Engineering Digital Economy

The Infocomm Media (ICM) Masterplan 2025 is to establish Singapore as a Smart Nation that leads the world in tapping the potential of ICM to drive economic growth, social cohesion and better living. We conduct cutting-edge research on infocomm technology to respond to this new digital economy development.


Advanced Communications

  • Multi-user test beds to measure and evaluate new communication technologies.
  • Digital information processing, inter-operability and wireless/quantum communications, and terabit optical transmission technologies.
  • Heterogeneous networks, large scale MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output), cognitive radio, optical fibre networks, wireless sensor networks, mesh networking, software-defined networking and 4/5G networks to reshape the communication industry.
  • 5G HetNets and TV White Spaces communications.


  • Built a no-line-sight localisation test-bed to support applications for police, fire service and search and rescue operation.

Satellite Engineering

  • Satellites for communications, weather study, observation of climatic changes and natural disasters.
  • New satellite technology for future generations of satellites flying in formation and constellation.
  • Create versatile nano-satellite mission for in-orbit technology demonstration.


  • Completed and launched the first four Singapore-built satellites (X-SAT, VELOX-I, VELOX-PII & VELOX-PIII) between April 2011 to June 2014.
  • To launch a climate monitoring satellite named VELOX-CI and a communication satellite named VELOX-II in 2015/16. An electric propulsion demonstration satellite named VELOX-III will be built by 2016.