
Greetings from the Marketing Division. And thank you for visiting our website and getting to know our faculty and students. 

A vibrant division, we are a diverse group who come from North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. We aim to excel as a thought leader in the field, educate our students to be the next generation of business leaders, and collaborate with industry partners to improve existing business practices. 

In line with our ambition to be an industry thought leader, our faculty members have published in many of the world's leading academic journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. 

Our faculty also serve the academic community through editorships in prestigious academic journals (e.g., Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology) and professional activities. As a testimony to the impact the division makes, many of our colleagues have won international awards for their research and contribution to knowledge creation. 

Beyond the academic community, the division collaborates closely with industry partners on research and teaching. This allows the faculty to tap into the pulse of business activity, ensuring our teaching and research are imbued with pertinent industry concerns. 

The division frequently invites eminent industry partners to be guest speakers in the classes so that our students can tap into their experiences and insights. We also work with industry partners to involve students in their company projects.

We welcome you to get to know our division better. Do reach out if you would like to learn more or wish to collaborate with us. 

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Contact Us

Vannessa TEO (Ms)
Academic Support Unit
Division of Marketing
Office: ABS-06-060, Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological University
91 Nanyang Avenue, Gaia, Singapore 639956
Associate Professor Elaine CHAN
Head of Division, Marketing
Office: ABS-06-096, Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological University
91 Nanyang Avenue, Gaia, Singapore 639956

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