students walking to class

Welcome to SSS Alumni Community

The SSS Alumni Office values the relationship with our alumni and would like to continuously add value to this ongoing relationship. We hope to facilitate continual and active connection of our graduates and NTU community. Do stay connected with us and with one another. Visit the Connections webpage. 

We have designed a host of services and privileges for our alumni and we hope that you will enjoy utilising the services available specially for you.


Our Activities

Jek Yeun Thong Community Development Fund

Jek Yeun Thong Community Development Fund

Dear undergraduates, you may apply for your graduation project to be funded from Jek Yeun Thong Community Development Fund. You may also apply for your internship to be funded from Jek Yeun Thong Community Development Fund.

Your senior, who is the inaugural recipient of the Jek Yeun Thong Community Development Fund has given insights of her graduation project funded by Jek Yeun Thong Community Development Fund.

Click here to find out more. 

Call for Voluntary Welfare Organisation

Call for Voluntary Welfare Organisation for Internship Opportunities

    If you are a Voluntary Welfare Organisation (VWO) who wish to advertise your postings for internship opportunities and have our students apply to your available positions, please contact us at [email protected].  We look forward to hearing from you.

SSS Alumni Awards Cover

SSS Alumni Awards

Click here to find out more on the SSS Alumni Awards Categories, SSS Winners and Runner-Up and photos of SSS Alumni Award Ceremony. 

SSS Alumni Association

The NTU SSS Alumni Association was officially set up on 1 April 2018 and officially launched on 24 November 2018. 

We hope to engage the alumni community to be part of our growing network and to reconnect and interact through our events and social gatherings. To encourage lifelong learning, we organise and facilitate engaging workshops and forums with prominent guest speakers who can share insights in their areas of expertise.

Learn more about our Alumni Association   ⟶

SSS Alumni Office

NTU School of Social Sciences

The SSS Alumni Office is officially set up on 11 June 2021 to promote lifelong relationships between the Alumni and SSS to support and sustain the objectives of SSS and the University. We hope to bring meaningful activities and programmes to SSS alumni, including graduation parties, community outreach initiatives, personal enhancement workshops, and recreational activities.

Contact us | SSS Alumni Team | Our Location