Our Research
Our faculty members engage in the highest quality of research and are regularly published in the world’s leading accountancy journals, including:
• Accounting, Organisations and Society
• Contemporary Accounting Research
• Journal of Accounting & Economics
• Journal of Accounting Research
• Review of Accounting Studies
• The Accounting Review
Based on publications in major accounting journals , Nanyang Technological University is consistently ranked among the top universities in the world for accounting research by Brigham Young University Accounting Research Ranking.
In order to promote the dissemination of research and exchange of ideas, we organise regular research seminars through the Centre for Accounting and Auditing Research.
We also co-organise the International Symposium on Audit Research (with the University of Southern California, Maastricht University, and University of New South Wales) and the Tri-University Research Conference (with the National University of Singapore and Singapore Management University).
Selected Publications
Jutasompakorn, P, Lim, CY, Ranasinghe, T, Ow Yong, Kevin. Impact of Basel III on the Discretion and Timeliness of Banks' Loan Loss Provisions. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, Forthcoming, 2021.
Chung, BH., HRIBAR, P. CEO Overconfidence and the Timeliness of Goodwill Impairments: A Survival Analysis Approach. The Accounting Review, Forthcoming, 2021.
Yin, H. Can Employees Exercise Control Over Managers? The Role of the Employees' Knowledge of Manager Behavior and Manager Discretion. The Accounting Review, Forthcoming, 2020.
Wen Li, Huai Zhang. Analyst Following and Forecast Accuracy After Eliminating the 20-F Reconciliation Between IFRS and U.S. GAAP. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Forthcoming, 2020.
Renhui Fu, Arthur Kraft, Xuan Tian, Huai Zhang, Luo Zuo. (2020). Financial Reporting Frequency and Corporate Innovation. The Journal of Law and Economics, 63(3), 501-530.
Boo, E., Ng, T., & Shankar, P.G. Effects of Advice on Auditor Whistleblowing Propensity: Do Advice Source and Advisor Reassurance Matter? Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming, 2020.
Heo, J. S., S. Y. Kwon, and H.T. Tan. Auditors’ Responses to Workload Imbalance and the Impact on Audit Quality. Contemporary Accounting Research, Forthcoming, 2020.
Audrey Hsu & Kevin Koh & Sophia Liu & Yen H. Tong. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Disclosures: An Investigation of Investors’ and Analysts’ Perceptions. Journal of Business Ethics, 158(2), 507-534.
Do Truc, Huai Zhang. (2019). Peer Effects Among Financial Analysts. Contemporary Accounting Research, 37(1), 358-391.
Guiral A., D. Moon, H.T. Tan, and Y. Yao. (2019). What Drives Investor Response to CSR Performance Reports? Contemporary Accounting Research, 37(1), 101-130.
He Y., H. T. Tan, F. Yeo, and J. Zhang. (2019). When Do Qualitative Risk Disclosures Backfire? The Effects of a Mismatch in Disclosure Formats on Investors' Judgments. Contemporary Accounting Research, 36(4), 2093-2112.
Koonce, L., Leitter, Z., and White, B. (2019). Linked Balance Sheet Presentation. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 68(1), 1012-1037.
Tan H.T., E. Y. Wang, and G.S. Yoo. (2019). Who likes jargon? The joint effect of jargon type and industry knowledge on investors’ judgments. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 67(2), 416-437.
X. He, H. Yin, Y. Zeng, H. Zhang, and H. Zhao. (2019). Facial Structure and Achievement Drive: Evidence from Financial Analysts. Journal of Accounting Research, 57(4), 1013-1057.
Law, K. K. F. and L. F. Mills. (2019). Financial Gatekeepers and Investor Protection: Evidence from Criminal Background Checks. Journal of Accounting Research, 57(2), 491-543.
Hoang, K., K. Jamal, and H.T. Tan. (2019). Determinants of Audit Engagement Profitability. The Accounting Review, 94(6), 253-283.
Parker, L.D. and Chung, L.H. (2018). Structuring social and environmental management control and accountability: behind the hotel doors. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 31(3), 993-1023.
Compton, Y.L., S. Kang, and Z. Zhu. (2018). Gender Stereotyping by Location, Female Director Appointments and Financial Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 160, 445-462.
H.T. Tan and Y. Yu. (2018). Management’s Responsibility Acceptance, Locus of Breach, and Investors’ Reactions to Internal Control Reports. The Accounting Review, 93(6), 331-355.
