Designing School Libraries of the Future (LOTF) Study

DEV02-20 LCE

Project Description

Globally, the shift towards disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence in the Fourth Industrial Revolution means that ever higher levels of literacy are required to engage in twenty-first century consumption and work. The nature of learning has also changed with greater need for critical and creative thinking, collaboration and innovation. Building on findings from an earlier Building a Reading Culture study (OER5/16), this developmental study focuses on school libraries as central learning hubs that support student self-directed acquisition of 21st century competencies.
Using a Design-Based Research (DBR) approach, the research team worked with three secondary schools between 2019 to 2021 to imagine, implement and inspire their school library collections, programming and technology for future-ready learning. This was followed by a one-year evaluation of the impact of the library design at each of these schools. Findings showed that refreshed school libraries contribute to students’ engaged reading, offer choice of different learning environments and support students’ wellbeing. Enablers and challenges for policymakers, school leaders and educators looking to redesign their school libraries are shared.

Other than the reports and publications, a Designing School Libraries of the Future Toolkit was produced for use by schools. The study was shortlisted for the President’s Design Award in 2023.

Project Implications

Findings from the study highlighted the crucial place libraries in supporting students’ reading, learning and wellbeing. The school library is particularly important for students with limited access to books at home.

Recommendations for Schools:

  1. Curate library collections and programmes to encourage engaged reading.
  2. Focus on a print first and digital complementary strategy, enabling students to have access to reading materials.
  3. Design inclusive spaces with multiple learning options to support students’ learning and wellbeing needs.
  4. Listen to teachers’ and students’ voices to better understand how to ensure school library redesign meets stakeholders’ needs.
  5. Ensure that the school has a library committee comprising the Vice-Principal, library and different subject-teachers for library sustainability and innovation.


The project website contains project reports, peer-reviewed publications, accounts of innovative library redesign projects and other useful resources:

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