Executive Certificate in Corporate and Environmental Sustainability

The adverse effects of climate change on the environment and society globally have caused companies to come under increasing pressure from various stakeholders, such as governments, regulators, and activist groups, to adopt more sustainable and socially responsible business practices. 

Committed to playing its part towards the world’s climate action and sustainability goals, the Singapore government has launched the Singapore Green Plan 2030 to build a green economy and a sustainable future. To increase corporate accountability, the Singapore Exchange (SGX) will also require companies to provide various climate-related disclosures from FY 2022.

While more companies are recognising the necessity and benefits of integrating sustainability into their corporate strategy and practices, not many have the knowledge and skills to get started.

Nanyang Business School (NBS) has introduced an Executive Certificate in Corporate and Environmental Sustainability to bridge this gap. The aim is to provide business leaders and professionals with a broad understanding of the critical issues, strategies, innovations, technologies, reporting requirements, and practical frameworks, plus toolkits to lead sustainability initiatives in their organisations. 

Offered in two modules, the comprehensive programme is designed and delivered in partnership with renowned domain experts, thought leaders, and industry leaders from Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) from the Asian School of the Environment , WTW and many more.

Module 1: Strategy, Risk Management and Design for Sustainability

  • Introduction to Corporate Sustainability
  • Surviving and Thriving Amidst Climate Change
  • Climate Risk Assessment and Management
  • Digital Technology for Sustainability
  • Clean Energy Technologies for Decarbonisation

Module 2:  Sustainable Finance, Carbon Management and Reporting for Sustainability

  • Carbon Management (carbon emissions and accounting)
  • Sustainability Reporting
  • Sustainability Metrics and Decision Making
  • Sustainable Finance

Participants can choose to attend both modules in the same run (total of 9 days) or separately as stand-alone modules. 

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To register your interest or for more information about this programme, please contact:

Email: nep@ntu.edu.sg 

Why This Programme

  • Integrate sustainability into your corporate strategy and decision-making, by learning a comprehensive set of frameworks that goes beyond simply measuring and reporting carbon footprint. With increasing focus on climate change, companies must rethink their business strategy, innovate their product and process design, and adopt more sustainable practices such as lean and green operations, responsible sourcing, sustainable finance and impact investing to create long term value.
    • Learn from and network with an unparalleled panel of distinguished professors, thought leaders, and industry leaders in the climate change and sustainability domains.

    • Benefit from a robust curriculum anchored on deep research, evidence-based insights, case studies, frameworks, and real-world application.

    • Gain access to the prestigious NBS and NTU Alumni associations for valuable networking opportunities.

    Strong Industry Collaboration

    NTU Asian School of the EnvironmentThe Asian School of the Environment (ASE) integrates earth and environmental life science, ecology, engineering and technology, human ecology, humanities, and the social sciences to address key issues of the environment and sustainability.
    WTWWTW (formerly Willis Towers Watson) provides data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk and capital that make your organization more resilient, motivate your workforce, and maximize performance.


    Programme Structure and Learning Outcomes

    Module 1: Strategy, Risk Management and Design for Sustainability

    Key Learning Outcomes
    Introduction to Corporate Sustainability
    • Gain an appreciation of the critical issues in corporate sustainability and the concept of a circular economy
    • Understand a strategic framework for developing and implementing sustainable business practices, including lean and green operations, remanufacturing, and responsible sourcing
    Surviving and Thriving Amidst Climate Change
    • Understand climate change, climate-related issues, and the impact of climate change on businesses 
    Climate Risk Assessment and Management
    • Gain an overview of different climate scenarios and the associated risks, and apply risk management insights to corporate strategy
    Digital Technology for Sustainability
    • Understand frameworks and tools that help business innovate and design solutions with sustainability considerations
    Clean Energy Technologies for Decarbonisation
    • Gain an overview of various clean energy technology options and their pros and cons. Appreciate the complex nature of energy trilemma (cost, environmental impacts, security) and clean energy decision making. 
    • Learn about low carbon energy policies and plans, with a review of the Singapore power sector decarbonisation plan

