Infocomm Media 

Prisma - a Universal Data Security Layer

Principal Investigator •​SCSE, A/P Ng Wee Keong
​Key Features and Innovation 
  • Prisma is a set of security products targeted at different types of data (files, tabular data, semi-structured data). 
  • Based on latest research in cryptography, Prisma is the only current technology that provides an ability to do full processing of data without decrypting it, which reduces risks of data leaks by orders of magnitude.
Potential Application 
  • Securing enterprise data
  • Strengthening enterprise data protection to make using public clouds safe and compliant
  • Protecting data in Database-as-a-Service systems (Azure SQL, Dynamo, SimpleDB, etc)

 Relevance to which Industry 

  •  Finance (Banking, Insurance, Audit, Investment)
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Retail
Figure 1. This illustration shows how Prisma/DB acts as a proxy between the end-user application and the database server in a public cloud. Proxy acts as a database server when communicating with the client application, and acts as a client application when communicating with the database server. Due to thoroughly thought out approach, the switch to encrypted database is transparent for the client application, no additional tuning is required on the client side, just redirect connection to the proxy instead of the database server.



Figure 2. The figure above shows illustrates that user application does not need to know that it is working with the encrypted database, the proxy assumes all the work to encrypt queries and decrypt the results.

Figure 3. This diagram shows that the secret en-/decryption keys that are managed by the Key Management Server (KMS) never leave the trusted perimeter. The DBMS (Database Management Server) is supplemented with additional procedures and functions by the proxy during the initial setup. After that, proxy uses these additional routines to facilitate processing of encrypted data in the DBMS.


A Low-cost, Fast and Realistic System for Personal 3D Telepresence  


Principal Investigator •​SCSE, A/P Cai Jianfei & SCSE, A/P Cham Tat Jen

​Key Features and Innovation 
  •  3D telepresence (such as 3D Skype), as a next-generation multimedia technology, aims to enable remote users with immersive experience in the communication.
  • This technology offers a personal 3D telepresence system that does not need high-end equipment, does not need pre-calibration and is able to achieve real-time performance. 
Relevance to which Industry 
  •  Companies focus on video phone, video conference applications.

Figure 1. A snapshot of our developed system.


Principal Investigator​SCSE, A/P Wolfgang Müller-Wittig

Key Features and Innovation

  • A software framework to easily visualise information in an intuitive, interactive and engaging manner. The information is presented virtually on a multi-touch interface through a visual portal that serves as a one-stop information point or a data presentation dashboard.
  •  Text, images, videos, and 3D content can be easily integrated using a simple “what you see is what you get” editor which does not require any expert IT knowledge to be used. Various formats are supported like PDF, MP4, TIFF, JPG, PNG, X3D, OBJ, STL.
  • Information on organisation and portfolio for marketing purposes can be displayed at waiting zones, lobbies, or during exhibitions and fairs. It can also be used as an information and navigation tool, for example for exhibitions or in shopping malls.
  • A trial version of the Technology:

Relevance to which Industry

  • Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
  • Education
  • Information and Communications
  • Real Estate
  • Wholesale and Retail

Figure 1: Smart Services Dashboard – information visualisation for smart cities.

Figure 2: InfoLand – intuitive, interactive, multi-touch based marketing and visual communication instrument.

Real Time Traffic P​rediction and Route Planning  

​Principal Investigator •​EEE, A/P Justin Dauwels 

Key Features and Innovation 

  •  The smart algorithm can be scaled up to handle large numbers of traffic routes, which will enable the company to handle an exponential increase in deliveries.
  • It is also self-learning and capable of providing alternative routes to drivers to avoid traffic congestion, enabling companies to achieve the most efficient delivery routes, saving both time and fuel costs. 
Relevance to which Industry
  • Delivery industry which supports retailers in their logistics operations

Figure 1. Using technology as an enabler, Courex improved its operations, increased productivity and gained cost savings.