Our Research

Our Marketing Division at Nanyang Business School has expertise in consumer psychology, consumer culture theory, and empirical modelling.

As a research-intensive University, our faculty are prolific researchers who have published in the top journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Marketing Science, and Management Science. 

Some of our colleagues’ research focus on understanding the psychology underlying consumer purchasing behaviour. Using experimental techniques, we examine how individual factors (e.g., goals, mindset), situational variables (e.g., store lightings, sound), and societal factors (e.g., culture, social crowdedness) may influence how consumers choose and buy. 

On consumer culture theory, we examine the cultural dimension of Marketing phenomena, such as cultural differences in consumer behaviour and marketing practices. Recent projects done in collaboration with hospitality companies have investigated the cultural dimension of service interactions. Using ethnographic approaches, our faculty attempted to explain how and why serving vary across cultures.

On quantitative modelling, we examine various consumer and firm choice related phenomena in marketing contexts. We look at questions pertaining to consumer preference and choice estimation, social influence analysis, optimal firm choices in online environment, among others. Their expertise ranges from empirical modelling using traditional econometric methods to applications of state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.  

Collectively, through our research, we aim to help firms and consumers make better informed decisions. 

Selected Publications


  • Sungjin Jung, Charlene Chen and Andy Yap, (2024), “Expressing Passion for Luxury Enhances Perceived Authenticity”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 34(1), 101-109.

  • Barbara Briers, Young Eun Huh, Elaine Chan and Anirban Mukhopadhyay, (2024), “Intergenerational Effects of Lay Beliefs: How Parents’ Unhealthy = Tasty Intuition Influences their Children’s Food Consumption and Body Mass Index”, Journal of Consumer Research, 50(6), 1074-1096.
  • Cheng Yimin, Kuangjie Zhang, Xuhong Zhuang, (2024), “Follow Your Heart or Your Mind: The Effect of Consumption Frequency on Consumers’ Reliance on Feelings”, Journal of Business Research, 175, 114543.
  • Sadat Reza and Paul Rilstone, (2024), “Effects of Bargaining Legislation on Worker and Management Reconciliation Decisions-A Bivariate Duration Analysis”, Oxford Economic Papers, 76(1), 115-135.


  • Chi Hoang and Sharon Ng, (2023), “The Facilitating Effect of Physiological Self-tracking on Organ Donation”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33(2), 394-402.
  • Monin Techawachirakul, Abhishek Pathak, Kosuke Motoki and Gemma Anne Calvert, (2023), “Negative Halo Effect of Sustainable Packaging”, Psychology & Marketing, 40(12), 2627-2641.
  • Ishtiaq Pasha Mahmood, Sadat Reza, Xiaoteng Wu, (2023), “Optimal Firm and Regulator Strategies in the Presence of Regulatory Ambiguity”, Academy of Management Proceedings. (Published Online)
  • Chen Lou, Xuan Zhou, Xun (Irene) Huang, Goh Xin Yun, Lee Yan Jie, Loon Kin Tat Bryan and Por Xin Rong, (2023), “Flattering me in the Right Way: Exploring Language Use and Ethnic Cues in Localized Advertising among Singaporean Consumers”, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 23(1), 55-72.

  • Xuan Zhou, Chen Lou and Xun (Irene) Huang, (2023), “Transcendent Brand Activism Advertising: Explicating the Roles of Color and Message Framing in Advertising Effectiveness”, Journal of Advertising, 53(2), 183-199.
  • Yupeng Chen, Garud Iyengar and Chun Wang, (2023), “Robust Inventory Management: A Cycle-Based Approach”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(2), 371-810.

  • Xinlong Li and Andrew Ching, (2023), “How Does a Firm Adapt in a Changing World? The Case of Prosper Marketplace”, Marketing Science. (Published Online)
  • Monin Techawachirakul, Abhishek Pathak, Kosuke Motoki and Gemma Anne Calvert, (2023), “Influencing Brand Personality with Sonic Logos: The Role of Musical Timbre”, Journal of Business Research, 168, 114169.
  • Monin Techawachirakul, Abhishek Pathak, Kosuke Motoki and Gemma Anne Calvert, (2023), “Sonic Branding of Meat-and-Plant-based Foods: The Role of Timbre”, Journal of Business Research, 165, 114032.


  • Eunsoo Kim, Annie Ding, Xin (Shane) Wang and Shijie Lu, (2022), “Does Topic Consistency Matter? A Study of Critic and User Reviews in the Movie Industry”, Journal of Marketing, 87(3), 428-450.

