Centre for the Study of Social Inequality

Understanding inequality to serve the greater good

The Centre for the Study of Social Inequality (CSSI) is a research centre founded and led by sociologists Teo You Yenn and Shannon Ang.
It was established in October 2024 and is housed under the School of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University.

CSSI is the first research centre in Singapore devoted to the study of inequality. Its mission is two-fold: 


First, to promote and enhance multi-disciplinary understandings of inequality’s various forms and dynamics.

Putting puzzle pieces together

Second, to nurture public social science--attentive to the concerns of ordinary members of society, deliberate in making links between theoretical knowledge and practical solutions, and committed to making academic knowledge accessible to a broad public.

What We Do

News and Events


The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) hosted its annual flagship Singapore Perspectives conference on 20 January 2025, focusing on the theme of “Community.” As the nation marks its 60th year of independence, SP2025 asks: What can bind us more strongly together as a people and a nation?

CSSI Director, Associate Professor Teo You Yenn, shared her insights during the session on Community and the Market. She argued that we should go beyond using “community” as mere rhetorical flourish and consider the virtues it embodies: relations of mutuality, interdependence, solidarity; the collective’s capacity for improving everyone’s wellbeing; egalitarian relationships and equality-enhancing processes among human equals. Given the central place business takes in our lives and society, and how much we are regularly subject to its will, we must ask: how do their practices—as employers, as inventors and producers and sellers, as trade partners, as lobbyists, as taxpayers—contribute to or harm the pursuit of the virtues of community? Read her full remarks here.


CSSI and PAS 2025
CSSI will co-host the Population Association of Singapore’s (PAS) annual conference, which will centre on the theme of “Demography and Inequality".

15 - 16 May 2025

Register here.

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Research Collaboration

We welcome opportunities to partner on research projects that can further the mission of the Centre. Please contact us with a brief write-up about your potential research project and how you think CSSI can play a role in it.

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Junior Visiting Fellows

CSSI at NTU’s School of Social Sciences invites applications for its 6-month Junior Visiting Fellowship, offering support and mentorship to junior scholars conducting fieldwork in Singapore on social inequality.

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Support CSSI

More funding would allow us to pursue more ambitious research projects, provide more educational opportunities for budding researchers, and more avenues for public engagement. You may make a gift below to the centre directly or contact us for more information.


Student Opportunities

CSSI occasionally recruits undergraduate and postgraduate student assistants.

For any opportunities, please monitor the Work Study Scheme (WSS) portal.

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Address & Email

Centre for the Study of Social Inequality
School of Social Sciences
48 Nanyang Avenue, 05-35A
Singapore 639818


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