D. Hirshleifer, M. Jian & H. Zhang. (2018). Superstition and Financial Decision Making. Management Science, 64(1), 235-252.
H. Gao, H. Zhang & J. Zhang. (2018). Employee Turnover Likelihood and Earnings Management: Evidence from the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine. Review of Accounting Studies, 23(4), 1424-1470.
Law, Kelvin K.F., & Lillian Mills. (2017). Military Experience and Corporate Tax Avoidance. Review of Accounting Studies, 22(1), 141-184.
Goh, B.W., Lim, C.Y., Lobo, G., & Y.H. Tong. (2017). Conditional Conservatism and Debt versus Equity Financing. Contemporary Accounting Research, 34(1), 216-251.
K. Kelly, & H.T. Tan. (2017). Mandatory Management Disclosure and Mandatory Independent Audit of Internal Controls: Evidence of Configural Information Processing by Investors. Accounting, Organizations and Society, (56)1, 1-20.
Miao, B., S. Teoh & Z. Zhu. (2016). Limited Attention, Statement of Cash Flow Disclosure, and the Valuation of Accruals. Review of Accounting Studies, 21, 473-515.
W. Chen, J. Han, & H.T. Tan. (2016). Investor Reactions to Management Earnings Guidance Attributions: The Effects of News Valence, Attribution Locus, and Outcome Controllability. Accounting, Organizations and Society, (55), 83-95.
Kumar, Alok, Danling Jiang, & Kelvin K. F. Law. (2016). Political Contributions and Analyst Behavior. Review of Accounting Studies, 21(1), 37-88.
Y. Sun, H.T. Tan, & J. Zhang. (2016). Effect of Concession-Timing Strategies in Auditor-Client Negotiations: It Matters Who Is Using Them. Contemporary Accounting Research, 32(4), 1489-1506.
2011 to 2015
Young, S. & Y. Zeng. (2015). Accounting Comparability and the Accuracy of Peer-based Valuation Models. The Accounting Review, 90(6), 2571-2601.
Law, Kelvin K.F., & Lillian Mills. (2015). Taxes and Financial Constraints: Evidence from Linguistic Cues. Journal of Accounting Research, 53(4) , 777-819.
deHaan, E., Kedia, S., Koh, K., & Rajgopal, S. (2015). The Revolving Door and the SEC's Enforcement Outcomes: Intitial Evidence from Civil Litigation. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 90(6).
Kedia, S., Koh, K., & Rajgopal, S. (2015). Evidence on Contagion in Earnings Management. The Accounting Review, 90(6), 2337-2373.
Tan, H.-T., E.Y. Wang, & B. Zhou. (2015). How Does Readability Influence Investors' Judgments? Consistency of Benchmark Performance Matters. The Accounting Review, 90(1), 371-393.
Eddy Cardinaels & Huaxiang Yin. (2015). Think Twice Before Going for Incentives: Social Norms and the Principal's Decision on Compensation Contracts, Journal of Accounting Research, 53(5), 985-1015.
Call, A.C., Chen, S.P., Miao, B., & Tong, Y.H. (2014). Short-term Earnings Guidance and Accrual-based Earnings Management. Review of Accounting Studies, 19(2), 955-987.
Tan, H.-T., Ying Wang, E., & Zhou, B.O. (2014). When the Use of Positive Language Backfires: The Joint Effect of Tone, Readability, and Investor Sophistication on Earnings Judgments. Journal of Accounting Research, 52(1), 273-302.
Yin, H., & Zhang, H. (2014). Tournaments of Financial Analysts. Review of Accounting Studies, 19(2), 573-605.
Call, A.C., Chen, S., & Tong, Y.H. (2013). Are Analysts' Cash Flow Forecasts Naïve Extensions of Their Own Earnings Forecasts? Contemporary Accounting Research, 30(2), 438-465.
Chen, W., & Tan, H.-T. (2013). Judgment Effects of Familiarity with an Analyst’s Name. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 38(3), 214-227.
Chen, W., Tan, H.T., & Wang, E.Y. (2013). Fair Value Accounting and Managers' Hedging Decisions. Journal of Accounting Research, 51(1), 67-103.
Koh, K., Rajgopal, S., & Srinivasan, S. (2013). Non-audit Services and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from 1978 to 1980. Review of Accounting Studies, 18(1), 1-33.
Ying Wang, E., & Tan, H.-T. (2013). The Effects of Guidance Frequency and Guidance Goal on Managerial Decisions. Journal of Accounting Research, 51(3), 673-700.
