About the Event

The NIE Graduate Student Conference 2024 (NIEGSC 2024) is a conference organized by graduate students, for graduate students. NIEGSC 2024 is a continuation of the previous NIE Graduate Student Conferences, which began in 2012 as “Graduate Student Day” and from 2016 as “Graduate Student Conference” until 2018. In 2020, the conference was organised as a webinar event (IGSW 2020).

This year, the conference is co-organised by the Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning (GPL) and the student committee.

Conference Theme

The theme of NIEGSC 2024 is From Insights to Impact: Bridging Research and Practice. The conference offers an opportunity for NIE/NTU graduate students to share their research insights and innovations, (re)connect and discuss ways to advance methodologies in research and pedagogy.