  • Xi Li and Xinlong Li, (2022), “The Bright Side of Inequity Aversion”, Management Science, 69(7), 3759-4361.
  • Chen Lou, Xuan Zhou, Xun (Irene) Huang, Chen Qiu and Mingquan Yuan, (2022), “Fostering Consumer Engagement during an Omnipresent Victim Crisis: Understanding the Roles of Values in Pandemic-themed Advertising”, International Journal of Advertising, 42(5), 890-915.

  • Jingyu Li, Yigang Pan, Yi Yang and Caleb H. Tse, (2022), “Digital Platform Attention and International Sales, An Attention-based View,” Journal of International Business Studies, 53(8), 1817-1835.

  • Elaine Chan, (2022), “Can Social Comparison Motivate Satisficers? The Role of Input versus Output in Upward Social Comparison”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32(4), 664-671.

  • Elaine Chan and Lijun Shirley Zhang, (2022), “Is this Food Healthy? The Impact of Lay Beliefs and Contextual Cues on Food Healthiness Perception and Consumption”, Current Opinion in Psychology, 46, 101348.

  • Jean-Baptiste Welté, Julien Cayla and Eileen Fischer, (2022), “Navigating Contradictory Logics in the Field of Luxury Retailing”, Journal of Retailing, 98(3), 510-526.

  • Jean-Baptiste Welté, Julien Cayla and Bernard Cova, (2022), “The Intimacy Trap: Navigating the Commercial Friendships of Luxury”, Journal of Business Research, 145, 649-659.

  • Gregorio Fuschillo, Julien Cayla, and Bernard Cova, (2022), “Brand Magnification: When Brands help People Reconstruct their Lives”, European Journal of Marketing, 56(3), 768-798.

  • Eunsoo Kim, Julia Lee Cunningham and Anocha Aribarg, (2022), “The Moral Significance of Aesthetics in Nature Imagery”, Psychological Science, 33(9), 1372-1385.

  • Kuangjie Zhang, Shaobo (Kevin) Li and Sharon Ng, (2022), “Sizes Are Gendered: The Effect of Size Cues in Brand Names on Brand Stereotyping”, Journal of Consumer Research, 49(2), 252-267.

  • Qing Tang, Kuangjie Zhang and Xun (Irene) Huang, (2022), “Indulgent Consumption Signals Interpersonal Warmth”, Journal of Marketing Research, 59(6), 1179-1196.

  • Hillbun Ho, Namwoon Kim and Sadat Reza, (2022), “CSR and CEO pay: Does CEO Reputation Matter?”, Journal of Business Research, 149, 1034-1049.

  • Madan, Shilpa, Shankha Basu, Sharon Ng and Krishna Savani, (2022), “The Breadth of Normative Standards: Antecedents and Consequences for Individuals and Organizations” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 172, 104181.

  • Xiaoyan Liu, Sohyun Bae and Sharon Ng, (2022), “We are More Tolerant than I: Self-Construal and Consumer Responses toward Deceptive Advertising”, Marketing Letters, 33(2), 277-291.

  • Haiyang Yang and Kuangjie Zhang, (2022), “How Resource Scarcity Influences Preference for Counterhedonic Consumption”, Journal of Consumer Research, 48(5), 904-919.

  • Gemma Anne Calvert., Geoffrey Evans and Abhishek Pathak, (2022), “Race, Gender and the US Presidency: A Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Biases in the Electorate”, Behavioral Sciences, 12(1), 17.

  • Monin Techawachirakul, Gemma Anne Calvert and Abhishek Pathak, (2022), “That Sounds Healthy! Audio and Visual Frequency Differences in Brand Sound Logos Modify the Perception of Food Healthfulness”, Food Quality and Preference, 99(1), 104544.

  • Abhishek Pathak, Kosuke Motoki, Monin Techawachirakul and Gemma Anne Calvert, (2022), “Spiky Sounds Sparkling: How Voiceless Consonants Present in the Brand Name of a Beverage are more Appropriate in Conveying its Carbonation Strength”, Food Quality and Preference, 96, 104404.

  • Abhishek Pathak, Gemma Anne Calvert, Kosuke Motoki and Jaewoo Park, (2022), “How Early Acquired Phonemes Present in Words (or Brand Names) can Evoke the Expectations of Sweet Tastes”, Food Quality and Preference, 96, 104392.


  • Chen Lou, Hyunjin Kang and Caleb H. Tse, (2021), “Bots vs. Humans: How Schema Congruity, Contingency-based interactivity, and Sympathy Influence Consumer Perceptions and Patronage Intentions”, International Journal of Advertising, 41(4), 655-684.

