BSocSci (Hons) in Sociology
The School of Social Sciences offers programmes - BSocSci (Hons), minor courses, and Graduate degrees up to the PhD level.
The BSocSci (Hons) in Sociology is a four-year degree programme for undergraduates interested in pursuing a Major in Sociology at NTU. Students taking up Sociology as a Minor are encouraged to read courses which complement their interests and open up new intellectual horizons. Those interested in graduate studies can find the information they need under the graduate programme link.
A degree in Sociology at NTU provides graduates with a vast array of job opportunities in both the public and private sectors. Sociology majors are valued for their critical thinking and analytical skills. They also benefit from an in-depth understanding of social organisations, culture and other social phenomena.
The curriculum provides an intellectually stimulating and rigorous experience for students. The academic foundation consists of three core areas: Economy, Technology and Society; Culture, Self and Identity; and Organisations and Organisational Change. It provides both breadth of exposure and depth of engagement that emphasizes both theoretical reasoning and empirical analysis. Students should graduate with not just a body of knowledge and skills but also a 'sociological imagination' that will enable them to make the critical and creative difference in the workplace and in society.
Key features of our programme include:
- Stimulating courses, providing both breadth of exposure and depth of engagement
- Immersion in all core substantive areas and research methodologies
- Training and practice in analytical thinking and empirical reasoning
- Informed investigations of Singapore society, Asian societies, and beyond
- Critical perspectives on social change at the local, regional, and global levels.
Curriculum & Suggested Study Plan
AY2021-2022 and after Curriculum (pdf)
AY2020-21_Curriculum (pdf)DownloadAY2020-21_Curriculum (191 KB)
AY2018-19 and AY2019-20_Curriculum (pdf)
AY2021-22_Study-Plan (pdf)DownloadAY2021-22_Study-Plan (1341 KB)
AY2020-21_Study Plan (pdf)DownloadAY2020-21_Study Plan (1670 KB)
Current Course Offering
Current Course Offering for AY2024-2025 Sem 2
Course Code | Course Title | Course Coordinator (s) |
HS2002 | Doing Social Research | Shannon Ang |
HS2007 | Understanding Globalization | Francis Lim Khek Gee |
HS2010 | Smart Cities & Society | Nurul Amillin Hussain |
HS2029 | Social Policy & Social Change | Premchand Dommaraju |
HS3001 | Contemporary Social Theory | Ma Xiangyu |
HS3002 | Understanding Social Statistics | Minne Chen |
HS3015 | Development & Social Change | Md Saidul Islam |
HS3017 | SOCIOLOGY OF TOURISM | Francis Lim Khek Gee |
HS4001 | Research Practicum I: Qualitative Social Research | Teo You Yenn |
HS4015 | Sociology of Reproduction | Shirley Sun |
HS4022 | Sociology of Islam in the Malay World | Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir |
HS4023 | Sociology of Risk & Crisis | Sulfikar Amir |
HS4030 | Social Science Fiction | Patrick Williams |
HS4080 | Honours Seminar in Applied Sociology | Kuah Khun Eng |
HS4090 | Honours Seminar in Current Sociology | Ang Ming Wei |
HS4901 | Research Practicum I: Qualitative Social Research | Teo You Yenn |
HU2003 | The Geographies of Uneven Development | Ye Junjia |
Course Outlines
HS0101 Digital Literacy, Culture and Society (pdf)
HS0301 Environmental Sustainability (pdf)
HS1001 Person and Society (pdf)DownloadHS1001 Person and Society (107 KB)
HS1002 Singapore Society In Transition (pdf)
HS1003 Social Problems in a Global Context (pdf)
HS2001 Classical Social Theory (pdf)
HS2002_Doing Social Research (pdf)
HS2003 Economy and Society (pdf)DownloadHS2003 Economy and Society (129 KB)
HS2004 Culture Self and Identity (pdf)
HS2005 Organizations and Organizational Change (pdf)
HS2007 Understanding Globalization (pdf)
HS2008 Social Class and Inequality (pdf)
HS2009 Sociology of the Life Course (pdf)
HS2010 Smart Cities and Society (pdf)
HS2011 Ethnicity and Ethnic Relations (pdf)
HS2013 Migration & Multiculturalism (pdf)
HS2014 The Changing Family (pdf)DownloadHS2014 The Changing Family (104 KB)
HS2015 Education and Society (pdf)DownloadHS2015 Education and Society (265 KB)
HS2019 Sociology of Science and Technology (pdf)
HS2020 Gender, Race and Technology (pdf)
HS2022 Population and Society (pdf)
HS2023 Environmental Sociology (pdf)
HS2026 Deviance and Society (pdf)DownloadHS2026 Deviance and Society (126 KB)
HS2028 Graying Society Issues and Challenges (pdf)
HS2029 Social Policy and Social Change (pdf)
HS3001 Contemporary Social Theory (pdf)
HS3002 Understanding Social Statistics (pdf)
HS3004 Cities and Urban Life (pdf)DownloadHS3004 Cities and Urban Life (119 KB)
HS3007 Religion and Society (pdf)DownloadHS3007 Religion and Society (107 KB)
HS3008 Introduction to Computational Social Science (pdf)
HS3011 Power, Politics, and the State (pdf)
HS3014 Health Medicine and Society (pdf)
HS3015 Development and Social Change (pdf)
HS3016 Societies in Comparative Perspective (pdf)
