Conference Papers 2019
- Govdeli. Y, Tran, T., & Kayacan, E., “Multiple Modeling and Fuzzy Switching Control of Fixed-Wing VTOL Tilt-Rotor UAV”, IFSA NAFIPS, IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Conference, 2019
- Panda, B., et al. “Rheology and Structural Rebuilding of One-Part Geopolymer Mortar in the Context of 3D Concrete Printing. In proceedings of Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials”. Springer, Cham, 426-431. 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22566-7_49
- Tay, Y.W.D., Panda, B., Ting, G.H.A., Ahmed, N.M.N., "3D printing for sustainable construction", Industry 4.0 - Shaping the Future of the Digital World in Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing, Academia Summit S2 Manufacturing International Conference 2019, Manchester, UK.
- Murukeshan, V.K., Pae, J.Y., Medwal, R., & Rawat, R.S., “Synthesis and the development of graphene-layered substrates for flexible wearable biosensors,” 3rd International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (TANN’19), 2019