  • Kim, Soo, Peggy J. Liu, and Kate E. Min, (2021), “Reminder Avoidance: Why People Hesitate to Disclose Their Insecurities to Friends,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121 (1), 59-75.

    • Sharon Ng, Ali Faraji-Rad and Rajeev Batra, (2021), “Uncertainty Evokes Consumers’ Preference for Brands Incongruent with their Global-Local Citizenship Identity”, Journal of Marketing Research, 58(2), 400-415.

    • Shankha Basu and Sharon Ng, (2021), “$100 a month or $1,200 a year? Regulatory Focus and the Evaluation of Temporally Framed Attributes”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31(2), 301-318.

    • Sharon Ng, Mehak Bharti and Kim Huat Goh, (2021), “Price Promotions Are Inherently More Arousing for Interdependents”, Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, 6(1), 67-80.

    • Longwei Tian, Caleb H. Tse, Xunyong Xiang, Yuan Li, and Yigang Pan, (2021), “Social Movements and the International Business Activities of Firms”, Journal of International Business Studies, 52(6), 1200-1214.

    • Caleb H. Tse, Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, Eden Yin, Feng Wan and Hao Jiao, (2021), “R&D Activities and Innovation Performance of MNE Subsidiaries: The Moderating Effects of Government Support and Entry Mode”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120603.

    • Sadat Reza, Puneet Manchanda and Juin-Kuan Chong, (2021), “Identification and Estimation of Endogenous Peer Effects using Partial Network Data from Multiple Reference Groups”, Management Science, 67(8), 4643-5300.

    • Sadat Reza, Hillbun Ho, Rich Ling and Hongyan Shi, (2021), “Experience Effect in the Impact of Free Trial Promotions”, Management Science, 67(3), 1329-1992.

    • Kuangjie Zhang, Fengyan Cai, and Zhengyu Shi, (2021), “Do Promotions Make Consumers More Generous? The Impact of Price Promotions on Consumers’ Donation Behavior”, Journal of Marketing, 85(3), 240-255.

    • Abhishek Pathak, Gemma Anne Calvert and Kosuke Motoki, (2021), “Sound Symbolism Overrides Articulation Dynamics in the Taste Continuum”, Food Quality and Preference, 91, 104186.

    • Abhishek Pathak, Gemma Anne Calvert and Kosuke Motoki, (2021), “Sooo Sweeet: Presence of Long Vowels in Brand Names Lead to Expectations of Sweetness”, Behavioural Sciences, 11(2), 12.


    • Geoff Tomaino, Jasper Teow, Ziv Carmon, Leonard Lee, Moshe Ben-Akiva, Charlene Y. Chen, Wai Yan Leong, Shanjun Li, Nan Yang and Jinhua Zhao, (2020), “Mobility as a Service (MaaS): The Importance of Transportation Psychology”, Marketing Letters, 31(4), 419-428.

    • Barbara Briers, Young Eun Huh, Elaine Chan, and Anirban Mukhopadhyay, (2020), “The Unhealthy = Tasty Belief is Associated with BMI through Reduced Consumption of Vegetables: A Cross-National and Mediational Analysis”, Appetite, 150, 104639.

    • Abhishek Pathak, Gemma Anne Calvert and Kosuke Motoki, (2020), “Long Vowel Sounds Induce Expectations of Sweet Tastes”, Food Quality and Preference, 86, 1-5.

    • Abhishek Pathak and Gemma Anne Calvert, (2020), “Sounds Sweet, Sounds bitter: How the Presence of Certain Sounds in a Brand’s Name can Alter its Perceived Taste”, Food Quality and Preference, 83, 1-10.

    • Gemma Anne Calvert, Geraldine Trufil, Abhishek Pathak, Eamon Philip Fulcher, (2020), “IMPULSE Moment-by-moment Test: An Implicit Measure of Affective Responses to Audiovisual Televised or Digital Advertisements”, Behavioral Sciences, 10(4), 73.

    • Xun (Irene) Huang, and Aparna A. Labroo, (2020), “Cueing Morality: The Effect of High-pitched Music on Healthy Choice, Journal of Marketing, 84(6), 130-143.

    • Hillbun Ho, Oleksiy Osiyevskyy, James Agarwal and Sadat Reza, (2020), “Does Ambidexterity in Marketing Pay Off? The Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Journal of Business Research, 110, 65-79.