    Module 2: Sustainable Finance, Carbon Management and Reporting for Sustainability

    Key Learning Outcomes
    Sustainable Finance
    • Gain an overview of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Finance
    • Gain a basic understanding of sustainable debt markets and sustainable equity markets 
    Carbon ManagementUnderstand the Why, What and How of Carbon Management:
    • Why - appreciate the urgency and benefits of carbon management
    • What  - understand the essential terminology, frameworks and regulations
    • How -  gain awareness of the calculation methodologies and target setting (with in-class worked-examples)
    Sustainability Metrics and Decision Making
    • Understand the importance of natural capital for business and how to start integrating it into business decision-making
    Sustainability Reporting
    • Gain an overview of key reporting requirements from international sustainability reporting frameworks such as Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI), Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and Sustainability Reporting Standards Board (SASB)
    • Interpret and analyse the content of sustainability reports

    Participants may choose to attend both modules in one run or stagger the modules across two cohorts. Each module can be taken as a standalone course.

    Who Should Attend

    • Business leaders or professionals from any industry or sector tasked to drive sustainability initiatives in their organisations
    • Professionals who are interested in broadening their understanding of climate change issues and corporate sustainability 

    Dates and Venue

    Next intakes

    Intake 13
    Module 1 (4 days): 20, 21, 28, 29 March 2025 (Fully subscribed)
    Module 2 (5 days): 23, 24, 25 April, 8 and 9 May 2025 (Apply here)

    Intake 14 
    Module 1 (4 days): 24, 25 July, 01, 02 August 2025 (Apply here)
    Module 2 (5 days): 27, 28, 29 Aug, 04, 05 September 2025 (Apply here)

    Intake 15 
    Module 1 (4 days): 16, 17, 24, 25 October 2025 (Apply here)
    Module 2 (5 days): 12, 13, 14, 20, 21 November 2025 (Apply here)

    If you wish to be waitlisted for any intake, please drop us an email at nep@ntu.edu.sg.  

    Training is conducted from 9 am to 5 pm daily unless specified otherwise. If an intake is fully subscribed, your application will be considered for the next available intake.

    Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI)
    11 Eunos Road 8, Singapore 408601
    MRT: Paya Lebar Station

    Nanyang Executive Education reserves the right to change the date, venue, and mode of delivery due to unforeseen circumstances. 

    Fees and Funding

    Programme fee of Module 1: S$3,950 (before GST)
    Programme fee of Module 2: S$4,950 (before GST)

    Fees payable after SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) funding:

    Programme Fee in SGD (Module 1)
     Fees BEFORE
    funding & GST
    Fees AFTER
    funding & 9% GST
    Singapore Citizens (aged 21-39) / PR (aged ≥21)
    70% Funding*
    Singapore Citizens (aged 40)
    MCES1* - up to 90%
    SME-sponsored Singapore Citizens / PR
    ETSS2​ - up to 90%
    International Participants
    without funding

    Programme Fee in SGD (Module 2)
     Fees BEFORE
    funding & GST
    Fees AFTER
    funding & 9% GST
    Singapore Citizens (aged 21-39) / PR (aged ≥21)
    70% Funding*
    Singapore Citizens (aged 40)
    MCES1*- up to 90%
    SME-sponsored Singapore Citizens / PR
    ETSS2​ - up to 90%
    International Participants
    without funding

    * Applicable for both self-sponsored and company-sponsored participants. 
     For more information about the Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES) scheme.
    2. For more information about the Enhanced Training Support for Small & Medium Enterprises (ETSS) scheme.

    Funding for courses is limited in duration and subject to the prevailing conditions of the funding agencies.

    SkillsFuture Credit 
    On top of the above funding, Singapore Citizens, aged 25 and above and self-sponsored may use their SkillsFuture Credit to defray part of the nett course fee. 

