How do I apply?
Please refer to NTU’s website for the admission period relevant to your qualification https://www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduate/admission-guide

a. Upon logging in the NTU website, choose Arts (Academic Discipline & Education) or Science (Academic Discipline & Education) as one your preferred choices. Select Yes - ‘to be considered as a TSP applicant’.

b. Go to MOE Careers@Gov and apply for scholarship in teaching.
What are we looking for in a Teacher Scholar?

Prospective Teacher Scholars must demonstrate:

  • Outstanding academic achievement
  • Creativity inside and outside the classroom
  • Passion for teaching and make a positive a positive difference in this world
  • Strong character and leadership skills
  • Energy, ideas, an ambition to learn and innovate
  • Interdisciplinary curiosity
  • Has vision and global perspective
  • Good level of maturity
Is NTU-NIE TSP a scholarship?TSP is not a scholarship disbursement programme. Applicants to TSP should also apply for MOE’s Scholarships and Awards. The successful placement into TSP is linked to the MOE scholarship/awards.

Students who are recipients of MOE Scholarships or Awards will automatically be placed on the NTU-NIE Teaching Scholars Programme and with full sponsorship by MOE.
What is the interview process like at MOE?MOE takes a holistic approach when selecting Teaching Scholars/Award holders. Beyond good academic and co-curricular achievements, the panel will assess your leadership qualities, analytical and communication skills, as well as aptitude for teaching.
What are the academic expectations of TSP students?TSP students are expected to maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 and above throughout their course of studies.

They are also expected to participate in NTU-NIE activities and contribute to the NTU-NIE community
Upon successful completion of the programme, what degree will I graduate with?TSP students will graduate with a Bachelor or Arts/Science in your respective Academic Discipline and Education with direct honours conferred, depending on your academic performance. Upon graduation, they will also be accredited with the necessary teaching qualifications. This is in contrast to graduates from other universities who will be required to pursue an additional year and a half (16 months) at NIE upon graduation, if they should choose to enter the teaching profession.

The TSP scholars will also receive a TSP certificate certifying them as a NTU-NIE Teaching Scholar.
How many subjects will we have to major/minor in at NIE?

You will gain content specialisation in 1 or 2 discipline. Student teachers in the secondary track must read a second academic subject.

Academic Subjects Offered at NIE:

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese Studies
  • Drama
  • English Language & Linguistics
  • English Literature
  • Food & Consumer Sciences
  • Geography
  • History
  • Malay Studies
  • Mathematics & Computational Thinking
  • Music
  • Physics & Energy Studies
  • Sport Science
  • Tamil Studies


In addition to a double major programme, undergraduates will also complete a minor** in one of these areas:

  • Art (NIE)
  • Biology (NIE)
  • Chemistry (NIE)
  • Chinese Literature (NIE)
  • Drama (NIE)
  • English Language & Linguistics (NIE)
  • English Literature (NIE)
  • Geography (NIE)
  • History (NIE)
  • Malay Literature (NIE)
  • Mathematics & Computational Thinking (NIE)
  • Music (NIE)
  • Physics & Energy Studies (NIE)
  • Social Studies (NIE)
  • Tamil Literature & CCE (NIE)
  • Primary Level Subjects (NIE)*

*  Primary Level Subjects comprise subject knowledge courses from two primary level subjects. For example, a student teacher with 2 teaching subjects (e.g., English and Mathematics) would need to have courses in both English and Mathematics included in the Minor for Primary Level Subjects (NIE).

** These minors are exclusive to NIE student teachers only.