College Management

Professor Simon Redfern

Professor Simon Redfern


Tel:  (65) 6513 7188
Email: [email protected]

Associate Professor Emma Hill

Professor Emma Hill

Chair, Asian School of the Environment

Tel:  (65) 6592 1603
Email:  [email protected]

Professor Lars Nordenskiold

Professor Kanaga Sabapathy

Chair, School of Biological Sciences

Tel:  (65) 6316 2807
Email:  [email protected]

Professor Tan Choon Hong

Professor Chiba Shunsuke

Chair, School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Tel:  (65) 6513 8013

Professor Tan Choon Hong

Professor Phan Anh Tuan

Chair, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Tel:  (65) 6316 8761

Professor Sum Tze Chien

Professor Sum Tze Chien

Associate Dean (Research)

Email:  [email protected]

Dr Ho Shen Yong

Associate Professor Loh Zhi Heng

Associate Dean (Academic)

Tel: (65) 6592 1655
Email:  [email protected]

Associate Professor Chew Lock Yue

Associate Professor Chew Lock Yue

Associate Dean (Students)

Tel: (65) 6316 2968
Email:  [email protected]

Associate Professor Chew Lock Yue

Professor Liang Zhao-Xun

Associate Dean (Faculty)

Email: [email protected]


Associate Professor Adam Switzer

Professor Adam Switzer

Assistant Dean (Development)

Tel: (65) 65921762
Email:  [email protected]

Guillaume Thibault

Associate Professor Guillaume Thibault

Assistant Dean (International Engagement)

Tel: (65) 65921787
Email: [email protected]

Guillaume Thibault

Associate Professor Cheong Kang Hao

Assistant Dean (Continuing Education and Training)

Email: [email protected]

Natasha Bhatia

Dr Natasha Bhatia

Assistant Dean (Academic)

Email: [email protected]


Assistant Professor Bent Weber

Assistant Dean (Research and Graduate Education)

Email: [email protected]