Advancing the development of lifelong learning, cognition and well-being
Our research programme brings together perspectives from educational psychology, learning sciences and analytics, and sociology to advance knowledge and innovation at the nexus of lifelong learning, cognition, and well-being.
In our increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world, education must prepare students for multiple changes in social and work conditions throughout their lifetimes. Lifelong learning refers to learning that takes place throughout the lifespan; it is self-directed, continuous, and intentional (Smith & Purling, 1999). It is undertaken throughout life, with the aim of improving knowledge, literacies and competencies for productive engagement in personal, social, civic and professional spheres. By focusing the lens on the natural propensity of human beings to continue to learn, we foreground the nature of learning and cognition as connected and continuous processes, which are personally significant and socially transformative.
A lifelong learner is motivated and self-regulated. By taking ownership of learning, students experience a sense of autonomy and the joy of mastery that is inherent to lifelong learning. However, these experiences are far from static ‘inner’ states of learning and being that can be easily measured and quantified. These experiences are highly sensitive to complex processes and contexts of identity formation and sense-making in relation to significant others in families, schools, communities and broader society. Examining sociocultural, historical, economic and political conditions and influences is paramount. To this end, our research programme advocates for the expansion of what counts as learning to transcend the instrumental goals of improved academic attainments, and towards the development of lifelong learning, cognition and well-being spanning the individual student to that of society.
Programme Purpose
We aim to examine and foster the development of lifelong learning, cognition and well-being outcomes spanning the individual learners to that of society. We also seek to develop and examine innovative pedagogies, curricula, tools and modalities that can better prepare learners for aspects of life that matter and mould them as effective lifelong learners.
In examining lifelong learning, we underscore the importance of (a) nurturing learners to embrace a lifelong learning mindset (b) helping learners to develop competencies, including 21st century competencies (21CC), that enable them to access and optimise learning opportunities. We are also concerned with understanding contexts and processes and developing methods, tools or environments that can support learners to engage in lifelong learning. We are committed to internationally-relevant and locally-embedded research-practice partnerships with schools, policymakers and industries that inform the design and enactment of innovative pedagogies, curricula and assessments that can better nurture future-ready and lifelong learners.
Research Questions We Seek to Solve
How can we motivate students in schools to maximise their learning?
How can we promote intrinsic motivation for lifelong learning?
How can we create a school environment that is conducive to optimising the well-being of teachers and students?
How can we enhance the resilience, character development, and well-being of students throughout formative schooling?
What factors influence how students adapt positively to change and overcome failure?
What knowledge, skills, attitudes and values (KSAVs) are essential for students to be effective lifelong learners?
How do we design and enact innovative pedagogies, curricula and tools that effectively foster lifelong learning competencies and well-being outcomes in diverse learners, across multiple learning contexts and over time?
What processes promote lifelong learning and optimise well-being? What are the institutional, sociocultural, and transitional conditions that support and/or impede these processes?
What Drives Our Research
Understanding and developing learning transfer mechanisms across multiple contexts
Developing tasks, tools and assessments (including learning analytics) that promote lifelong learning skills in and outside the classroom
Building character via formal and informal learning opportunities
Exploring and fostering metacognition in Singapore schools
Investigating the interplay between assessment and the science of learning
Psychobiological perspectives to subject content and 21CC learning
Mindsets, activities and contexts that foster resilience and well-being (including positivity)
Cross-sectional and longitudinal exploration of factors that influence students’ motivation in key subject domains and developing a motivating school environment
Figure 1 provides a visual illustration of the overarching and overlapping research foci that drive most of LLCW research. We also recognise that there are other topics and integrative aspects not illustrated in the figure.
Key Research Projects
Dr Caleon Imelda Santos
National Institute of Education [email protected]Dr. Imelda Santos Caleon is an Assistant Dean on Partnerships at the Office of Education Research and Senior Education Research Scientist at the Science of Learning in Education Centre, National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technologi ...
Assistant Dean, Impact & Partnerships, OfR Impact & Partnerships
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
Keywords: Education | Mental Health | Psychology | Science of Learning
Dr Melvin Chan C. Y.
National Institute of Education [email protected]Dr. Melvin Chan is Senior Education Research Scientist at the Office of Education Research (OER) and is affiliated with two research centres: Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP) and the Singapore Centre for Character and Citizenship. ...
Senior Education Research Scientist, Centre for Research in Pedagogy & Practice
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
Keywords: Education and Pedagogy | Psychology
Dr Betsy Ng Ling Ling
National Institute of Education [email protected]Betsy is a research scientist and lecturer at the National Institute of Education. She has been actively involved in education research since 2009. Her PhD research was on student motivation and learning in secondary schools. To date, she ...
Deputy Director (Academic), Research Support, Education Research Funding Programme Office, Centre for Research in Pedagogy & Practice
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
Keywords: Education | Neuroscience | Psychology
Dr Munirah Shaik Kadir
National Institute of Education [email protected]Dr Munirah Shaik Kadir is a Lecturer (Education Research Scientist) with the Lifelong Learning, Cognition, and Wellbeing (LLCW) Research Programme at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP), Office of Education Research (OER), ...
Education Research Scientist, Centre for Research in Pedagogy & Practice
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
Keywords: Education
Dr Khor Ean Teng
National Institute of Education [email protected]Dr. Khor Ean Teng is a faculty member at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. She is also a founding leader of Learning Analytics Special Interest Group at NIE; an editorial board member ...
Education Research Scientist, Centre for Research in Pedagogy & Practice
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
Keywords: Artificial and Augmented Intelligence | Education and Pedagogy | Science of Learning
Dr Koh Ruilin, Elizabeth
National Institute of Education [email protected]Dr Elizabeth Koh is Senior Education Research Scientist (Senior Lecturer) at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP), National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She received her PhD in I ...
Senior Education Research Scientist, Centre for Research in Pedagogy & Practice
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
Keywords: Artificial and Augmented Intelligence | Education and Pedagogy | Information Sciences and Systems | Science of Learning