    • Thomas Allard, Lea H. Dunn and Katherine White, (2020), “Negative Reviews, Positive Impact: Consumer Empathetic Responding to Unfair Word-of-Mouth”, Journal of Marketing, 84(4), 86-108.

    • Michiel Baas and Julien Cayla, (2020), “Recognition in India’s New Service Professions: Gym Trainers and Coffee Baristas”, Consumption Markets & Culture, 23(3), 223-240.

    • Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Lisa Bolton, Sharon Ng and Dian Wang, (2020), “Dual Entitlement Revisited: Cultural Differences in Asymmetric Pricing”, Journal of Marketing Behavior, 4(2-4), 213-225.

    • May Oo Lwin, Chitra Panchapakesan, Anita Sheldenkar, Gemma Anne Calvert, Lewis K.S. Lim, and Jiahui Lu, (2020), “Determinants of eHealth Literacy among Adults in China”, Journal of Health Communication, 25(5), 385-393.

    • Abhishek Pathak, Gemma Anne Calvert, and Lewis K.S. Lim, (2020), “Harsh Voices, Sound Branding: How Voiced Consonants in a Brand's Name can Alter its Perceived Attributes”, Psychology & Marketing, 37(6), 837-847.

    • Chen Lou and Caleb H. Tse, (2020), “Which Model Looks Most Like Me? Explicating the Impact of Body Image Advertisements on Female Consumer Well-Being and Consumption Behavior across Brand Categories”, International Journal of Advertising, 1-27.

    • Fine F. Leung, Sara Kim and Caleb H. Tse, (2020), “Highlighting Effort Versus Talent in Service Employee Performance: Customer Attributions and Responses”, Journal of Marketing, 84(3), 106-121.

    • Shige Makino, Caleb H. Tse, Stella Yiyan Li and Yuan Li, (2020), “Passion Transfer Across National Borders”, Journal of Business Research, 108, 213-231.

    • Fine F. Leung, Caleb H. Tse and Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, (2020), “Engaging Customer Co-creation in New Product Development through Foreign Subsidiaries: Influences of MNCs’ Global Integration and Local Adaptation Mechanisms”, Journal of International Marketing, 28(2), 59-80.

    • Wong King-Yin and Michael Lynn, (2020), “Credit Card Cue Effect: How Mere Exposure to Credit Card Cues Promotes Consumers’ Perceived Financial Well-being and Spending”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 38(2), 368-383.

    • Mansur Khamitov, Yany Grégoire and Anshu Suri, (2020), “A Systematic Review of Brand Transgression, Service Failure Recovery and Product-harm Crisis: Integration and Guiding Insights, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 519–542.


    • Charlene Y. Chen and Michel Tuan Pham, (2019), “Affect Regulation and Consumer Behavior”, Consumer Psychology Review, 2(1), 114-144.

    • Elaine Chan and Barbara Briers, (2019), “It’s the End of the Competition: When Social Comparison is Not Always Motivating for Goal Achievement”, Journal of Consumer Research, 46(2), 351-370.

    • Gemma Anne Calvert, Elison Lim, Abhishek Pathak, Geraldine Trufil and Eamon Philip Fulcher, (2019), “Providing Excellent Customer Service is therapeutic: Insights from an Implicit Association Neuromarketing Study”. Behavioural Sciences, 9(10), 109.

    • Abhishek Pathak, Carlos Velasco and Gemma Anne Calvert, (2019), “Identifying Counterfeit Brand Logos: On the Importance of the First and Last Letters of a Logotype”, European Journal of Marketing, 53(10), 2109-2125. 

    • Abhishek Pathak, Carlos Velasco and Gemma Anne Calvert, (2019), “Implicit and Explicit Identification of Counterfeit Brand Logos based on Logotype Transposition”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 28(6), 747-757. 

    • Abhishek Pathak, Carlos Velasco, Olivia Petit and Gemma Anne Calvert, (2019), “Going to Great Lengths in the Pursuit of Luxury: How Longer Brand Names Can Enhance the Luxury Perception of a Brand”, Psychology & Marketing, 36(10), 951-963.

    • Robert S. Wyer, Ping Dong, Xun (Irene) Huang, Zhongqiang (Tak) Huang and Lisa S. Wan, (2019), “The Effect of Incidental Emotions on Judgments and Behavior in Unrelated Situations: A review, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4(2), 198-207. (Equal Second Authorship)

    • Xun (Irene) Huang and Ping Dong, (2019), “Romantic Crushes Promote Variety-seeking Behavior, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29(2), 226-242.