HS3017 Sociology of Tourism (pdf)DownloadHS3017 Sociology of Tourism (108 KB)
HS3018 Sociology of Gender (pdf)DownloadHS3018 Sociology of Gender (115 KB)
HS3054 Social Psychology (pdf)DownloadHS3054 Social Psychology (113 KB)
HS4001 Research Practicum I Qualitative Social Research (pdf)
HS4002 Research Practicum II Quantitative Social Research (pdf)
HS4011 The Self in Southeast Asia (pdf)
HS4012 Sociology of Green Transformations (pdf)
HS4013 Youth Cultures and Subcultures (pdf)
HS4015 Sociology of Reproduction (pdf)
HS4016 Social Movements (pdf)DownloadHS4016 Social Movements (114 KB)
HS4022 Sociology of Islam in the Malay World (pdf)
HS4023 Sociology of Risk and Crisis (pdf)
HS4026 Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors Explorations in Chinese Religions (pdf)
HS4027 Cultural Politics of Development and the Environment (pdf)
HS4028 Migration and Development in a Globalizing World (pdf)
HS4030 Social Science Fiction (pdf)
HS4031 Global Cities (pdf)DownloadHS4031 Global Cities (129 KB)
HS4033 Urban Sojourns The City as Laboratory (pdf)
HS4034 Interrogating Innovation (pdf)
HS4035 Sociology of Ageing (pdf)DownloadHS4035 Sociology of Ageing (107 KB)
HS4036 Who are we_ Science and Identity in the 21st Century (pdf)
HS4037 Terraformations Technology_culture and nature in a globalizing world (pdf)
HS4038 Sociology of Mental Health (pdf)
HS4039 Medical Sociology (pdf)DownloadHS4039 Medical Sociology (114 KB)
HS4040 Language and Social Interaction (pdf)
HS4091 Honours Seminar Sociology of the Arts (pdf)
HS5008 Understanding Culture and Globalization (pdf)
HU1001 Introduction to Geography (pdf)
HU2003 Geographies of Uneven Development (pdf)
HU2004 Borders, Power, and Culture (pdf)
Graduation Project
To obtain Honours (Highest Distinction & Distinction), students must complete their graduation projects.
Graduation Project (GP) (8 AUs) is undertaken during a student’s final year or when the student has fulfilled the below requirements. The GP is to be conducted over two consecutive semesters in NTU.
- Students with CGPA of 3.90 and above must complete the GP.
- Students with CGPA between 3.75 and 3.89 may opt-in to do the GP. This is subject to approval by the programme.
- Students with CGPA below 3.75 will not be allowed to conduct the GP.
- Students who do not do the GP are to take two 4000-level courses to fulfill the 8 AUs requirement.
GP Guidelines for students starting in January 2025
(For students starting the GP in January, we strongly advise that you do not to take up internships during the summer break as it often adversely affects students' ability to complete the GP on time.)
GP Guidelines for students starting in August 2024
Files for GP students:
- Proposal Form
- GP Ethics Approval form
- Informed Consent Form
- Mid-project Peer Evaluation Form - HS4098 Group
- Assignment Declaration Form
- Feedback Form
- Title Page
- List of research areas for GP
Submission of GP to DR-NTU:
- You may visit
- DR-NTU Submission Guidelines:
- For any enquires on DR-NTU submission, please email
Interdisciplinary Major-PEs
The following modules are part of a common pool of Interdisciplinary Major-PEs that all SSS students can register for, regardless of their offering Programme with effect from Semester 2, AY2016-2017.
Offering Programme | Existing Courses |
HIST | HH1007 The Making of Civilizations HH3013 Comparative History of Race Science |
CHIN | HC3001 Modern Chinese Literature (will remain as Core for CHIN students) (Pre-req: B4 and above in O-Level Chinese or equivalent) HC3003 Southeast Asian Chinese (will remain as Core for CHIN students) (Pre-req: B4 and above in O-Level Chinese or equivalent) |
PSY | HP1000 Introduction to Psychology (will remain as Core for PSY students) HP1100 Fundamentals of Social Science Research (will remain as Core for PSY students) |
PPGA | HA3010 Mass Media and Public Policy (Pre-req: HA1001 and HA1012) HA3016 China's Foreign Policy (Pre-req: HA1003) |
ECON | MH1820 Introduction to Probability & Statistical Methods (will remain as Core for ECON students) HE5092 Economic Theory (Pre-req: HE5091) |
SOC | HS2007 Understanding Globalization (Pre-req: HS1001) HS2028 Graying society: Issues and Challenges (Pre-req: HS1001) |
PHILO | HY1001 Introduction to Philosophy (will remain as Core for PHIL students) HY3001 Existentialism: Freedom, Being, Death |
LMS | HG1001 Fundamentals of Linguistics: Mind and Meaning (will remain as Core for LMS students) HG2020 Language in Society (will remain as Core for LMS students) (Pre-req: HG1002) |
ELH | HL1001 Introduction to the Study of Literature HL1005 Singaporean Literature and Culture (Pre-req: HL1001) |
Please note that:
- Students are allowed to take not more than 2 courses from the common pool of Major-PEs courses as substitute of their own Major-PEs.
- A waiver of the pre-requisites will be granted to students who wish to register any of these 18 modules. They will be advised that they need to put in more effort when attempting higher level courses in the list with pre-requisite.