Published on 13 Nov 2021

Social media a ‘game changer’ in tackling racism but offline dialogues are just as vital: TODAY webinar panellists

The prevalence of social media platforms during the Covid-19 pandemic has become a “game changer” by allowing young Singaporeans to call out and discuss racist episodes. These are topics that the generations before them would have avoided, an interfaith activist said during a TODAY Live webinar on 12 Nov.

The event was also attended by Asst Prof Laavanya Kathiravelu, a sociologist from NTU. Asst Prof Laavanya said that one way to speak to older Singaporeans who are perceived to be racist is by asking them whether they mean to cause someone to “feel hurt or harm”.  “We need to have conversations, because you cannot convince someone by saying, ‘You're wrong’,” she said.  

- Similar report on Berita Mediacorp online, 13 Nov

Read the article here.

Photo: Adem AY on Unsplash