Continuing Education is a constant in a fast-paced changing society which requires different skillsets and knowledge as society progresses. These programmes are designed to help our graduates bridge the gap to achieve a competitive edge in the working world.


SSS FlexiMasters

FlexiMasters seek to provide working adults and our alumni alternate and flexible pathways to upskill, boost their employability or pursue their intellectual enrichment through a selected range of academic accredited CET courses that can be stacked towards a FlexiMasters Certificate awarded from an acclaimed University.

We have 1 FlexiMasters programme from the School of Social Sciences: FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing.

FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing

The FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing is designed to provide the students with a holistic view of ageing and health. This involves a multidisciplinary approach covering the different fields of sociology, psychology, economics, health, public policy and research. The courses collectively equip students with theoretical tools to formulate critical opinions about health and society. Students who enroll in this FlexiMasters program will also be able to access accompanying courses focusing on the methodologies of social science research, both quantitative and qualitative, that they can utilize as tools to further their understanding of the subject matter.

Learning Outcomes

  1. The key competencies and knowledge taught will help to broaden the students’ perspectives in the field of health and ageing.
  2. Students will develop critical social science perspectives on the study of health.
  3. Students will be able to devise solutions designed at tackling the challenges posed by health and ageing in our workforce and society.
  4. Understand the social determinants of health and ageing
  5. Evaluate and critique the major theoretical perspectives on health and ageing
  6. Think analytically about research questions, measurement of concepts, and appropriate data sources


Funding Subsidies

The following funding subsidies are applicable for the FlexiMasters Programme:

1. SSG SkillsFuture Series

  1. 70% subsidy on course fee for Singaporean/Singaporean PR who are 21 and above.
  2. 90% subsidy on course fee for Singapore Small & Medium Enterprises employee 
  3. 90% subsidy on course fee for Singaporean who are 40 and above.

2. SSG SkillsFuture Credit (for Singaporean aged 25 and above)

Opening SkillsFuture Credit of $500 + One-Off SkillsFuture Credit Top-Up S$ 500 (per pax)

Opening SkillsFuture Credit of $500

SkillsFuture Credit aims to encourage individuals to take ownership of their skills development and lifelong learning. Introduced in 2015, all Singaporeans aged 25 and above will receive an opening credit of S$500.

One-Off SkillsFuture Credit Top-Up

To further encourage Singaporeans to take timely action to reskill and upskill to seize opportunities in the future economy, a one-off SkillsFuture Credit top-up of $500 will be provided to every Singapore Citizen aged 25 years and above as at 31 December 2020.

From 1 October 2020, this top-up can be used on all SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses, and will expire on 31 Dec 2025.

You may refer to more details on SSG SkillsFuture subsidies here.

3. NTU Alumni Course Credits  -  S$1,600 course credits (per pax)

From 1 November 2017, all NTU/NIE alumni (students who graduated with a diploma/degree from any of the undergraduate/postgraduate programmes offered by NTU/NIE) will each receive S$1,600 course credits.

All NTU/NIE alumni may utilise their course credits of S$1,600 to co-pay up to 50% of the payable course fees (exclusive of prevailing GST) offered by NTU-Continuing Education Training (CET) Units, before any eligible funding is applied. At the same time, admin fee will be waived.

You may refer to more details on Alumni course credits at:



Each course is assigned with an academic unit number, which indicates the amount of learning undertaken and the depth of learning involved. Assessments will be conducted during the session and participants will be graded based on their performance in the assessment. Each completed course is stackable to the relevant FlexiMasters​ Certificate.​

FlexiMasters will only be awarded to students attaining 15 AUs with min. CGPA 2.5 and above (which is equivalent to a letter grade of C+) and above​.

Students attaining 9AUs with min. CGPA 2.5 and above (which is equivalent to a letter grade of C+) and above​ will be eligible for Graduate Certificate.

Students need to fulfil 15 AUs to attain FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing. If they fulfill 9 AUs, they will get a Graduate Certificate in Health and Ageing.

FlexiMasters Courses
No.Course TitleAUCourse DurationCharges in 2024
Local Students ***(SCs and SPRs)
Figures stated here are prices before GST
Charges in 2024
International Students
Figures stated here are prices before GST
1. Perspectives on Ageing *1.53 weeks, 21 hoursS$1,500S$1,500
2. Ageing and Public Policy *1.53 weeks, 21 hoursS$1,500S$1,500
3.  Aging and the End of Life*1.53 weeks, 21 hoursS$1,500S$1,500
4. Mental Health and Ageing*1.53 weeks, 21 hoursS$1,500S$1,500
5. Counselling Older Persons*1.53 weeks, 21 hoursS$1,500S$1,500
6. Traditional Chinese Medicine for Older Adults*1.53 weeks, 21 hoursS$1,500S$1,500
7. Research Methods for Ageing*1.53 weeks, 21 hoursS$1,500S$1,500
8. Work, Stress, and Health*12 weeks, 13 hoursS$1000S$1000
9. Religion and Public Health #12 weeks, 13 hoursS$1000S$1000
10.         Communicating Complexity Part 1: Tackling communication barriers *12 weeks, 13 hoursS$1000S$1000
11.         Communicating Complexity Part 2: Data Visualization *12 weeks, 13 hoursS$1000S$1000
12.         Communicating Complexity Part 3: Communicating for different audiences*12 weeks, 13 hoursS$1000S$1000
13.         Big Data and Computational Social Science*12 weeks, 13 hoursS$1000S$1000
14.         Qualitative interviewing *12 weeks, 13 hoursS$1000S$1000
15.         Applied Research Methods in Social Sciences*12 weeks, 13 hoursS$1000S$1000

* Courses approved for SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) course fee funding and approved for SkillsFuture Credit

# Courses approved for SkillsFuture Credit Only

***Note: Only Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs) are eligible for course subsidies. 



You may refer to more details on the individual courses and enrol for the courses in this programme here.

