Contact Us

You can contact us via:

[email protected] 
(for ntu users)

[email protected]
(for non-NTU enquiries)

Telephone: 6790-6158 or 6592-1813
Mailing address:Facility for Analysis, Characterisation, Testing and Simulation (FACTS)
Nanyang Technological University,
50 Nanyang Avenue, 
North Spine, Block N4.1-B4-10,
Singapore 639798

FACTS is located at the following two sites:


Laboratory for Advanced TEM of Materials (AToM), a dedicated site housing advanced transmission electron microscopes for FACTS and NISB

Located at:
61 Nanyang Drive
Academic Building North
Basement 4
Unit # ABN-B4b-10
Singapore 637335

Show location

FACTS @ N4.1

A dedicated site for SEM, XRD and surface analysis of materials

Located at:
50 Nanyang Avenue, 
North Spine,
Block N4.1-B4-10,
Singapore 639798
Show location