    • Sadat Reza and Paul Rilstone, (2019), “Smoothed Maximum Score Estimation of Discrete Duration Models”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(2), 64.

    • Thomas Allard, David J. Hardisty, and Dale Griffin, (2019), “When “More” seems like less: Differential Price Framing Increases the Choice Share of Higher-priced Options”, Journal of Marketing Research, 56(5), 826-841.

    • Monica Wadhwa and Kuangjie Zhang, (2019), “When Numbers Make You Feel: Impact of Round versus Precise Numbers on Preventive Health Behaviors”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 150, 101-111.

    • Chong Guan and Shun Yin Lam, (2019), “Product Rating Statistics as Consumer Search Aids”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 48, 51-70.

    • Zhi Lu, Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Lisa Bolton and Sharon Ng, (2019), “The Price of Power: How Firm's Market Power Affects Perceived Fairness of Price Increases”, Journal of Retailing, 96(2), 220-234.

    • Sharon Ng and Shankha Basu, (2019), “Global Identity and Preference for Environmentally Friendly Products: The Role of Personal Responsibility”, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50(8), 919-936.

    • Shilpa Madan, Shankha Basu, Sharon Ng, and Elison Lim, (2019), “Impact of Culture on the Pursuit of Beauty: Evidence from Five Countries”, Journal of International Marketing, 26(4), 54-68.
      -Finalist for the 2019 S. Tamer Cavusgil Award.

    • Chen Lou, Caleb H. Tse and May O. Lwin, (2019), “Average-sized” Models Do Sell, but What about in East Asia? A Cross-cultural Investigation of US and Singaporean Women”, Journal of Advertising, 48(5), 512-531.

    • JianJun John Zhu, Caleb H. Tse and Xu Li, (2019), “Unfolding China’s State-owned Corporate Empires and Mitigating Agency Hazards: Effects of Foreign Investments and Innovativeness”, Journal of World Business, 54(3), 191-212.

    • Mansur Khamitov, Xin (Shane) Wang, and Matthew Thomson, (2019), “How Well Do Consumer-brand Relationships Drive Customer Brand Loyalty? Generalizations from a Meta-Analysis of Brand Relationship Elasticities”, Journal of Consumer Research, 46(3), 435-459.

    • Rod Duclos and Mansur Khamitov, (2019), “Compared to Dematerialized Money, Cash Increases Impatience in Intertemporal Choice”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29(3), 445-454.

    • Hongyan Shi, Yunchuan Liu and Nicholas C. Petruzzi, (2019), “Informative Advertising in a Distribution Channel”, European Journal of Operational Research, 274(2), 773-787.


    • Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Lisa Bolton, Sharon Ng, Dongwon Lee and Dian Wang, (2018), “Culture, Relationship Norm and Dual-Entitlement”, Journal of Consumer Research, 45(1), 1-20 (Lead Article).

    • Teck-Hua Ho, Ivan PL Png and Sadat Reza, (2018), “Sunk Cost Fallacy in Driving the World’s Costliest Cars”, Management Science, 64(4), 1761-1778.

    • Jeff D. Rotman, Mansur Khamitov, and Scott Connors, (2018), “Lie, Cheat, and Steal: How Harmful Brands Motivate Consumers to Act Unethically”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 353-361.

    • Charlene Y. Chen, Maya Rossignac-Milon and E. Tory Higgins, (2018), “Feeling Distressed from Making Decisions: Assessors’ Need to Be Right”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(4), 743-761.

    • Xun (Irene) Huang, Zhongqiang (Tak) Huang, and Robert S. Wyer., (2018), The Influence of Social Crowding on Brand Attachment. Journal of Consumer Research, 44(5), 1068-1084.

    • Xun (Irene) Huang, Ping Dong, and Aparna A. Labroo, (2018), “Feeling Disconnected from Others: The Effects of Ambient Darkness on Hedonic Choice”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35(1), 144-153.

    • Zhongqiang (Tak), Huang, Xun (Irene) Huang and Yuwei Jiang, (2018), “The Impact of Death-Related Media Information on Consumer Value Orientation and Scope Sensitivity”, Journal of Marketing Research, 55(3), 432-445.

    • Yan Liu, Hongyan Shi and Nicholas C. Petruzzi, (2018), “Optimal Quality and Quantity Provisions for Centralized vs. Decentralized Distribution: Market Size Uncertainty Effects”, European Journal of Operational Research, 265(3), 1144-1158.

    • Baojun Jiang and Hongyan Shi, (2018), “Inter-competitor Licensing and Product Innovation, Journal of Marketing Research, 55(5), 738-751.

