Final Year Project

The Final Year Project (FYP) (8 AU Core) is part of the curriculum and is compulsory for all final year students of the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE). It spans over two semesters (except CNYSP OFYP).

Final Year Project Timeline

Eligible students will be informed (via email) of the instructions and detailed timeline for FYP selection and allocation in Teaching Week 13 of each semester, prior to the commencement of the following semester.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have completed their Professional Internship/Attachment and are promoted to Year 4 and have accumulated enough AUs will be eligible to commence their FYP.

Students may visit here to check the minimum AU required to be promoted to Year 4 according to your Admission Year under “Classification of Students by Study Year”.

FYP Selection and Allocation Process

Students will be able to view the list of available projects from Student Intranet -> Academic Matters -> Projects, Selections and Approvals -> Final Year Projects/Programme Research and are to approach faculty to initiate discussions about project allocation. Faculty will discuss project requirements with students before allocating the project to them and becoming their supervisors. Once the vacancy is filled, the project will be removed from the list of available projects.

At the end of the project, students are required to submit a final report and give an oral presentation about the project.

There are 4 types of FYP:

- MA4079 Final Year Project - Majority of the students will do MA4079. It can either be fully sponsored by industry partners (IS-FYP) or self-proposed by student or a project proposed by the School.

- FYP-URECA - This is a continuation of / in relation with Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus (URECA) project. Please note that this is by invitation only to join URECA then do the FYP. The FYP-URECA and MAE FYP systems are not linked. Students must inform MAE Undergraduate Office that they are doing FYP-URECA and to inform the FYP-URECA supervisor (MAE faculty) to upload the project in MAE FYP systems and allocate the project to you. If the students’ FYP-URECA supervisor is not from MAE, students must find a MAE faculty to be the co-supervisor of the project.
*Note: Project must be related to Mechanical/Aerospace discipline.

- MA4211 CNYSP Overseas Final Year Project - This is for CNYSP students only. Students must also inform the FYP supervisor that you will be completing the project in one semester.

- MA4078 Work Study Degree Final Year Project – This is for WSDP students only. CAO-WSDP will send the WSDP-FYP form to students for completion.  


Industry Sponsored Final Year Project

About Industry Sponsored Final Year Project (IS-FYP)


The Industry Sponsored Final Year Project (IS-FYP) is fully sponsored by industry partners. The purpose of the IS-FYP is to provide the real-world context and apply the knowledge students have learned to practical problems. It will be mutually beneficial for both NTU and the participating industry partners. It is envisioned that IS-FYPs will enable NTU to establish closer relationships with industry partners.

 IS-FYP encourages students to work on problems in any of the disciplines of mechanical and aerospace engineering through a project requiring application of basic engineering principles, which have a direct industrial significance. The project may involve an in-depth study, investigation, product development, computer modelling and analysis, design, construction and testing and experimental investigation, spread over the whole academic year. Only single-student projects will be considered. Students are required to submit a formal report, demonstrate the project and also make an oral presentation on completion of the project.

 IS-FYPs can be initiated by an academic staff from MAE through contacts with industry partners or provided directly by companies (industry sponsors) who do not have any academic staff in mind. Projects undertaken during the Professional Internship (PI) may also be extended into IS-FYPs with the submission of the IS-FYP forms to the MAE Undergraduate Office.

 Every IS-FYP will be jointly supervised by supervisors from the sponsor company (industry supervisors) and MAE supervisors but will be graded only by MAE supervisors. IS-FYPs are undertaken by students not on a full-time basis since final year students are also required to read courses on campus. Therefore, students normally work on the IS-FYPs on campus during the semesters. Visits to companies during the semesters may be arranged with mutual agreement by industry supervisors, MAE supervisors and students involved in the IS-FYP.

 If any required software, equipment or material is not available in MAE, industry sponsors are expected to meet the expenses of the project. While primary guidance to the student will be provided by the MAE supervisor, the industry supervisor is obligated to provide the student with the necessary supporting information.

 While the Intellectual Property (IP) will be jointly owned, the industry sponsor will have access to all results of the IS-FYP. MAE and the University will not be held responsible for the accuracy or otherwise of the results and work done by the student.