    Participants do not need to contact SkillsFuture for funding application before course registration. NTU will facilitate the funding paperwork for both self and company-sponsored participants. Participants will be invoiced the nett amount after funding and GST.

    Funding Requirements:
    - Participant must achieve at least 75% attendance for the programme.
    - Participant must complete and pass all assignments / assessments as assigned by the trainer.

    Faculty and Industry Trainers

    Professor Boh Wai Fong

    Prof. Boh Wai Fong

    Deputy Dean, Nanyang Business School, NTU Singapore
    Director, Information Management Research Centre (IMARC)
    Head, Division of Information Technology and Operations Management

    Prof Boh received her PhD from the Tepper School of Business at the Carnegie Mellon University. She is also Head of the Division of Information Technology and Operations Management and Director of the Information Management Research Centre at NTU. Her research interests are in the areas of knowledge and innovation management and social media. She has published more than 20 articles in top journals, including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, and Journal of Management Information Systems, etc.

    She has spoken in multiple industry conferences, and specializes in research and training for entrepreneurs, leaders and executives in areas related to design thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship. Prof Boh is frequently quoted and interviewed in the media and has published several commentaries in local newspapers.

    Professor S Viswanathan

    Prof. S Viswanathan

    Director of the Centre for Business Sustainability
    Professor, Operations Management, Nanyang Business School, NTU Singapore

    Dr S. Viswanathan (Vish) is Professor of Operations Management at Nanyang Business School. He also serves as the Director of the Centre for Business Sustainability and as Cluster Director of the Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N). He has previously served as Associate Dean (Research), Head of the academic Division of Information Technology & Operations Management (ITOM), Director of the PhD Program and Program Director of MBA specialization in Technology and Operations.

    Vish’s teaching interests are in Operations Management, Corporate Sustainability, Sustainable Business Operations, Inventory Theory, and Optimization. He currently teaches in the Masters, PhD, MBA and Executive Programs.

    His research has been published in Financial Times and BusinessWeek-ranked top tier business journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management and other top journals in the field.

    Prof. Adam Switzer

    Prof. Adam Switzer

    Director, Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus (URECA)
    Professor, Asian School of the Environment
    Director, CIFAL @ NTU, Asian School of the Environment
    Assistant Dean (Development), at Nanyang Technological University

    Dr. Switzer holds multiple significant positions, including Professor of Coastal Science at the Asian School of the Environment, Assistant Dean (Development) at the College of Science, Director of Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus (URECA), Director of CIFAL Singapore, and Principal Investigator at the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS). As a versatile coastal geoscientist, his research is focused on applying interdisciplinary geoscience to address contemporary coastal challenges at various scales, ranging from local to international.

    In his research pursuits, Dr. Switzer explores into critical areas such as catastrophic marine inundation events (like tsunamis or large storms), sea level changes, and the evolution of coral reefs and tropical coastal systems. He acquired his BSc and PhD in Geosciences from the University of Wollongong, Australia, and furthered his research through an Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong fellowship at The University of Hong Kong. Adam is widely recognized as an expert in coastal science, particularly in the study of coastal hazards and Quaternary geology, where he applies diverse geophysical and geological techniques to study and reconstruct environmental changes in coastal systems across various Asian countries. His ultimate aim is to contribute to the development of safer and more sustainable communities in Asia through his research program at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, engaging in collaborations with individuals from ten Asian nations.

    Matt Dearth

    Assoc Prof. Matt Dearth

    Adjunct Faculty at Nanyang Business School

    Matthew Dearth, PhD, is a Managing Director at Silvercrest Asset Management (Singapore) and head of the Singapore office. His 30 years of finance industry experience also includes  leadership roles at Marshall Wace, Goldman Sachs, and Booz Allen & Hamilton.