    • Bernard Cova, Antonella Carù and Julien Cayla, (2018), “Re-conceptualizing Escape in Consumer Research” Qualitative Market Research, 21(4), 445-464.


    • Sharon Ng and Rajeev Batra, (2017), “Regulatory Goals in a Globalized World”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(2), 270-277.

    • Chow-Hou Wee and Clive Choo, (2017), “MahaChem: The Chemistry of Distribution,” Small Enterprise Research, 25(2), 192-211.

    • Chow-Hou Wee, (2017), “Think Tank—Beyond the Five Forces Model and Blue Ocean Strategy: An Integrative Perspective from Sun Zi Bingfa,” Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 36(2), 34-45.

    • Abhishek Pathak, Gemma Anne Calvert and Carlos Velasco, (2017), “Evaluating the Impact of Early-and-late-aquired Phonemes on the Luxury Appeal of Brand Names”, Journal of Brand Management, 24(6), 522-545.

    • Abhishek Pathak, Gemma Anne Calvert and Elison Ai Ching Lim, (2017), “How the Linguistic Characteristics of a Brand Name Can Affect Its Luxury Appeal”, International Journal of Market Research, 59(5) 567-600.

    • Elison Ai Ching Lim, Yih Hwai Lee and Maw-Der Foo, (2017), “Frontline Employees’ Nonverbal Cues in Service Encounters: a Double-edged Sword”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(5), 657-676.

    • Xun (Irene) Huang, Ping Dong, and Robert S. Wyer, (2017), “Competing for Attention: The Effects of Jealousy on Preference for Attention-grabbing Products”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(2), 171-181.

    • Shun Yin Lam, Jeanne Ho-ying Fu, and Dongmei Li, (2017), “The Influence of Thematic Product Displays on Consumers: An Elaboration-based Account,” Psychology & Marketing, 34(9), 868-883.

    • Teck-Hua Ho, Noah Lim, Sadat Reza and Xiaoyu Xia, (2017) “Causal Inference Models in Operations Management,” Manufacturing & Services Operations Management, 19(4), 509-525.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2017), “From Rhetoric to Reality? The ASEAN Inter-Governmental Alliance and Tourism”, Tourism Planning and Development, 14(1), 50-64.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2017), “Street Food, Hawkers and the Michelin Guide in Singapore”, British Food Journal, 119(4), 790-802.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2017), “Global Cities, Tourism and Tokyo”, International Journal of Tourism Cities, 3(2), 143-157.

    • Charlene Y. Chen, Leonard Lee, and Andy J. Yap, (2017), “Control Deprivation Motivates Acquisition of Utilitarian Products”, Journal of Consumer Research, 43(6), 1031-1047.

    • Rebecca Scott, Julien Cayla and Bernard Cova, (2017), “Selling Pain to the Saturated Self,” Journal of Consumer Research, 42(1), 22-43.

    • Eric Arnould, Julien Cayla and Delphine Dion (2017), “Fetish, Magic, Marketing”, Anthropology Today, 33(2), 28-32.

    • Zahed Ghaderi, Gelareh Abooali and Joan C. Henderson, (2017), “Community Capacity Building for Tourism in a Heritage Village: The Case of Hawraman Takht in Iran”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(3), 1-14.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2017), “Destination Development: Trends in Japan’s Inbound Tourism”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 19(1), 89-98.

    • Thomas Allard and Dale Griffin, (2017), “Comparative Price and the Design of Effective Product Communications”, Journal of Marketing, 81(5), 16-29.

    • Wong King-Yin and Michael Lynn, (2017), “The Easy-money Effect: Credit Card Spending and Hard-work Reminders”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 34(7), 541-551.


    • Chow-Hou Wee and Clive Choo, (2016), “Addicon: We Are Logistics,” Small Enterprise Research, 23(2), 190-199.

    • Sadat Reza and Paul Rilstone, (2016), “Semiparametric Efficiency Bounds and Efficient Estimation of Discrete Duration Models with Unspecified Hazard Rate”, Econometric Reviews, 35(5), 693-726.

    • Abhishek Pathak and Lewis K.S. Lim, (2016), “Marketing Decision Making Behavior under the Influence of Attractive Performance-linked Rewards”, International Journal of Business Administration, 7(3), 81-90.

