Welcome from the SSS@NTU Chair
Professor Yohanes Eko Riyanto
Chair, School of Social Sciences
A warm welcome to the School of Social Sciences (SSS), Nanyang Technological University Singapore!
As one of the four Schools under the umbrella of the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, SSS offers study programmes in a range of social science subjects at both undergraduate and graduate levels, from a Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSci) with direct Honours and Master of Science (MSc) (by coursework) to Master of Arts (MA) (by research) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Our specialisations include Economics, Economics & Data Sciences (ECDS), Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE), Psychology, Sociology and Public Policy & Global Affairs.
SSS currently has more than 1,700 students across our undergraduate degree programmes. Students also have the opportunity to choose double majors, such as Economics and Media Analytics, Economics & Public Policy, and Global Affairs. In addition, the School offers attractive minors in fields such as Global Asia, Science, Technology and Society, and Geography and Urban Planning, which are open to all NTU students.
Currently, some 400 graduate students are studying in our PhD and MA programmes (by research) and our two MSc programmes in Applied Economics and Applied Gerontology. Our School’s holistic and rigorous education aims to prepare our students with a strong knowledge base and analytical and critical capacities to stand them in good stead in their future careers. Students can expand their learning horizons through overseas exchanges and internship experiences in Singapore.
In addition to offering a broad range of high-quality educational options, our faculty, coming as they do from some of the best universities around the world, are engaged actively in cutting-edge research in their fields. To promote and facilitate conversation and collaboration across disciplinary boundaries, the School has established four interdisciplinary research clusters, namely Aging, Inclusion and Healthcare; Cognitive and Behavioural Science; Environment and Sustainability; and Policy and Society as strategic areas of research, which also include a significant dimension of international collaboration and exchange.
In a fast-moving world of dazzling technological advances, there is an ever more urgent need to understand how humans organise their lives and affairs in socially relevant ways. We invite you to join us on this fascinating journey as we explore fundamental questions of human psychology and sociality.