Our People

Local PI

NameResearch AreaOrganisationContact
Prof Lee Pooi See​Electrically Induced Actuators Functional CoatingsNTU[email protected]
Assoc Prof Alfred TokNovel High Sensitivity Robotic Grips Soft Piezoelectric/Piezoresistive Sensor with 3D-ArchitectureNTU[email protected]
Assoc Prof Lydia Helena WongNanophotonic and Optical Sensor SensorsNTU [email protected]
Prof Chen Xiaodong
Multi-mode Sensing Array for Soft Gripper
NTU[email protected]
Prof Phee Soo Jay, Louis

An Extra Dimension of Grasping
NTU[email protected]
Prof Pablo Valdivia y AlvaradoComputational Control and Design Approaches for Soft Robot GrippersSUTD[email protected]
Prof Joel Yang
Nanophotonic and Optical Sensor Sensors
SUTD[email protected]


PI from Israel

NameResearch AreaOrganisationContact
Prof Shlomo MagdassiStretchable and functional materials for 3D printing of soft roboticsHUJ[email protected]
Prof Daniel MandlerElectrically Induced Actuators
HUJ[email protected]
Prof Meital Reches
​A New Generation of Thermochromics Materials with Ultrahigh Luminance Transmission and Solar ModulationHUJ[email protected]
Dr Lioz EtgarNovel High Sensitivity Robotic Grips Soft Piezoelectric/Piezoresistive Sensor with 3D-Architecture
 [email protected]
Prof Uriel LevyNanophotonic and Optical Sensor Sensors
 [email protected]


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