Localising Linguistic Citizenship
About the Speaker:
Ben Rampton is Professor of Applied & Sociolinguistics at King’s College London. He does interactional sociolinguistics, and his interests cover urban multilingualism; youth, ethnicity and social class; conflict and (in)securitization; and language education policy and practice. His books include Crossing: Language & Ethnicity among Adolescents (1996/2018) and Linguistic Practice in Changing Conditions (2022). He founded www.wpull.org and was founding convener of the UK Linguistic Ethnography Forum, directed the King’s ESRC Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Centre from 2011-2014, and is regularly involved in adult ESOL teaching with www.efalondon.org.
Date/Day: 24 February 2023, Friday
Time: 3.00pm - 5.00pm
Venue: SHHK Auditorium (Level B1-14)
In-person Registration: https://wis.ntu.edu.sg/pls/webexe88/REGISTER_NTU.REGISTER?EVENT_ID=OA23021318133459
Livestreaming on YouTube: NTU Distinguished Lectures in the Humanities Series - Ben Rampton - YouTube