof Sia Jia Xu Brian
Assistant Professor 
Office: Room S2 B2B 49
Phone: 67904506
Email:  jiaxubrian.sia@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Large-Scale Multi-Material & Optoelectronic Integration; Environmental and Pharmaceutical Sensors; Optics; Integrated Optics, and Metasurfaces
Chae Sanghoon

Asst Prof Song Peng
Nanyang Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering (Joint Appointment)
Office: Room S1 B1B 40
Phone: 67905438
Email: peng.song@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Spintronic Materials and Devices; Two-dimensional Materials Physics; Memory and Computing Devices; Quantum Materials and Technologies


Asst Prof Roland Tay Yingjie
Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2 B2A 32
Phone: 65922558
Email: rolandtay@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: 2D Materials; Additive Manufacturing; Flexible Electronics; Wearable Sensors

Wang lin

Asst Prof Wang Lin
Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 91
Phone: 67905629
Email: linwang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Bio/Neuro-inspired AI; Robotic Sensing and Perception; Multi-modal AI; 3D Localization and Mapping; Embodied Intelligent Systems

Wang Ziwei
Asst Prof Wang Ziwei
Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 83
Phone: 67906366
Email: ziwei.wang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Robotics
Yang Yun

Asst Prof Yang Yun
Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 105
Phone: 67905406
Email: yun.yang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Power Electronics; Wireless Power Transfer; Renewable Energy Technologies; Electric Vehicles; Nonlinear Control

Yucel Abdulkadir C

Asst Prof Abdulkadir C. Yucel
Assistant Professor
Office: Room S2 B2C 110
Phone: 67905403
Email: acyucel@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Fast Frequency and Time Domain Electromagnetic Simulators; VLSI/Microwave/Terahertz Circuits; Biomedical; Photonics; Wireless Channel Characterization; Analysis of Highly Inhomogeneous Media; Applications of Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Electromagnetics; Radar

Senior Lecturer and Lecturer

Eddy Foo Yi Shyh

Dr Foo Yi Shyh Eddy
Senior Lecturer
Office: Room S1 B1C 89
Phone: 67904519
Email: eddyfoo@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Multi-Agent Systems; Microgrid Energy Management Systems; Electricity Markets; Power Hardware in the Loop; Renewable Energy Resources; Machine Learning for Forest Recovery Management; 2D and 3D Point Cloud Datasets

Dr Ge Tong
Dr Ge Tong
Senior Lecturer
Office: Room S1 B1C 97
Phone: 67904535
Email: getong@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Analog and Mixed Signal IC design; Envelope Tracking Supply Modulator; Printed Electronics
Dr Hu Xiao
Dr Hu Xiao
Office: Room S2-B2a-11
Phone: 67904543
Email: xiao.hu@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Ultrafast Fiber Lasers; Nonlinear Optics; Machine Learning
Lim Wei Quan
Dr Lim Wei Quan
Office: Room S2-B2a-12
Phone: 67905380
Email: weiquan.lim@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Algorithms and Data Structures; Computability Theory; Logic and Foundation of Mathematics
Loo Xi Sung
Dr Loo Xi Sung
Office: Room S1-B1b-43
Phone: 67905429
Email: xisung.loo@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Mm-wave/THz Sensing Circuits; Green Electronics Circuits; AI-Driven Circuits; Visible Light Communication Circuits
Dr S Supraja

Dr S Supraja
Office: Room S1-B1b-57
Phone: 65148340
Email: supraja.s@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Natural language processing & machine learning, curriculum design & pedagogical practices, as well as, learning analytics & educational data mining

Shao Xuguang

Dr Shao Xuguang
Senior Lecturer
Assistant Chair (Lifelong Learning)
Office: Room S1 B1A 10
Phone: 65137648
Email: xgshao@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Refractive Index Sensor; Highly Sensitive Strain Sensor Based; Helical-Structured Multicore Fiber Based Sensors

Ji Jon Sit

Dr Ji-Jon Sit
Senior Lecturer
Office: Room S2.2 B2 02
Phone: 67904437
Email: jijon@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Near-Field RF Systems and Design; Wireless Power Delivery and Telemetry

Tan Chee Wah Wesley

Dr  Tan Chee Wah Wesley
Senior Lecturer
Office: Room S1 B1B 54
Phone: 67906009
Email: wesleytan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Wireless and Mobile Technologies for Smart Cities


Petr Vorobev

Dr Petr Vorobev
Senior Lecturer
Office: Room S1 B1B 37
Phone: 67905401
Email: petr.vorobev@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests Power Systems Dynamics; Stability and Control; Converter-Interfaced Generation; Energy Storage


Dr Yan Yamin

Dr Yan Yamin
Senior Lecturer
Office: Room S2 B2A 09
Phone: 67904239
Email: yamin.yan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Cooperative control of multi-agent systems, Cyber-physical systems, Security control of networked systems