For proposals with MAE academic staff as main supervisor

The supervisor will submit the proposal  online during the “Call for MAE FYP proposals”.

 For proposals without MAE academic staff as main supervisor

The industry sponsor is to complete the form and submit it to the MAE Undergraduate Office. Student may contact a MAE academic staff to be the supervisor of this IS-FYP or the proposal will be circulated among MAE academic staff for a suitable supervisor. The MAE academic staff will then evaluate and submit the proposal.


Report Submission

Turnitin Plagiarism Checker

A set of report writing guidelines can be found here. Students have to upload the final version of their FYP reports in full text via the Turnitin plagiarism checker on iNTULearn. Students are to submit the final version of the FYP report along with a printout of the Turnitin report to the supervisor.

MAE Academic Integrity Self-Checking Guide

Digital Repository of NTU

Students are to upload a softcopy of the full text of their final year reports to the Digital Repository of NTU ( DR-NTU) at this  link. DR-NTU is an online digital archive that stores and provides access to academic and research publications of staff and students of NTU. For enquires on DR-NTU submission, please contact the  NTU library.

 Students' reports which are considered to be confidential (e.g. those that contain proprietary or sensitive information of collaborating parties) are exempted from submission to DR-NTU. FYP supervisors will inform students if they are not required to submit the reports.

Submission guidelines can be found here.


Instructions for FYP Reimbursements via the ICS System


1. Per FYP is entitled to S$500 excluding GST. FYP fund is only for  consumable items​. It should not be used for purchasing of any equipment, computer peripherals and storage, telecommunication products, IT products and software, etc. 
*For items outside of consumables, claims will be subjected to approval. Justification for purchase must be provided with your FYP supervisor’s endorsement.

 2. For the FYP reimbursement claims, please go to your Student Intranet and use the Integrated Claims System (ICS) to submit your claims.

3. Scan your invoices/receipts and upload them together with your submission.
*For overseas or online purchase, FYP student will need to provide the invoice\receipt of the item, payment transaction of the purchase item, and bank statement transactions for proof of purchase if the payment is made by using credit card or paypal or etc.  It does not matter whether the invoice or receipt is in Chinese or English. For overseas purchase, GST is not an issue.

 4. Remember to provide the following details in the Remarks Box:

  • Your FYP Project Number (e.g. A011)
  • Academic Year and Semester your FYP commenced (e.g. AY2023-24, S1)

5. Hardcopy Submissions to School of MAE is not required.

6. You will need the following details to complete your submission

Cost Centre C160021200​
​GL code 75100010​
​Internal Order ​9000333

Verifier Karen Hong Kwee Ying
Recommender 1 Professor-in-charge
​Recommender 2 ​Nurshida Bte Sappuan
ApproverYeo Song Huat

Note: FYP Financial Guidelines for Students

FYP claims should be submitted within 3 months from the date of receipt and before the closing of the financial year (financial year for NTU is from April to March of the following year). You cannot accumulate the claims even if it is within the financial year. Please submit your claims promptly.

  1. For claims with receipts dated 01 April to 08 December, you should claim within 3 months from date of receipts.
  2. For claims with receipts dated 09 December to 07 March, you should claim by 8 March.
  3. For claims with receipts dated 08 March to 31 March, you should submit the claims as and when incurred.
  4. All claims must be submitted by the day of your FYP oral presentation.

For claims that are more than 3 months and fall within the financial year, please provide justifications for late submission and approval from the delegated approving authority.


Other Important Information

Other Important Information


  1. Students who wish to self-propose a project and require the School’s assistance to secure a MAE faculty as the FYP supervisor, you may complete the FYP proposal form and send it to


  2. Students are strictly not allowed to pursue FYP and PI concurrently except for ABP students.


  3. Registration of FYP (MA4079/MA4078/MA4211) will be done in Teaching Week 3 by the School for students who have been allocated to a project in the FYP system.

  4. Students who encounter issues along your FYP, please approach your FYP supervisor immediately for assistance. You may also approach our Pastoral Care Manager, Mr. Elijah Phang ( if you require further assistance.