Medical Tech 

Metho​​d for Preparing a Patterned Su​bstrate and Use Thereof in Implants for Tissue Engineering

​Principal Investigator​  : ​​​​​MAE, Prof Chua Chee Kai  & MAE, Prof Subbu Venkatraman ​​​​​​​

​Key Features and Innovation
  •  Dip coated biodegradable tube with aligned microfibers pattern for guiding cell alignment 
  • Prototype available
Potential Application
  •  Substitutes for small diameter blood vessels
Relevance to which Industry
  •  Health and Social Services
  • Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
  • Biomedical

Controlled Release Technologies 

​Principal Investigator​  :​​MSE, A/P Loo Say Chye Joachim


​Key Features and Innovation

  • ​One-step process in producing encapsulation carriers that holds different compounds, while allowing timed-release capabilities of these compounds at different time points/period.​

Potential Application

  • ​For controlled and sustained release of compounds for a wide range of applications that seek to minimize human intervention.​

​Relevance to which Industry

  • Agricultural​​
  • Biomedical
  • Environmental
  • Food
  • Farming
  • Wastewater
Figure 1. (a) SEM image of a drugs-encapsulating double-layered particle (obtained through a one-step process)

 (b) Sub-micron sized double-layered particles showing encapsulation of two different dyes at different layers

(c) Raman mapping showing different polymers forming different layers and the localization of drugs in different layers.


Figure 2. SEM images of different encapsulation technologies (obtained through a one-step process) that would fit to a myriad of applications.

Intelligent Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Organs and Tumors from CT/MRI Images​

​​​​Principal  Investigator  :​SCSE, A/P Cai Jianfei & •SCSE, A/P Zheng Jianmin


​Key Features and Innovation

  • ​​In clinical practice, medical images are widely used for diagnosis, simulating surgery, training and etc. However, the volumetric measurements have been traditionally performed by manual contour-tracing of medical images which is carried out using standard optical mouse pixel by pixel, slice by slice. Such manual method requires considerable amount of time and man-power, which is very inefficient.
  • A software tool has been developed which represents the target framework for semi-automatic segmentation of organs and tumors from CT/MRI images. The software allows the user to simply draw some strokes on a few 2D slices of volumetric CT to indicate the organ or the tumor he wants to cut as well as the background, and then the underlying algorithm will segment out the 3D volume of the object and visualize it.

Figure 1. 1st & 3rd columns: 2D segmentation results on individual slices. 2nd & 4th columns: the corresponding 3D volume.


​Fast Kinect Based Human Body Measurement​ 

​​​Principal Investigator :​​SCSE, A/P Cai Jianfei​

  • ​​Key Features and Innovation

    ​The solution captures four views of a subject’s body and constructs a 3D point cloud for each vie​w.​​The point clouds are then registered and merged to have a full body cloud on which the body measurements are estimated automatically.

  • The method requires much shorter execution time than the previous works while still producing measurements with comparable quality. 

  • The method also only uses depth images from a single Kinect and does not require special setup or a prior human body template.

  • Prototype available.

​Relevance to which Industry 

  • ​​Custom clothing companies,
  • Tailor shops
  • Military or government agencies
  • Fitness and health care services whose products and services require body measurements.