
Division of Physics and Applied Physics

Full-Time Faculty

BRUNO, Annalisa
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (University of Naples ‘Federico Ii’)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 8083
Email: Annalisa@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-12
Research Interests: Novel Materials for Energy; Optoelectronics Properties of Semiconductors; Photovoltaics and Light-Emitting Devices
CHANG Guoqing
Nanyang Assistant Professor (NRF Fellow)
Ph.D. (National University of Singapore)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6592 1843
Email: guoqing.chang@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-08
Research Interests: Theoretical and Computational Condensed Matter Physics; First-principles Studies of Quantum Materials; Nonlinear Optical Responses of Topological Quantum Materials.
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Academic)
Deputy Director, Complexity Institute
Ph.D. (Cornell University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 8084
Email: cheongsa@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-03
Research Interests: Condensed matter physics; Computational physics; Statistical and complex system dynamics; Bioinformatics
CHEW Lock Yue
Associate Dean (Students), College of Science
Ph.D. (National University of Singapore)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 2968
Email: lockyue@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-04
Research Interests: Study of nanoequilibrium systems from the perspective of nonlinear and statistical physics with the aim of discovering new and fundamental physical principles.
CHIA Ee Min, Elbert
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 8132
Email: ElbertChia@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-13
Research Interests: Ultrafast quasiparticle dynamics of strongly correlated electronic systems.
CHONG Yidong
Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 2967
Email: Yidong@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-02
Research Interests: Theoretical photonics, including topological and non-Hermitian photonics; Laser theory and quantum optics.
DUMKE, Rainer
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Facility, IT, Safety & Health)
Ph.D. (Institute of Quantum Optics, Hanover, Germany)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 2969
Email: rdumke@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-15
Research Interests: Ultra cold atomic matter; Atom-chip devices; Bose-einstein condensation; Atom interferometry; Quantum information processing.
FAN Hongjin
Ph.D. (National University of Singapore)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 7408
Email: FANHJ@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-06
Research Interests: Nanowires and nanotubes: size/morphology dependent properties and devices; Functional compound nanomaterials; Nanoscale Kirkendall effect; Atomic layer deposition
GARBET, Xavier
Temasek Professor in Clean Energy
Ph.D. (Aix-Marseille University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 8095
Email: xavier.garbet@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-05-01
Research Interests: Physics of plasmas; Magnetic fusion energy
GU Mile
Associate Professor (NRF Investigator)
Ph.D. (University of Queensland)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 7175
Email: gumile@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-MAS-05-42
Research Interests: Quantum information; Complexity science; Quantum computation; Physics of information; Quantum foundations.
HAN Endao
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (The University of Chicago)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 8494
Email: endao.han@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-09
Research Interests: Experimental Biological Physics; Soft Condensed Matter Physics
HO Shen Yong
Principal Lecturer
Executive Director, Institute of Pedagogical Innovation, Research and Excellence
Director (Making and Tinkering)
Ph.D. (University of Toronto)
Phone: (65) 6592 7816
Email: hosy@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-07
Research Interests: Techniques for solving quantum many body problems; Foundational issues in quantum mechanics; Physics education research.
KOH Teck Seng
Senior Lecturer
Assistant Chair (Education & Pedagogy Development)
Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6514 1066
Email: kohteckseng@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-08
Research Interests: Quantum Information and Computation; Nanoscale Device Physics; Interdisciplinary Interface between Physics and Biology; Quantum Foundations.
LEE Soo Ying
Emeritus Professor
Ph.D. (University of Chicago)
Phone: (65) 6790 3723
Email: sooying@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-CBC-04-02
Research Interests: Time-dependent vibrational-electronic spectroscopy; Nonlinear spectroscopy; Femtosecond broadband stimulated Raman spectroscopy; Molecular reaction dynamics
LEEK Meng Lee
Senior Lecturer
Assistant Chair (Outreach)
Ph.D. (National University of Singapore)
Phone: (65) 6592 7810 /7811
Email: mlleek@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-10
Research Interests: Condensed Matter Many-Body Field Theory; Matsubara finite temperature Green's functions; Keldysh non-equilibrium Green's functions; Canonical quantization of General Relativity: Loop quantum gravity; Other areas of fundamental physics, especially the differential geometric aspects such as the quantum geometric phase.
LEW Wen Siang
Head, Physics and Applied Physics
Associate Chair (Research & Graduate Studies)
Ph.D. (University of Cambridge)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 2963
Email: wensiang@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-04
Research Interests: Fundamental and applied studies of spintronics devices; Nanomagnetism, nanoscale sciences and fabrication techniques; Microfluidics, magnetic MEMS, bio spintronic devices
LIEW, Timothy C.H
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (University of Southampton)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 7405
Email: TimothyLiew@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-11
Research Interests: Theoretical physics of semiconductor nanostructures ; Exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities ; Spintronic, quantum and Polaritonic devices
LIM Gerard Joseph
Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)

