Kang Hao Cheong

Assoc Prof Kang Hao Cheong

Associate Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Assistant Dean (Continuing Education and Training), College of Science


Dr Cheong received his PHD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NUS. Before entering academia, Kang Hao managed a US$250M per year Academic Research Fund at the Singapore Ministry of Education. He served as an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Cluster at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) from 2016 to 2018, where he received the Annual Teaching Excellence Award in 2018. Subsequently, he was an Assistant Professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) from 2019 until October 2023, where he received the SUTD Annual Excellence in Teaching Award in 2022. 

Currently, Dr Cheong is part of the Division of Mathematical Sciences at NTU's School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), with a joint appointment in the College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS). He recently assumed the role of Assistant Dean (Continuing Education and Training) at the College of Science. 

Dr Cheong serves on the Editorial Board of Journal of Computational Science, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Contemporary Mathematics and Games. He is recognized on the list of Top 2% in the Stanford University-Elsevier study, 2021, 2022, 2023. As an Advisor to the publisher World Scientific, Dr Cheong provides strategic guidance to enhance their publishing operations and adapt to the evolving academic landscape. 

Research Interest

Trained as a theoretical and computational scientist, his research primarily explores the interdisciplinary applications of mathematical sciences, particularly focusing on complex systems' dynamics. His notable work on Parrondo's games exemplifies how disadvantageous strategies across various domains can lead to beneficial outcomes. He employs stochastic processes, statistical analysis, and computational simulations to investigate counterintuitive behaviors in diverse systems, including physical, social, biological, and computing system. His interests also extend to AI applications in the medical, healthcare, and education domains.

0815 hrsRegistration and Morning Tea
0900 hrsOpening Remarks by Dean, GPL 
0915 hrsKeynote Address
1000 hrsOral Presentation Session 1
1130 hrsLunch and Poster Presentation
1230 hrsOral Presentation Session 2
1400 hrsOral Presentation Session 3
1530 hrs3MT® Competition
1600 hrsAfternoon Tea
1640 hrsWinners’ Announcement, Prize Distribution and Lucky Draw
1650 hrsClosing Remarks


Graduate students from NIE/NTU can participate in NIEGSC 2024 as a Presenter or as an Audience. We strongly encourage the students to participate in at least one of the following. 

You may participate in more than one category. All the attendees will be included for the Lucky Draw automatically.

* This 3MT® competition does not count towards the compulsory 3MT® for all PhD students. 


Oral presenters will be given 10 minutes for a presentation followed by a 5 min Q&A session. Best oral presenter will be awarded.

Please refer to the guidelines here.

Poster presenters will prepare an A1 poster describing the essential points and features of their work. Best poster will be awarded.

Please refer to the guidelines here.

The 3MT® challenges participants to present their research within 180 seconds in an engaging form that can be understood by an audience without background in the research area. Top three winners (Champion, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up) will be awarded.

Please refer to the guidelines here.

The topics are not limited to the above fields. The graduate students can present their research in any field. However, considering the vast background of the participants, the presenters are strongly encouraged to avoid too much technical terms while presenting their research and make it suitable for the general audience.


Examples include but are not limited to fields and topics such as Educational Psychology, Counselling, Sociology, Special Needs and Early Childhood Education, Multimedia and Information Technology, Curriculum Development, School and Educational Management, Educational Management, New Literacies, Digital Literacies, Cross-Disciplinarity, and Psychology.
Examples include but are not limited to fields and topics such as Biological Sciences (Botany, Zoology, Molecular Biology, Agrotechnology, Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Biology Education), Chemistry (Natural Products Chemistry, Polymer and Surfactant Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Materials Science, Chemistry Education), Physics (Plasma Radiation and Microlithography, RF Plasmas and Materials, Laser-materials Interactive, Laser-based Biophysics, Computational Science, Physics Education), and Mathematics (Algebra, Analysis, Graph Theory, Mathematics Education, Mathematical Modelling, Operations Research, Topology, Statistics).
Examples include but are not limited to fields and topics such as English Language, English Literature, Literature Pedagogy, Comparative Literature/Post-colonial Literature/Contemporary Literature, Chinese/Malay/Tamil Language and Literature, History, History Education, Geography, Geography Education, Social Studies Education, Social Sciences, Music, Art, Drama and Performance, Drama Education, Emergent Asian Theatre Forms and Training, and New Approaches to Shakespeare Production.
Examples include but are not limited to fields and topics such as Sport Science, Exercise Physiology, Motor Learning, Biomechanics, Sport Studies, Exercise/Sports Psychology, Sociocultural Studies of Sport, Sports History, Sports Management, Sports Pedagogy, Curriculum Theory in Physical Education, Instructional Processes in Physical Education, and Teacher Knowledge and Development in Physical Education.

How to Register

Deadline for Registration and Abstract Submission: 05 August 2024

Confirmation of Acceptance: 31 August 2024

Scan here to register

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