
The EcoCampus Initiative was launched in April 2014 to serve as platform to bring together Academia, Agencies, and Industrial Partners to collaborate in RD&D projects using NTU Singapore as a Living Lab Testbed.  These collaborations have allowed us to successfully achieve and be on track to our set targets and goals.

The EcoCampus Initiative will come to a close in 2021, merging ongoing activities progressively with those of ERI@N’s Smart Sustainable Building Technology group and other NTU programmes.

For more information or opportunities for collaboration, please contact Mr Alex Chong at​

The following lists projects led under the EcoCampus Initiative by Area. For more information, please contact Mr Alex Chong at​

Green Building Systems for the Tropics

Demand Control Ventilation for Energy Reduction in LaboratoriesAircuity, Joule Air
Passive Displacement Ventilation PDV Ventilation (PDV) based system for energy efficient cooling in tropics Air T&D
Liquid Immersion Cooling for Data Centres in the TropicsAlfaTech, 3M
Optimization of Chilled Water Systems using a Belimo Energy ValveTM: A Case Study in the TropicsBelimo
Low pressure drop filters for enhanced indoor air quality experience in haze situationsCamfil
OHSaver optimization tool testing at Chiller plant on campusHitachi
High Energy Performance material for tropical building envelopesMagorTherm
CO2 based heat pumps for hot water applicationsMitsubishi
New Generation Thermal Insulation Film for Fenestration in the Tropics
Building-wide Wireless Sensor Network for indoor air quality monitoring
Chilled Ceiling concept for energy efficient indoor cooling in tropics 
SGL Group
Intelligent, Demand-Based, Algorithmic Chiller Optimization for Buildings in the TropicsSiemens

Renewable Energy Integration & Smart Grids

Power mix management – microgrid solution on NTU campusAlstom, EDB Singapore

Smart Community Solution for Energy Management
DNV-GL, Green Koncepts
Demonstration of a full package Vanadium Redox flow battery solution for back-up powerGildemeister
Cloud Based Urban (Micro) Grid Information and Management SystemGreensync
Identification of Critical Parameter of Energy Management Strategy for Demand Response Participation in Academic BuildingsGreensync
Smart AC and DC Management Systems for Green BuildingsMurata
DC Renewable Connected Building Grid for Wireless Intelligent LED Lighting System (WiLLs)Philips, JTC

Sustainable Urban Mobility

Full electric flash charging (15 seconds) shuttle vehicles with charging infrastructureBollore
Personal Mobility Solution Research for Campus and BeyondGroupe PSA
Quick charging autonomous shuttle vehicles for tropical urban citiesNavya​
Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Testbed and Research​SMRT, JTC

Energy Information Analytics ​

Integrated Approach for Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency Management in Buildings
Benchmarking of the NTU Energy Intensity for the Eco Campus InitiativeEcoCampus
3D, Interactive & Dynamic Simulation Tool Using Virtual Environment and Multiphysics ModelingIES
Energy Intensity Study, Embodied Energy Calculations within Life Cycle AssessmentSustainable Earth Office NTU
Urban infrastructure optimization for Eco-Campus projectVeolia

User Behaviour for Sustainability ​

Sustainability Case Challenge: Chewing on RationalityEarthlink NTU, EcoCampus
Social Game for Building Energy Efficiency
Experiment under the Eco Campus initiative
BAGS&WORDS: Infrastructure Provision, Messaging, and Social Influence to Motivate Recycling in SingaporeWee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information NTU