Physics Programme

8.00amRegistration and Breakfast 
9.00amLecture 1: Exploring How Solar Cells Work by Assoc Prof Annalisa BrunoMAS Executive Classroom 1
9.45amBreakMAS Atrium
Lecture 2: Black Holes and Cosmology by Dr Leek Meng Lee  
MAS Executive Classroom 1
11.00amForum: University Life by Dr Koh Teck Seng 
12.00pmLunch (Poster Session)MAS Atrium
1.30pmHands-on Physics 1SPMS Labs
MAS Atrium
4.00pmHands-on Physics 2SPMS Labs
6.00pmDay End - transfer to Hall 
7.30pmStargazing (Dependent on weather) 


8.30amBreakfastMAS Atrium
Lecture 3: Nuclear Fusion: Harnessing the energy of Stars by Asst Prof Kyungtak Lim
MAS Executive Classroom 1
9.45amBreakMAS Atrium
10.15amLecture 4: Sand to Spin: From Silicon to Spin-Based Computing by Dr Gerard LimMAS Executive Classroom 1
11.00amForum: Value of a Science Degree
12.00pmLunch (together with other NTU Science Discovery Camp participants)SBS Lobby
1.30pmHands-on Physics 3SPMS Labs
3.30pmBreakMAS Atrium
4.00pmHands-on Physics 4SPMS Labs
6.00pmDay EndTBC


8.30amBreakfastMAS Atrium
9.00amLecture 5: Information and Energy for Quantum Systems by Asst Prof Nelly Ng
MAS Executive Classroom 1

9.45amBreakMAS Atrium
10.15amLecture 6: TBA
MAS Executive Classroom 1
11.00amQuantum Day Activities 
12.00pmLunch (Mingling session with faculty)MAS Atrium
1.30pmHands-on Physics 5SPMS Labs
3.30pmBreakSPMS MAS Atrium
4.00pmHands-on Physics 6SPMS Labs
6.00pmDay EndClosing