    • Xun (Irene) Huang, Zhongqiang (Tak) Huang, and Robert S. Wyer, (2016), "Slowing Down in the Good Old Days: The Effect of Nostalgia on Consumer Patience”, Journal of Consumer Research, 43(3), 372-387.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2016), “Halal Food, Certification and Halal Tourism: Insights from Malaysia and Singapore”, Tourism Management Perspectives, 19(B), 160-164.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2016), “Remembering Lee Kuan Yew: Politics, Heritage and Political Heritage in Singapore”, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 22(1), 59-69.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2016), “Local and Traditional or Global and Modern: Food and Tourism in Singapore”, Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 2(1), 55-67.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2016), “Hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup: Opportunities and Challenges for Qatar”, Journal of Sport and Tourism, 19(3/4), 281-298.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2016), “Integrated Resorts and Tourism: A Singapore Perspective”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, 5(2), 191-208.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2016), “Muslim Travellers, Tourism Industry Responses and the Case of Japan”, Tourism Recreation Research, 41(3), 339-347.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2016), “Foodservice in Singapore; Retaining a place for hawkers?”, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 19(3), 272-286.

    • Eugene Soon Lee Kang and Shun Yin Lam, (2016), “Contingent Effects of Firm and Employee Reputations on Professional Advice Adoption”, Service Business, 11(2), 345-373.

    • Ali Faraji-Rad, Shiri Melumad and Gita Venkataramani Johar, (2016), “Consumer Desire for Control as a Barrier to New Product Adoption”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(3), 347-354.

    • Becca Franks, Charlene Y. Chen, Katie Manley and E. Tory Higgins, (2016), “Effective Challenge Regulation Coincides with Promotion Focused-Related Success and Emotional Well-Being”, Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(3), 981-994.

    • Julien Cayla and Kushagra Bhatnagar, (2016), “Language and Power in India’s ‘New Services’”, Journal of Business Research, 72, 189-198.


    • Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Hooi Den Huan and Jacky Mussry, (2023), “Entrepreneurial Marketing”, Wiley.


    • Chow-Hou Wee, (2021), “Sun Zi Bingfa: An illustrated translation with Asian Perspectives and Insights”, Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.


    • Philip Kotler and Den Huan Hooi, (2020), “Winning the Future: Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Harmony”, World Scientific.


    • Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya and Den Huan Hooi, (2019), “Asian Competitors”, World Scientific.


    • Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya and Den Huan Hooi, (2017), “Marketing for Competitiveness”, World Scientific. This book became a bestseller and is available in seven languages - English, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Chinese (Simplified)[China]; Chinese (Traditional) [Hong Kong and Taiwan].

    • Chow-Hou Wee, (2017), “Sun Zi Bingfa: Strategic Applications to Business and Marketing Practices”, Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.


    • Charles W. L. Hill, Chow-Hou Wee and Krishna Udayasankar, (2016), “International Business: Asia Global Edition; 2nd Edition”, McGraw-Hill.


    • Boey Yew Tung, Sharon Ng, Winson Ang and Lim Boon Chong, (2022), "At the Nexus of the Triple Bottom Line: Ya Kun Kaya Toast", in Towards a Sustainable Future, eds. Foo Maw Der, Koh Cheng Boon and Madeline Pua.


    • Wong King-Yin, (2021), “Virtual reality marketing in hospitality and tourism”, in Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Information Technology, USF M3 Publishing, eds. C. Cobanoglu, S. Dogan, K. Berezina, & G. Collins. 


    • Sharon Ng, Mehak Bharti and Natalie Truong, (2019), “The Impact of Gender and Culture in Consumer Behaviour”, in The Cambridge Handbook of the International Psychology of Women, eds. Fanny M. Cheung, Diane F. Halpern.

    • Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, Kimmy Wa Chan. Chan, Caleb H. Tse and Fine F. Leung, (2019), “Customer Centricity and Customer Co-creation in Services: The Double-edged Effects”, in Handbook on Customer Centricity: Strategies for Building a Customer Centric Organization, eds. Robert W. Palmatier, Christine Moorman and Ju-Yeon Lee.

    • Eric Arnould, Julien Cayla and Delphine Dion, (2019), “Fetish, Magic, Marketing”, in Magical Capitalism, eds. Brian Moeran and Timothy de Waal Malefyt.


    • Shilpa Madan, Shankha Basu, Elison Lim and Sharon Ng, (2018), “The Appeal of Beauty and Physical Attractiveness: An Indian Perspective,” in Handbook of Understanding Indian Consumers, eds. Durairaj Maheswaran and Thomas Puliyel.


    • King-Yin Wong, (2017), “Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) (overview of concept and uses for tracking in hospitality and Tourism),” in The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism, eds. Linda L. Lowry.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2017), “Sports Events, Tourism, Development and Regeneration: A Perspective from Gulf States of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Qatar (Chapter 1)”, in Sport, Events, Tourism and Regeneration, eds. Nicholas Wise and John Harris.

