Published on 24 Jan 2022

NTU Safety Awards 2021 (SHARP Category 2)


Congratulations to School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering on the outstanding performance and being one of the winners for the following awards:

 Health and Safety Performance Award 2021 – Bronze Award

 Health and Safety Improvement Award 2021 – Consolation Award

(Leader: Mdm Yang Xin. Members: Ms Seet Lye Ping and Mdm Chia Hwee Keng, Debbie)

Safety Star Award – Individual (Mr Chua Tong Sun)  

NTU Health and Safety Performance Award is a platform to recognize all the great efforts, including ideas or safety projects that the various Schools, Centres and Departments have done in year 2021 in fostering a safe work environment for our community.

This award recognize Schools/Centres/Departments that are a source of inspiration and pride.

These awards are based on the School/Centre/Department's occupational health and safety performance assessed against the assessment criteria.

School has to demonstrated great efforts in implementing Safety and Health within the workplace that was reflected from the assessment in the following judging criteria: 

  1. Leadership and Commitment by Management Team
  2. Efforts by Safety Committee 
  3. Consultation / Participation 
  4. Emergency Preparedness 
  5. Safety Moments 

The Health and Safety Improvement Award is to spur continuous improvement and recognize Schools, Centres and individuals, who have contributed in eliminating or managing Workplace Safety and Health hazards with fascinating, innovative and creative solutions to Health and Safety management. They range from genuine firsts – not seen elsewhere in industry, to delivering outstanding projects that belies their size and resources through improvement of processes.

In the year 2021, the School of EEE had submitted a project titled “EEE Researcher Safety Hub”. This project entails the creation of a one-stop service platform for the researchers in the school to upload all their safety documents, such as Risk Assessment, laser licence and chemical purchase record. This Researcher Safety Hub is beneficial to the researchers as they can now easily find the relevant documents required for their daily lab work.

This year’s Safety Star Award recognizes the BEST safety committee member in the School who has made significant contribution to improving Health and Safety in their School/Centre. This award is through nomination by the School/Centre's Safety Committee Chairman or School Chair/Centre's HOD and the nominee submitting a write-up based on the set of criteria. 

Mr Chua Tong Sun was nominated and won this award for his effort in handling all the chemical waste disposal and other chemical safety matters in the School. He has greatly enhanced the chemical safety in the School through his continuous hard work in implementing a process for chemical safety management as well as imparting the knowledge on proper and safe disposal procedures to all the lab staff.