Programme Structure

Programme Duration and candidature

Full time 
The programme can be completed within 1 academic year (2 semesters).
The maximum candidature is 2 academic years (4 semesters).

Part-time (For Singapore residents only)
The programme can be completed within 1.5 academic years (3 semesters).
The maximum candidature is 4 academic years (8 semesters).

Classes will be conducted on weekday evenings and Saturdays to provide flexibility for working professionals to complete the degree programme while pursuing their careers.  

Programme structure

The programme comprises 10 courses, inclusive of 1 course in the common core and 9 elective courses from 3 concentrations. Each course requires 35-40 hours of instruction and carries 3 academic units (AU).

I. Compulsory core courses: 3 AUs (1 course)
II. Electives: 27 AUs (9 courses)

I. Core (3 AUs)

To complete 1 core course. 

HG6001Introduction to Linguistics3
II. Electives(27 AUs)

Select any 9 courses from the three concentration areas below.

Language and Cognition
HG6101Research Methods in Psycholinguistics3
HG6102Language Disorders3
HG6104Language Development3
HG6105Multilingualism & Cognition3
HG6106Communication Sciences3
HG6107Reading & Literacy3
HG6108Language & Cognition for Psycholinguistics3
Language and Society
HG6201Research Methods in Sociolinguistics3
HG6202Investigating Discourse3
HG6204Multilingual Societies3
HG6205Englishes Around The World3
HG6206Languages Then & Now3
HG6207Language & Technology3
HG6208Quantitative Methods for Linguistic Corpora3
HG6209Language & The Computer3
Language Structure
HG6301Structure of Sounds3
HG6302Structure of Words3
HG6303Structure of Meaning3
HG6304Structure of Sentences3
HG6305Structure of Interaction3

 #The availability and number of electives offered in each semester may vary from year to year. 


Assessment and Examination

The assessment for the courses will usually be based on continuous assessment (CA). The CA component will consist of individual and group assignments and/or projects and other assessments. It may also include class participation and in-class quizzes.

For the award of the degree, students must:

  • complete and pass all 10 courses (30 AUs). 
  • attain a minimum CGPA of 2.50.