Fu, R., Kraft, A., & Zhang, H. (2012). Financial Reporting Frequency, Information Asymmetry, and the Cost of Equity. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 54(2–3), 132-149.
Kelly, K., Low, B., Tan, H.-T., & Tan, S.-K. (2012). Investors’ Reliance on Analysts’ Stock Recommendations and Mitigating Mechanisms for Potential Overreliance*. Contemporary Accounting Research, 29(3), 991-1012.
Shi, L., & Zhang, H. (2012). Can the Earnings Fixation Hypothesis Explain the Accrual Anomaly? Review of Accounting Studies, 17(1), 1-21.
Khim Kelly, Bernardine Low, Hun-Tong Tan, Seet-Koh Tan. (2011). Investors’ Reliance on Analysts' Stock Recommendations and Mitigating Mechanisms for Potential Overreliance. Contemporary Accounting Research.
Kevin Koh, Shiva Rajgopal and Suraj Srinivasan. (2011). Non-audit Services and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from 1978-1980. Review of Accounting Studies.
Linna Shi and Huai Zhang. (2011). Can the Earnings Fixation Hypothesis Explain the Accrual Anomaly? Review of Accounting Studies.
Seet-Koh Tan and Lisa Koonce. (2011). Investors' Reactions to Retractions and Corrections of Management Earnings Forecasts. Accounting, Organizations and Society.
Huai Zhang and Liu Zheng. (2011). The Valuation Impact of Reconciling Pro Forma Earnings to GAAP Earnings. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 51(1-2), 186-202.
2006 to 2010
Jun Han and Hun-Tong Tan. (2010). Investors’ Reactions to Management Earnings Guidance: The Joint Effect of Investment Position, News Valence, and Guidance Form. Journal of Accounting Research, 48(1), 123-146.
Karim Jamal and Hun-Tong Tan. (2010). Joint Effects of Principles-Based versus Rules-Based Standards and Auditor Type in Constraining Financial Managers’ Aggressive Reporting. The Accounting Review, 85(4), 1325-1346.
Ming Jian and T. J. Wong. (2010). Propping Through Related Party Transactions. Review of Accounting Studies, 15(1), 70-105.
Chee-Yeow Lim and Hun-Tong Tan. (2010). Does Auditor Tenure Improve Audit Quality? Moderating Effects of Industry Specialization and Fee Dependence. Contemporary Accounting Research, 27(3), 923-957.
Terence Bu-Peow Ng and Premila Gowri Shankar. (2010). Effects of Technical Department’s Advice, Quality Assessment Standards, and Client Justification on Auditors’ Propensity to Accept Client Preferred Accounting Methods. The Accounting Review, 85(5), 1746-1761.
Hun-Tong Tan, Robert Libby, and James Hunton. (2010). When Do Analysts Adjust for Biases in Management Guidance? Effects of Guidance Track Record and Analysts' Incentives. Contemporary Accounting Research, 27(1), 187-208.
Hun-Tong Tan, and Ken Trotman. (2010). Effects of the Timing of Auditors’ Income-Reducing Adjustment Concessions on Financial Officers’ Negotiation Judgments. Contemporary Accounting Research, 27(4), 1207-1239.
Andrew Call, Shuping Chen, and Yen Hee Tong. (2009). Are Analysts' Earnings Forecasts More Accurate When Accompanied by Cash Flow Forecasts? Review of Accounting Studies, 14, 358-391.
Hun-Tong Tan and Seet-Koh Tan. (2009). Investors' Reactions to Management Disclosure Corrections: Does Presentation Format Matter? Contemporary Accounting Research, 26(2), 605-626.
Kevin Koh, Dawn Matsumoto, and Shiva Rajgopal. (2008). Meeting or Beating Analyst Expectations in the Post-Scandals World: Changes in Stock Market Rewards and Managerial Actions. Contemporary Accounting Research, 25(4), 1067-1098.
Robert Libby, James Hunton, Hun-Tong Tan, and Nicholas Seybert. (2008). Relationship Incentives and the optimistic/ pessimistic pattern in analysts’ forecasts. Journal of Accounting Research, 46(1), 173-198.
Chee-Yeow Lim and Hun-Tong Tan. (2008). Non-audit Service Fees and Audit Quality: The Impact of Auditor Specialization. Journal of Accounting Research, 46(1), 199-246.
Seet-Koh Tan and Hun-Tong Tan. (2008). Effects of Exposure to Subsequently Invalidated Evidence on Judgments of Audit Workpaper Preparers and Reviewers. Contemporary Accounting Research, 25(3), 921-946.
