Research Focus

In line with ERI@N’s mission to be a global centre-of-excellence for energy solutions RD&D, the structure of the institute is designed to achieve sufficient depth at various technology levels, along with the breadth of relevant research domains.
ERI@N integrates research across NTU in the content of the energy challenge, and then helps translate outcomes into industry and practice. Our research focuses on a host of Interdisciplinary Research Programmes, Flagship Programmes, an Accelerator and a Consortium Programme that cover the energy value chain from generation to innovative end-use solutions, motivated by industrialisation and deployment.
Find out more about ERI@N's range of programmes here.
Energy Systems
- Renewables & Low-Carbon Generation (RLCG): Solar, Wind & Marine
- Energy Storage (ES) and Hydrogen & Fuel Cells (H2 & FC)
Grid Systems
- Multi-Energy Systems & Grids (MESG)
Urban Solutions
- Sustainable Built Environment (SBE)
- Future Mobility Solutions (FMS)
- Power Electronics & Electrification (PE&E)
- Renewable Energy Integration Demonstrator - Singapore (REIDS)
- EcoCampus
Tech Accelerator and Translator
- EcoLabs Centre of Innovation for Energy (EcoLabs)