    Since 2016 he has been teaching postgraduate finance courses on alternative investments  as well as sustainable and impact investing at Singapore Management University. While teaching at SMU he was recognized on the Dean’s Teaching Honor List for Top Adjunct  Faculty (Postgraduate Programs) from 2019-2021. Beginning in 2023, Dr. Dearth will teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in sustainable finance at Nanyang Business  School. He is the co-author of “Getting Started in Alternative Investments” (Wiley, 2023) and has published three case studies on investment management topics.

    Dr. Dearth holds a PhD (General Management) from Singapore Management University, an MBA from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and a Bachelor of Science in Civil  Engineering and Operations Research from Princeton University.

    Constant Van Aerschot

    Constant Van Aerschot

    Director for Asia Pacific, Accounting for Sustainability (A4S)

    Mr. Constant Van Aerschot is the Director for Asia Pacific at Accounting for Sustainability (A4S). A4S was established by HM King Charles III in 2004, when he was The Prince of Wales. A4S’s aim is to inspire action by finance leaders to drive a fundamental shift towards resilient business models and a sustainable economy.

    Constant is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, a Director of Earth on Board, an organisation dedicated to sustainability training for Board of Directors, and a member of the Executive Council for United Nations’ ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN).

    He has more than 15-years’ experience in sustainability with a particular expertise in the built environment. His previous position was Director Asia Pacific at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and was the senior policy researcher at “Cooling Singapore”, a project funded by NRF.

    Nilesh Jadhav

    Nilesh Jadhav

    Head, Energy Performance & Sustainability, Smart Infrastructure-RSS, ASEAN/APAC
    Adjunct Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
    Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS)
    Silver Member, 
    International Solar Energy Society (ISES)

    With over 20 years of experience in the field of clean energy and decarbonization, Nilesh Jadhav is a passionate champion of accelerating the net-zero transition for organizations and communities. He is the Head of Energy Performance and Sustainability business (ASEAN) at Siemens, Smart Infrastructure-RSS, where he leads the delivery of end-to-end decarbonization solutions and digital services for sustainability.

    Nilesh Jadhav is previously the founder and CEO of Qi Square Pte Ltd, a Singapore company focused on digitizing the building industry for a sustainable future. He is also a passionate clean energy technopreneur. His experience spans across technology development, operations management, R&D outfits, and start-ups in the clean energy space. He has been actively involved in clean energy policy development through participation in projects such as Singapore’s Energy roadmaps with NCCS and sitting on boards of government and semi-government institutions such as the Sustainable Energy Association (SEAS) and Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC). 

    He has been involved in writing the Technology Primers on Smart Grids and Solar Technologies for the National Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS, Singapore) and also was the project lead for developing Singapore’s first Technology Roadmap in the area of Energy Efficient Building Technologies with the Building Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore.

    He is a published author (book: Green & Smart Buildings- advanced technology options, Springer, 2016) and also a visiting Professor of Practice at Universities in Singapore and India.

    David Hill

    David Hill

    Regional Head
    Risk and Analytics, SE Asia
    Willis Towers Watson

    David is Regional Head of Willis Towers Watson’s Risk and Analytics for SE Asia with 30 years of risk and insurance advisory experience.  He now leads risk advisory services together with a team of actuaries, analysts, climate scientists, engineers, forensic accountants, strategic risk consultants, and alternative risk transfer specialists.  

    Previously David has held senior global in-house roles as Head of Enterprise Risk and Head of Insurance in the FMCG and Marine sectors with Cadbury and AET.  He also has extensive Risk Management consulting experience in Asia and Europe in past roles with Insurers and Brokers advising on insurable and ESG risk management.  

    His in-house responsibilities included establishing and embedding Enterprise Risk Management frameworks following principles of ISO31000 and COSO.  In these roles he has defined risk appetite criteria for the BoD, directed operations management in their risk management responsibilities and presented regular board reports to uphold strong ESG practices.   

    David graduated in Mechanical Engineering and is a Chartered Engineer, Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, and Fellow of the Institute of Risk Management in London.