Email: gerardjosephlim@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-02
Research Interests: Nanomagnetism; Spintronic Devices for Emerging Memory and Computing Applications; Magnetic Materials and Devices; Nano/Micro-fabrication Techniques
LIM Kyungtak
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Institut Jean Lamour, University of Lorraine)
Profile | Website
Email: kyungtak.lim@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-02-04A
Research Interests: Nuclear fusion; Plasma turbulence
NG Huei Ying, Nelly
Nanyang Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Delft University of Technology)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6514 7410
Email: nelly.ng@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-05
Research Interests: Quantum Thermodynamics and Thermal Machines; Quantum Many-body Physics; Quantum Information Processing, Resource Theories.
Ph.D. (University of Cambridge)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 7412
Email: christos@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-11
Research Interests: Quantum magnetism and unconventional superconductivity; Electron motion through materials at their quantum limits; Self-generated electronic heterogeneity; New forms of miniaturised multifunctional devices
PHAN Anh Tuân
Lee Soo Ying Professor in Biological Physics (NRF Investigator)
Chair, SPMS
Ph.D. (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6514 1915
Email: phantuan@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-05-04
Research Interests: Biophysics: Use of physical, chemical, biological and computational methods to investigate and manipulate properties of biomolecules, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins.
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Internship)
Ph.D. (University of Naples, Italy)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6592 2542
Email: Massimo@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-14
Research Interests: Statistical mechanics of complex and disordered systems
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Communications)
Ph.D. (IIT Bombay)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6592 3148
Email: prem@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-05-05
Research Interests: Spintronics Materials; Magnonics; Magnetic Recording; Magnetic Nanostructures; Magnetics for Energy
QU Zhisong
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (The Australian National University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 7899
Email: zhisong.qu@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-12
Research Interests: Plasma Physics; Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Strategic Development)
Policy Coordinator - India Policy
Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6592 1801
Email: psengupta@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-05-03
Research Interests: Supersolids; Quantum magnetism at high magnetic fields; Ultracold atoms in optical lattices; Control of quantum systems; Theoretical biology.
SHEN Yijie
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Tsinghua University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6514 1047
Email: yijie.shen@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-10
Research Interests: Structured Light; Optical Angular Momentum; Quantum Entanglement; Topological Photonics; Skyrmions; Nanophotonics; Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics
SHEN Zexiang
Ph.D. (King's College, University of London)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 8855
Email: zexiang@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-01
Research Interests: Development of near-field scanning Raman (nano-Raman) and photoluminescence microscopy; Characterization of nano-structures using nano-Raman microscopy; Applications of micro Raman spectroscopy.
SINGH, Ranjan
Assistant Chair (Safety)
Ph.D. (Oklahoma State University)
Phone: (65) 6316 2965
Email: ranjans@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-13
Research Interests: Ultrafast Photonics; Metamaterials, plasmonics and nanophotonics; Silicon photonics; Terahertz time resolved spectroscopy; Terahertz waveguides; Plasmonic solar cells; Fano resonance phenomena
SOCI, Cesare
Program Chair, Interdisciplinary Graduate School
Deputy Director, Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies
Ph.D. (University of Pavia and University of California at Santa Barbara)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6514 1045
Email: csoci@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-03
Research Interests: III-V Nanowires; Organic Semiconductors; Optical and Photocurrent Spectroscopy
SONG, Justin
Associate Professor
Associate Chair (Students)
Ph.D. (Harvard University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 7411
Email: justinsong@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-07
Research Interests: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics; Quantum Materials; Mesoscopics and Transport
SU Rui
Nanyang Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 8495
Email: surui@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-14
Research Interests: Semiconductor Optics; Microcavity Photonics; Topological photonics; Quantum Photonics; Condensed Matter Physics; Optoelectronic and Quantum devices
SUM Tze Chien
Professor (NRF Investigator)
Associate Dean (Research), College of Science
Director, Institute of Advanced Studies
Ph.D. (National University of Singapore)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 7410
Email: tzechien@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-01
Research Interests: Femtosecond studies of energy transfer processes in nanoparticles, organic light emitting devices and organic photovoltaics; Magneto-optical spectroscopy of magnetic materials and structures; Femtosecond laser direct-write and modification of materials
WANG Xiao, Renshaw
Associate Professor
Director, Masters in Precision Scientific Instrumentation Programme
Ph.D. (National University of Singapore)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 8653
Email: renshaw@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-05-02
Research Interests: Condensed Matter Physics; Low dimensional strongly correlated systems; Electronics and spintronics devices
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (The University of New South Wales)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6904 1249
Email: b.weber@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-05-01B
Research Interests: Electronic properties of novel two-dimensional and topological materials; Quantum information processing science and technology; Nanoelectronic and quantum device physics; Structural and Electronic Characterisations of materials using Scanning Probe Microscopy; Atomic manipulations and lithography
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (University of Lille 1, France)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 7407
Email: david.wilkowski@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-15
Research Interests: Cold and Ultracold Physics; Gauge field theory; Electromagnetic-Induced Transparency; Wave Localization and Disordered system; Mesoscopic Physics; Ultrahigh laser spectroscopy
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Technical University Munich)

