LKCMedicine hosts junior college principals
LKCMedicine was delighted to host a group of junior college principals today at the Novena campus, to auspiciously ring in the new year, while also celebrating enduring as well as new ties.
With the arrival of 2023, the principals were due to hold their first monthly Junior College Principals' Committee Meeting (JCPC) and LKCMedicine offered to host the meeting. Right after the JCPC, the School presented updates to our MBBS programme, in particular on admissions and future plans for the curriculum.

Several principals were newly appointed and it was a pleasure to be introduced to them. Dean Professor Joseph Sung first warmly welcomed them, followed by a presentation by Assistant Dean for Admissions, Associate Professor Kwek Tong Kiat, with input from Vice-Dean for Clinical Affairs Professor Pang Weng Sun.
During LKCMedicine’s presentation, the principals asked several pertinent questions including qualities of an LKCMedicine student, the good doctor of the future as well as provisions for students with special needs.
The principals were then taken on a tour of our bespoke facilities, each stop facilitated by a teaching faculty. LKCMedicine’s Learning Studio, the Anatomy Learning Centre (ALC), Communication Suite as well as Practical Skills Lab were showcased, with brief overviews of the modern and student-centric pedagogical tools employed at LKCMedicine.

At the ALC for instance, Assistant Professor Sreenivasulu Reddy Mogali showed how anatomy is taught in a hi-tech hi-touch way, through the combination of ultrasound imaging, virtual dissection tool Anatomage Table, plastinated cadavers, 3D printed and pathological specimens as well as AR and VR tools.
At the lunchtime hour, the principals were hosted to a nice lunch while conversations continued to flow. At each table, more questions on the MBBS programme were fielded, with many of the principals keen to know how their former students are doing, given the intensity of a medical course. The School shared that the LKCMedicine house system was designed specifically for this, to ensure student wellbeing and progress is closely monitored by specially appointed House Tutors. The topic of COVID-19 inevitably came up at several points of the principals’ visit, with the hosts assuring the principals that while it presented many challenges, the School was able to adapt quickly such that student learning and experience was never compromised.
When lunch ended, so too the short but meaningful visit, with the promise of further touchpoints to ensure the principals and their teachers, as well as potential medical students are kept informed of LKCMedicine’s latest developments, aspirations and progress towards its vision to redefine medicine and transform healthcare.