Emergency Preparedness

In Case of Emergency

  • Call NTU's 24H Emergency Hotline at 6790 5200
  • Then call SPMS Safety (6537 8685) and SPMS Facilities (6537 8686)
  • Do not call Campus Fault Report (6790 4777)


All staff must be familiar with:

  • The emergency items in the laboratories (first aid box, fire extinguishers, spill kit, fire blanket, etc.).
  • The emergency contacts.
  • The assembly area in which to gather in the event of a building evacuation.

Key Telephone Numbers

Emergency ​Numbers
NTU 24h Emergency Hotline / Campus Security ​6790 5200
Fire/Ambulance (Emergency) 995
​Police 999
SPMS Emergency Contact6537 8685
Other Contact ​Numbers (Non-Emergency)
Fire/Ambulance (Non-Emergency) 1777
NTU Fault Reporting Centre ​6790 4777
Office of Health, Safety, and Emergency 6592 7799
NTU Medical Centre 6793 6828
SPMS General Office 6513 8459
SPMS Emergency Response Team
Dumke Rainer
Assistant Chair for Facilities & IT / Liaison Officer (LO)
​6316 2969
Ranjan Singh
Assistant Chair for Safety / Assistant LO
6316 2965
Ricky Lim Kee Chuan
School Safety Officer and Emergency Coordinator
​6513 8447
Contacts for Certified Occupational First Aiders
Anthony Varian Jesse 6513 8454
Zhang Jingjing 6514 8367
Zhang Baile 6592 1653
Tong Wan Ling 6592 1853
Wu Guohua6513 7186
Gerard Joseph Lim 6513 7421
Contacts for Neighbouring Buildings
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ​6791 1744
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information 6790 6108
Nanyang Business School ​6790 6033
Carpark B (call Campus Security) ​6790 4777

Emergency Assembly Area

The emergency assembly area for the SPMS building is located behind Block S2 (one of the buildings used by the School of Electrical Engineering), as shown in the image below.