Email: kai.xue@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-02-04D
Research Interests: Biophysics; Soft Matter Physics; NMR Spectroscopy
Associate Professor
Director, Odyssey Leaders in Science Programme
Ph.D. (Princeton University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6592 1806
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-09
Research Interests: Fractional quantum Hall effect and strongly correlated topological systems; Classical complex systems; Traffic theory
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Harvard University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 2966
Email: EeHou@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-04-05
Research Interests: Soft condensed matter; Mechanics of membrane biogenesis; Brain and vision; Pattern formation in complex systems
Assistant Chair (Research & Graduate Studies)
Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6592 1653
Email: blzhang@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-05-06
Research Interests: Electromagnetic wave theory and applications; Metamaterials; Photonic/Phononic crystals

Cross Appointments

DEMIR, Hilmi Volkan
Professor (cross appointment from EEE)
Ph.D. (Stanford University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6790 5395
Email: hvdemir@ntu.edu.sg
Office: S2-B2c-100
Research Interests: Light-material interactions at the nanoscale; Excitonics, plasmonics, energy transfer; Light generation and harnessing; Semiconductor lighting (visible) and deep UV ; Optoelectronics and nanophotonics.
GAO Weibo
Professor (cross appointment from EEE)
Director, CN Yang Scholars Programme
Ph.D. (University of Science and Technology of China)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 2964
Email: wbgao@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-PAP-03-06
Research Interests: Quantum photonics; Solid condensed matter physics; Nanophotonics; Spin opto-mechanics; Hybrid systems.
LOH Zhi Heng
Associate Professor (cross appointment from CCEB)
Ph.D. (University of California at Berkeley)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6592 1550
Email: zhiheng@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-CBC-05-03
Research Interests: Femtosecond and attosecond studies of coherent electron and nuclear dynamics; Hgh-order harmonic generation; Tabletop time-resolved core-level spectroscopy
MU Yuguang
Associate Professor (cross appointment from SBS)
PhD (Shandong University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 2885
Email: YGMu@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SBS-04s-46
Research Interests: MD simulation method and data analysis method development; Peptide, protein folding and unfolding, in particular folding/misfolding mechanisms which could lead to amyloid fibrils; DNA dynamics, DNA-protein, DNA-counterion interactions; RNA dynamics and folding studies.
TAN Howe Siang
Associate Professor (cross appointment from CCEB)
Ph.D. (Princeton University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 2987
Email: howesiang@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-CBC-03-06
Research Interests: Ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy of water molecules; Two-dimensional optical spectroscopy; Optical pulse shaping
TÖRÖK, Peter
Professor (cross appointment from LKCMedicine and SCELSE)
DPhil (University of Oxford)
Phone: (65) 6592 7889
Email: peter.torok@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SBS-B127M
Research Interests: Optical imaging and microscopy; Optical instrumentation and lens design; Spectroscopic techniques in imaging; Electromagnetic theory of imaging; Polarised light microscopy and imaging.
TRAN Anh Tuan
Associate Professor (cross appointment from MAE)
PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Phone: (65)6790 5494
Email: ttran@ntu.edu.sg
Office: N3-02c-72
Research Interests: Multiphase flows, capillary flows, liquid-vapour transitions, fluid-solid interactions
WANG Qijie
Professor (cross appointment from EEE)
Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6790 5431