Joint Appointments

Kwek Leong Chuan

Prof Kwek Leong Chuan
Professor, National Institute of Education - Natural Sciences & Science Education
Office: NIE 7-03-86
Phone: 67903823
Email: leongchuan.kwek@nie.edu.sg
Research Interests: Foundation in quantum mechanics including quantifying multipartite quantum entanglement; quantum cryptography, quantum synchronization, quantum computation and atomtronics

Tong Ling

Asst Prof Tong Ling
Nanyang Assistant Professor
NRF Fellow, School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Office: Room N1.3 B3 13
Phone: 63168879
Email: tong.ling@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Biomedical Imaging; Neurophotonics; All-optical Neural Interface; Optoretinography; Precision Optics; High-speed Interferometric Imaging; Nanophotonics

Shen Yijie

Asst Prof Shen Yijie
Assistant Professor
NRF Fellow, School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-10
Phone: 65141047
Email:  yijie.shen@ntu.edu.sg  
Research InterestsStructured light, optical angular momentum, quantum entanglement, topological photonics, skyrmions, nanophotonics, ultrafast nonlinear optics

Soci Cesari

Prof Cesare Soci
Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Associate Dean, Graduate College
Office: Room SPMS-PAP 03 03
Phone: 65141045
Email: csoci@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics; Organic Semiconductors and Plasmonic Materials; Specialty Optical Fibers and Cognitive Photonic Networks; Hybridization and Artificial Nanostructuring

Su Rui

Asst Prof Su Rui
Assistant Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-14
Phone: 65138479
Email: surui@ntu.edu.sg 
Research InterestsSemiconductor Optics, Microcavity Photonics, Topological photonics, Quantum Photonics, Condensed Matter Physics, Optoelectronic and Quantum devices

Wang Xiao

Assoc Prof Wang Xiao, Renshaw
Associate Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Office: Room SPMS-PAP 05 02
Phone: 65137418
Email: renshaw@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Material Fabrication of Strongly Correlated Electronic System and 2D Materials; Electronic Property Characterization on Materials and Electronics Devices; Magnetism; New Magnetic Materials; Spintronics Device

Yang Jianfei

Asst Prof Yang Jianfei

Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Office: N3 02b 59
Phone: 67904936
Email: jianfei.yang@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Physical AI; Multimodal AI; Large Language Models; Embodied AI; Robotics; AIoT Systems

Assoc Prof Sang-Ho Yun
Associate Professor, The Asian School of the Environment
Office: Room N2 1A 9B
Email: sangho.yun@ntu.edu.sg  
Research Interests: Remote Sensing, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Disaster Response, Environmental Change, Geodesy, Crustal Deformation, Climate Change, Inverse Problem

Visiting Faculty

Cho Mengu

Cho Mengu
Visiting Professor
Office: S2.2 B2 22 
Phone: (+65) 6790 5442 
Email: mcho@ntu.edu.sg

Charles Eachi

Charles Elachi
Visiting Professor, Nanyang Professor of the Practice
Office: S1 B1A 21
Phone: (+65) 6790 5437
Email: celachi@ntu.edu.sg

Carlo Sirtori
Carlo Sirtori

Visiting Professor  ​​
Office: S2.2 B2 45​
Phone: (+65) 6790 5378
Email: carlo.sirtori@ntu.edu.sg​

Dr.Shi Xu
Shi Xu

Visiting Professor, Nanyang Professor of the Practice​​
Email:  xu.shi@ntu.edu.sg​


Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Professor Philippe Coquet

Philippe Coquet
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (+65) 6316 2956 
Email: pcoquet@ntu.edu.sg

Chen Shoushun
Chen Shoushun
Adjunct Associate Professor 
Email: eechenss@ntu.edu.sg
Adjunct Professor Amit Kumar Gupta

Amit Kumar Gupta  ​​
Adjunct Associate Professor
Office: S2.1 B2 16/17 
Phone: (+65) 6592 3071 
Email: a.gupta@ntu.edu.sg

Adjunct Associate Professor Dr Dora Hu Juanjuan

Dora Hu Juanjuan ​​
Adjunct Associate Professor
Email: dora.hujj@ntu.edu.sg

Simon Liu
Simon Liu
Adjunct Associate Professor

Eric Phua Jian Rong

Eric Phua Jian Rong
Adjunct Associate Professor
Office: S1-B1c-86
Email: JRPhua@ntu.edu.sg

Adjunct Professor Poh Eng Kee

Poh Eng Kee
Adjunct Professor
Office: S2.1 B2 16/17 
Phone: (+65) 6592 3071 
Email: eekpoh@ntu.edu.sg

Adjunct Professor Inderjit Singh​​

​​Inderjit Singh​​
Adjunct Professor
Office: NTUitive 01 110 (Innovation Centre)
Phone: (+65) 6784 3696
Email: inderjitsingh@ntu.edu.sg

Adjunct Assistant Professor Dr Elva Zou

Elva Zou
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Email: elva.zou@ntu.edu.sg