Shuping Chen, Terry Shevlin, and Yen Hee Tong. (2007). Does the Pricing of Financial Reporting Quality Change Around Dividend Changes? Journal of Accounting Research, 45(1), 1-40.
Han Jun and Hun Tong Tan. (2007). Investors' Reactions to Management Guidance Forms: The Influence of Multiple Benchmarks. The Accounting Review, 82(2), 521-543.
Terence Bu-Peow Ng and Hun Tong Tan. (2007). Effects of Qualitative Factor Salience, Expressed Client Concern, and Qualitative Materiality Thresholds on Auditors' Audit Adjustment Decisions. Contemporary Accounting Research, 24(4), 1171-92.
Somnath Das, Rejin Guo, and Huai Zhang. (2006). Analysts' Selective Coverage and Subsequent Performance of Newly Public Firms. Journal of Finance, 61(3), 1159-1185.
Robert Libby, Hun-Tong Tan, and James Hunton. (2006). Does the Form of Managements Earnings Guidance Affect Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts? The Accounting Review, 81(1), 207-225.
Premila Gowri Shankar and Hun-Tong Tan. (2006). Determinants of Audit Preparers' Work Paper Justifications. The Accounting Review, 81(2), 473-495.
2001 to 2005
Kin-Yew Low. (2004). The Effects of Industry Specialization on Audit Risk Assessments and Audit Planning Decisions. The Accounting Review, 79(1), 201-21.
Hun-Tong Tan. (2004). Discussion of The Efficacy of Third-party Consultation in Preventing Managerial Escalation of Commitment: The Role of Mental Representation. Contemporary Accounting Research, 21(1), 83-88.
Somnath Das and Huai Zhang. (2003). Rounding-up in Reported EPS, Behavioral Thresholds and Earnings Management. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 35(1), 31-50.
Terence Bu-Peow Ng and Hun-Tong Tan. (2003). Effects of Authoritative Guidance Availability and Audit Committee Effectiveness on Auditors' Judgments in an Auditor-client Negotiation Context. The Accounting Review, 78(3), 801-818.
Hun-Tong Tan and Ken Trotman. (2003). Reviewers' Responses to Anticipated Stylization Attempts by Preparers of Audit Workpapers. The Accounting Review, 78(2), 581-604.
Hun-Tong Tan, Robert Libby, and James Hunton. (2002). Analysts' Reactions to Earnings Preannouncement Strategies, Journal of Accounting Research, 40(1): 223-246.
Jacob Thomas and Huai Zhang. (2002). Inventory Changes and Future Returns. Review of Accounting Studies, 7, 163-187.
Karim Jamal and Hun-Tong Tan. (2001). Can Auditors Predict the Choices Made by Other Auditors? Journal of Accounting Research, 39(3), 583-597.
Hun-Tong Tan and Karim Jamal. (2001). Do Auditors Objectively Evaluate their Subordinates' Work? The Accounting Review, 76(1), 99-110.
Hun-Tong Tan and Jackson Yip-Ow. (2001). Are Reviewers' Judgments Influenced by Memo Structure and Conclusions Documented in Audit Workpapers? Contemporary Accounting Research, 18(4), 663-678.
2000 and earlier
Patricia Mui Siang Tan. (2000). Project Termination Decisions, Underinvestment and Overinvestment. Contemporary Accounting Research, 17(1), 135-170.
Jackson Yip-Ow and Hun-Tong Tan. (2000). Effects of the preparer's justification on the reviewer's hypothesis generation and judgment in analytical procedures. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 203-215.
Robert Libby and Hun-Tong Tan. (1999). Analysts’ Reactions to Warnings of Negative Earnings Surprises. Journal of Accounting Research, 37(2), 415-435.
Hun-Tong Tan and Alison Kao. (1999). Accountability Effects on Auditors' Performance: The Influence of Knowledge, Problem-solving Ability, and Task Complexity. Journal of Accounting Research, 37(1), 209-223.
Hun-Tong Tan and Robert Libby. (1997). Tacit Managerial Versus Technical Knowledge as Determinants of Audit Expertise in the Field. Journal of Accounting Research, 35(1), 97-113.
Hun-Tong Tan. (1995). Effects of Expectations, Prior Involvement, and Review Awareness on Memory for Audit Evidence and Judgment. Journal of Accounting Research, 33(1), 113-135.
Robert Libby and Hun-Tong Tan. (1994). Modeling the Determinants of Audit expertise. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 19(8), 701-716.