Email: qjwang@ntu.edu.sg
Office: S2-B2b-74A
Research Interests: Semiconductor Lasers; Mid-IR and Terahertz Technologies; Nano-Photonics; Fiber Optics & Photonics
YEOW Kok Lee, Edwin
Associate Professor (cross appointment from CCEB)
Ph.D. (University of Melbourne)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6316 8759
Email: edwinyeow@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-CBC-03-04
Research Interests: Single-Molecule Detection; Materials Chemistry; Polymer Physics; Photo-induced Molecular Devices
ZHANG, Zhengyang
Lecturer (cross appointment from CCEB)
PhD (Nanyang Technological University)
Profile | Website
Phone: (65) 6513 6059
Email: zhang.zy@ntu.edu.sg
Office: SPMS-CBC-03-02
Research Interests: Super-resolution imaging, Single molecule spectroscopy, Nanoscale catalysis

Adjunct Faculty

GOH Kuan Eng, Johnson
Adjunct Professor
PhD (University of New South Wales)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: johnson.goh@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Quantum materials; Low-dimensional transport; Solid-state quantum computing technologies; Machine learning assisted materials discovery.
LEE Cheow Lei, James
Adjunct Associate Professor
PhD (National University of Singapore)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: jameslee@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Radiotherapy physics; Radiation dosimetry; Intensity modulated radiotherapy; Advanced treatment planning
PHUA Kok Khoo
Adjunct Professor
PhD (Birmingham University)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: KKPhua@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Theoretical physics; Science education
TAN Hong Qi
Adjunct Assistant Professor
PhD (National University of Singapore)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: hongqi.tan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Proton therapy and dosimetry; Artificial intelligence in medical imaging and radiation oncology; Monte Carlo radiation transport simulation; Radiobiological modelling; Innovation in Quality Assurance
U.S, Dinish
Adjunct Associate Professor
PhD (Nanyang Technological University)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: dinish@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Biophotonics; Nanophotonics; Clinical Translation; Medical Technologies

Visiting Faculty

GUET, Claude
Visiting Professor
Habilitation (University of Grenoble)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: CGuet@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Theory of finite quantum systems in nuclear, atomic and Nanophysics; Physics informed deep learning applied to complex systems; Nuclear science for energy: fusion and fission
KONO, Junichiro
Visiting Professor
Ph.D. (State University of New York)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: junichiro.kono@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Materials driven out of equilibrium; Carbon-based optics and photonics; Quantum optics in condensed matter; Physical phenomena in high magnetic fields
LAN Shau-Yu
Visiting Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: sylan@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Matter-wave interferometry; Quantum optics; Atom optics; Laser cooling and trapping; Precision measurement; Quantum sensing; Quantum metrology
Visiting Professor
Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: qihua@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Nanomaterials and Heterostructures; Raman scattering spectroscopy; Nanoelectronics and nanophotonics; Nanobiotechnology
YU Ting
Visiting Professor
Ph. D. (National University of Singapore)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: yuting@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Low-dimensional materials: optical, optoelectrical and optomagnetic properties and applications
Visiting Professor
Ph.D. (University of Valencia)
Phone: (65) 6316 2962
Email: jesus.zuniga@ntu.edu.sg
Research Interests: Quantum Materials; Collective Excitations