LSA Colloquium 2024

Lead, Sustain & Aspire : Nurturing Future-ready Learners

What are the affordances of generative artificial intelligence in transforming teaching and learning? How do we enhance education through the science of learning? How do we empower learners through assessment? Join us for an exciting colloquium on the latest trends and innovations in learning and assessment!

Date: 5 September 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 9am to 4.30pm
Venue: National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

David Carless

Professor, The University of Hong Kong (View full bio here)

Looi Chee Kit

Emeritus Professor, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University & Research Chair Professor, The Education University of Hong Kong (View full bio here)

Anne Rifkin-Graboi

Associate Professor, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (View full bio here)

Click  here for synopses of the Keynote Talks and Concurrent Workshops.

9.00 am - 12.00 pm

Opening of Colloquium

Ms. Lin Rongchan & Dr. Amir Rasooli

(Co-chairs of LSA Colloquium)

Welcome Address

Associate Professor Chen Wenli

(Head, LSA Department)

Keynote Talk 1 
Memory for Future Learners, The Importance of the Past

Associate Professor Anne Rifkin-Graboi

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Keynote Talk 2
Unpacking the Potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools for Optimizing Personalized Learning

Emeritus Professor, Looi Chee Kit 

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Keynote Talk 3
Learning-oriented Assessment for the Generative AI Era

Professor David Carless

The University of Hong Kong

Panel Discussion

12.00 pm - 1.30 pm

Lunch Break
(At participants' own expenses)

1.30 pm - 4.30 pm

Concurrent Workshop 1 - Enhancing Learners’ Well-being through Assessment 

Dr. Chue Kah Loong & Ms. Lin Rongchan

Concurrent Workshop 2 - Neuroeducational Insights: Leveraging Brain Science for Personalized Learning and Assessment Optimization

Assistant Professor Azilawati Jamaludin & Associate Professor Tan Heng Kiat, Kelvin

Concurrent Workshop 3 - AI in Education: Design Considerations for Learning Experiences with AI and its Key Applications

Associate Professor Quek Choon Lang, Gwendoline and Ms. Yap Chin-Fang

Concurrent Workshop 4 - Designing Fair and Valid Assessments in the Classroom

Dr. Amir Rasooli

Concurrent Workshop 5 - Deliberately Designing for Failure

Assistant Professor Tanmay Sinha

Concurrent Workshop 6 - Monitoring Student Engagement in Synchronous Online Learning

Associate Professor Wang Qiyun

Concurrent Workshop 7 - Increasing Interest and Engaging Learners with the use of Virtual and Augmented reality (VR/AR) Technologies

Assistant Professor Wen Yun, Professor Kim Kibum & Mr. Pang Choon Guan, Dennis.

Concurrent Workshop 8 - Promoting Self-regulated Learning in a Flipped Learning Environment

Dr. Yip Hoe Yin


    Date: 5 September 2024
    Time: 9am - 4.30pm
    Venue: National Institute of Education
      1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616

    *MOE ParticipantPublic
    Event Fee$60$330
    Copyright Fee$1$1
    Amount Payable$66.49$360.79

    *MOE Participants & Direct Hires Staff from independent schools, Specialised Independent and Specialised Schools

    E-Register here.

    *All information will be kept confidential and used for internal administration only.

    8 August 2024

    Payment Methods and Instructions

    1. Payment by Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard)
    2. Payment by E-invoicing (For government organizations that use E-invoicing, please indicate the sub-BU number in the application form.)

    Cancellation Policy

    1. A full refund provided for any cancellation or withdrawal done before 5 September 2024.
    2. No refunds will be provided to participants who did not show up during the event or cancellations made on or after 5 September 2024.

    Important Notes

    Please note that payment must be made before the course placement is confirmed.

    NIE reserves the right to replace an instructor for a course if the lecturer is unable to teach the course due to unforeseen circumstances. No refund of the course fee will be made to participants.

    Organized by: Learning Sciences & Assessment (LSA) Department
      National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Supported by: Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning (GPL)
    Advisors: A/P Chen Wenli & Dr Tay Hui Yong
    Co-Chairs: Ms. Lin Rongchan & Dr. Amir Rasooli
    Please contact us at [email protected].

    There will be Photography and Videography at the upcoming event, LSA Colloquium 2024.

    By attending this event, you acknowledge and consent to the following:

    • Photographs and/or video footage may be taken of you during the event.
    • These images may be used by Nanyang Technological University for promotional and marketing purposes.
    • If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please contact us at [email protected] or inform the photographers directly during the event.



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