    • Joan C. Henderson, (2017), “Pilgrimage and Tourism Development in Saudi Arabia: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities (Chapter 13)” in International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Challenges and Opportunities, eds. Marcus L. Stephenson and Ala Al-Hamarneh.


    • Terri H. Chan and Caleb H. Tse, (2016), “Profiling Lead Researchers in Advertising Research” in Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. VII), eds. George Christodoulides, Anastasia Stathopoulou and Martin Eisend.


    • Sharon Ng, Boey Yew Tung and Lim Boon Chong, (2023), "Ice Cool - Branding in a Time of Turbulence", Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2023-004).


    • Boey Yew Tung, Sharon Ng, Winson Ang and Lim Boon Chong, (2021), "At the Nexus of the Triple Bottom Line: Ya Kun Kaya Toast", Harvard Business Publishing (NTU316-PDF-ENG) and Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2021-009).

    • Boey Yew Tung and Winson Ang, (2021), “ComfortDelGro Taxi: Riding the Headwinds”, Harvard Business Publishing (NTU308-PDF-ENG) and Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2021-005).

    • Ishtiaq Mahmood, Sadat Reza and Marleen Dieleman, (2021), “National Payments Corporation of India: Cutting-Edge Fintech Ecosystem Innovation in India”, Harvard Business Publishing (W21211-PDF-ENG).


    • Lewis Lim, King-Yin Wong and Boon Chong Lim, (2020), “Tian Bao Szechuan Kitchen: Positioning an F&B Brand”, Harvard Business Publishing (NTU253-PDF-ENG) and Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2020-001).


    • Boon Chong Lim, Lewis Lim and King-Yin Wong, (2019), “agape Little Uni.: Marketing and Branding Challenges at a Pre-School”, Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2019-008).


    • Elison Lim, Marilyn A. Uy, Dolly Leow, Juan Zhen Koh and Nicole Fall, (2018), “YOURFIT: A Fusion of Korean Beauty and Technology”, Harvard Business Publishing (NTU222-PDF-ENG) and Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2018-030).


    • Elison Lim and Siew-Kien Sia, (2017), “Reebonz: Bringing You a New World of Accessible Luxury”, Harvard Business Publishing (NTU150-PDF-ENG) and Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2017-025).

    • Hong Meng Khoo and Yoon Kee Kong, (2017), “Eatigo: Connecting Empty Dining Tables with Empty Stomachs”, Harvard Business Publishing (NTU152-PDF-ENG) and Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2017-024).


    • Hong Meng Khoo, (2016), “Uniseal – Creating green value and solutions in urban living”, Harvard Business Publishing (NTU276-PDF-ENG) and Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2016-017).

    • Tuck Siong Chung, (2016), “ASEAN CSR Network”, Harvard Business Publishing (NTU268-PDF-ENG) and Asian Business Case Centre (ABCC-2016-006).

    • Yew Tung Boey, (2016), “Twitter: The Next Big Lap or Lapse, Nanyang Technopreneurship Case Centre (NTCC-2016-023).

    • Hong Meng Khoo, (2016), “Vertical Farming – An Urban Agricultural Solution”, Nanyang Technopreneurship Case Centre (NTCC-2016-020).

    • Yew Tung Boey, (2016), “GrabTaxi: What’s Tech Got to Do with It?”, Nanyang Technopreneurship Case Centre (NTCC-2016-012).

    • King-Yin Wong, (2016), “Carousell: How to thrive amid fierce competition?”, Nanyang Technopreneurship Case Centre (NTCC-2016-005).

    • Hong Meng Khoo, (2016), “Apple Watch – Leading the Next Consumer Trend”, Nanyang Technopreneurship Case Centre (NTCC-2016-003).

    • Hong Meng Khoo, (2016), “Airbnb – Transforming travel through technology”, Nanyang Technopreneurship Case Centre (NTCC-2016-001).

    • Liang Zhu, Christine Lim, Wenjun Xie and Yuan Wu, (2016), “Forecasting Singapore Tourist Arrivals Using Copula Method: High Dimensional Case”. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Tourism Association 2016 Annual Conference, Beijing, China.

    • Kyle Huggins, Mias Pretorius, Johan Burger and Jeff Overby, (2016), “Two-A-Day: A Choice of Target Market Selection of Apple Export Business”, Business Case Journal, Summer, Volume 23, Number 2 (BUS-004797).

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