SSS FlexiMasters FAQ

FAQ on FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing

What is FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing?

FlexiMasters is a new education platform from NTU that allows learners to build their micro-credentials in specific areas. Depending on the course offered, there are a variety of different ways that FlexiMasters courses are delivered.

The FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing will be delivered either

  1. Online or
  2. Face to face

This allows learners to consider the options that meets their needs and learning requirements, and yet have the flexibility to take any number of courses that interest them.

What are the benefits of enrolling for FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing?

Learners may take on courses for personal or professional development or to enhance their academic qualifications. They will be awarded a Statement of Accomplishment on the completion of each course. These courses may be stacked to qualify for a Graduate Certificate or a FlexiMasters Certificate in Health and Ageing.

How can I earn a Graduate Certificate or FlexiMasters Certificate?

Each specialisation under FlexiMasters has its own set of prescribed courses. Learners will be able to select their preferred courses based on their choice of specialisations. Each course is assigned a certain number of academic units (AUs).

On completing 9 AUs with a minimum GPA of 2.5 for each course (which is equivalent to a letter grade of C+) you will be awarded a Graduate Certificate.

On completing 15 AUs with a minimum GPA of 2.5 for each course (which is equivalent to a letter grade of C+) you will be awarded a FlexiMasters certificate, which is half the academic load of a Master’s programme.

What is the duration of a FlexiMasters course in Health and Ageing?

Currently, the courses in FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing are generally held over 2 or 3 weekends depending on whether it is a 1 AU (13 hours) or 1.5AU (21 hours) course respectively.

What financial assistance can I get?

Singaporeans and Permanent Residents can enjoy up to 70% of course fee funding, supported by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). Singaporeans aged 40 and above can enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fee. Terms and conditions apply. For more information, please click here.

SSS Alumni can utilise NTU alumni course credits for the SSS FlexiMasters programmes:

NTU Alumni Course Credits -  S$1,600 course credits (per pax) 

From 1 November 2017, all NTU/NIE alumni (students who graduated with a diploma/degree from any of the undergraduate/postgraduate programmes offered by NTU/NIE) will each receive S$1,600 course credits.

All NTU/NIE alumni may utilise their course credits of S$1,600 to co-pay up to 50% of the payable course fees (exclusive of prevailing GST) offered by NTU-Continuing Education Training (CET) Units, before any eligible funding is applied. At the same time, admin fee will be waived.

How is FlexiMasters different from MiniMasters?

FlexiMasters expands on the existing platform of MiniMasters to allow greater flexibility for collaboration with industry partners and to tailor courses that are aligned with changing market trends. 

Who can apply for FlexiMasters in Health and Ageing?

While no pre-requisites are needed to enrol in the course/s, participants with relevant background and/or experience may have a better understanding of their course content.


NTU FlexiMasters

NTU has launched a university-wide FlexiMasters to support the endeavours of individuals to build their micro-credentials through Continuing Education and Training (CET). It is also to encourage more working adults to embrace continuous lifelong learning as the economy transforms.

NTU/NIE alumni may also utilise their alumni course credits to offset the course fees for FlexiMasters after relevant funding.

PaCE@NTU collaborate with the colleges and schools, institutes and centres at NTU to offer courses in diverse and emerging areas, that are stackable towards a FlexiMasters certificate, for learners to build and tailor to their learning needs, and to develop skills relevant to the future.

You may refer to more details for these FlexiMasters programmes here.


Programmes offered by other Continuing Education & Training Units (CET) units:

There are 6 other NTU Continuing Education & Training (CET) units offering continuous learning programmes. They are

1. Centre for Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE)

2. Nanyang Executive Education (NEE)

3. Nanyang Technopreneurship Center (NTC)

4. Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA)

5. National Institute of Education (NIE)

6. Confucius Institute (CI)

You may refer to more details for the programmes offered by these 6 CET units at:


Skillsfuture Career Transition Programme (SCTP) and SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme

The new Skillsfuture Career Transition Programme (SCTP) aims to support the career transition needs of Singaporeans and provide our learners with the opportunity to upskill, access new or enhanced job opportunities with potential employers. If you are a mid-career individual looking at career switch, to boost employability and/or to gain industry-relevant experience, the SSG Career Transition Programme is for you.

The SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme is a full-time attachment programme which supports mid-career individuals to widen their professional networks and gain meaningful industry-relevant skills and experience, by being attached to a host organisation and undergoing the development plans put in place for them. The attachments will last between four to six months.

As announced at Budget 2022, the SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme will be made a permanent programme to provide support to mature individuals aged 40 and above, starting 1 April 2022.

CLICK on the images below to find out about the respective programmes.

SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme
Mid-Career Pathways Programme Banner