Our Research

At Information Technology and Operations Management, research is at the heart of everything we do.

On areas from Information Systems to Operations Management, we are often seen as leaders and we strive to make important contributions to society—in terms of healthcare, sharing economy, and social responsibility of business operations.



Andrade-Rojas, M. G., Saldanha, T. J., Kathuria, A., Khuntia, J., & Boh, W. F. (2024). How Information Technology Overcomes Deficiencies for Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Closed Innovation vs. Open Innovation. Information Systems Research. MORE
Li, Z., & Choi, B. C. (2024). Encouraging Eco-driving with Post-trip Visualized Storytelling: An Experiment Combining Eye-Tracking and a Driving Simulator. Information Systems Research. MORE
Pye, J., Rai, A., & Dong, J. Q. (2024). Business value of information technology capabilities: an institutional governance perspective. Information systems research, 35(1), 28-44. MORE
Pye, J., Rai, A., & Dong, J. Q. (2024). How Hospitals Differentiate Health Information Technology Portfolios for Clinical Care Efficiency: Insights from the HITECH Act. Information Systems Research. MORE
Ozer, G. T., Greenwood, B. N., & Gopal, A. (2024). Noisebnb: An Empirical Analysis of Home-Sharing Platforms and Residential Noise Complaints. Information Systems Research. MORE
Lee, W. K., & Cui, Y. (2024). Should gig platforms decentralize dispute resolution?. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 26(2), 519-536. MORE
Liu, H., Wen, W., Barua, A., & Whinston, A. B. (2024). Making Lemonade from Lemons: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspective on Third-Party Disruptions in a Multivendor Information Technology Service. Information Systems Research.  MORE
Liu, H., Wen, W., Whinston, A. B., & He, S. (2024). Peer Influence in the Workplace: Evidence from an Enterprise Digital Platform. MIS Quarterly. MORE
Boh, W. F., Constantinides, P., Padmanabhan, B., & Viswanathan, S. (2023). Building digital resilience against major shocks. Mis Quarterly, 47(1), 343-360. MORE
Liu, Y., Jiang, Z., & Choi, B. C. (2023). Pushing yourself harder: The effects of mobile touch modes on users’ self-regulation. Information Systems Research, 34(3), 996-1016. MORE
Gopalakrishnan, S., Matta, M., Yourdshahy, M. I., & Choudhary, V. (2023). Go wide or go deep? assortment strategy and order fulfillment in online retail. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(3), 846-861. MORE
Choudhary, V., Marchetti, A., Shrestha, Y. R., & Puranam, P. (2023). Human-AI Ensembles: When Can They Work?. Journal of Management, 01492063231194968. MORE
Ozer, G. T., Greenwood, B. N., & Gopal, A. (2023). Digital multisided platforms and women’s health: An empirical analysis of peer-to-peer lending and abortion rates. Information Systems Research, 34(1), 223-252. MORE
Alhauli, A., Elmaghraby, W. J., & Gopal, A. (2023). Impressionable or Immune? Examining the Influence of Marquee Sellers in B2B Secondary Market Platforms for IT Products. Information Systems Research, 34(2), 570-589. MORE
Kwon, H. E., Dewan, S., Oh, W., & Kim, T. (2023). Self-regulation and external influence: The relative efficacy of mobile apps and offline channels for personal weight management. Information Systems Research, 34(1), 50-66. MORE
Perakis, G., Sim, M., Tang, Q., & Xiong, P. (2023). Robust pricing and production with information partitioning and adaptation. Management Science, 69(3), 1398-1419. MORE
Chen, L. G., Gu, W., & Tang, Q. (2023). Strategic inventories in competitive supply chains under bargaining. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(6), 2160-2175. MORE
Choudhary, V., Shunko, M., Netessine, S., & Koo, S. (2022). Nudging drivers to safety: Evidence from a field experiment. Management Science, 68(6), 4196-4214. MORE
Yu, K. Y. T., Goh, K. H., & Kawasaki, S. (2022). Investigating electronic word‐of‐mouth on social media: An eye‐tracking approach. Human Resource Management, 61(5), 599-616. MORE
Kim, K., Lee, J., & Gopal, A. (2022). Soft but Strong: Software-Based Innovation and Product Differentiation in the IT Hardware Industry. MIS Quarterly, 46(2), 1273-1294. MORE
Kyung, N., & Kwon, H. E. (2022). Rationally trust, but emotionally? The roles of cognitive and affective trust in laypeople's acceptance of AI for preventive care operations. Production and Operations Management. MORE
Chen, L. G., & Tang, Q. (2022). Supply chain performance with target-oriented firms. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(3), 1714-1732. MORE
Burton-Jones, A., Boh, W. F., Oborn, E., & Padmanabhan, B. (2021). Editor's comments: Advancing research transparency at MIS Quarterly: A pluralistic approach. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 45(2), iii-xviii. MORE
Bi, Q., Boh, W. F., & Christopoulos, G. (2021). Trust, fast and slow: A comparison study of the trust behaviors of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(6), 106160. MORE
Wong, S. S., Boh, W. F., & Wu, A. (2021). When three’s (good) company: Third‐party friendships on cooperation across departments. Journal of Management Studies, 58(2), 389-420. MORE
Choudhary, V., Shunko, M., & Netessine, S. (2021). Does immediate feedback make you not try as hard? A study on automotive telematics. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(4), 835-853. MORE
Karhade, P., & Dong, J. Q. (2021). Information technology investment and commercialized innovation performance: Dynamic adjustment costs and curvilinear impacts. Mis Quarterly, 45(3), 1007-1024. MORE
Karhade, P. P., & Dong, J. Q. (2021). Innovation outcomes of digitally enabled collaborative problemistic search capability. MIS Quarterly, 45(2), 693-717. MORE
Dong, J. Q. (2021). Technological choices under uncertainty: Does organizational aspiration matter?. Strategic Management Journal, 42(5), 898-916.  MORE
Mejia, J., Mankad, S., & Gopal, A. (2021). Service quality using text mining: Measurement and consequences. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(6), 1354-1372. MORE
Setor, T., & Joseph, D. (2021). Prototypical career paths in urban, suburban, and rural locations in the United States. Human Relations, 74(10), 1572-1603. MORE
Mejia, J., & Parker, C. (2021). When transparency fails: Bias and financial incentives in ridesharing platforms. Management Science, 67(1), 166-184. MORE
Luo, X., Tong, S., Lin, Z., & Zhang, C. (2021). The impact of platform protection insurance on buyers and sellers in the sharing economy: A natural experiment. Journal of Marketing, 85(2), 50-69. MORE
Tong, S., Jia, N., Luo, X., & Fang, Z. (2021). The Janus face of artificial intelligence feedback: Deployment versus disclosure effects on employee performance. Strategic Management Journal, 42(9), 1600-1631. MORE
Boh, W. F., Huang, C. J., & Wu, A. (2020). Investor experience and innovation performance: The mediating role of external cooperation. Strategic Management Journal, 41(1), 124-151. MORE
Xu, J., Gürbüz, M. C., Feng, Y., & Chen, S. (2020). Optimal spot trading integrated with quantity flexibility contracts. Production and Operations Management, 29(6), 1532-1549. MORE
Mejia, J., Gopal, A., & Trusov, M. (2020). Deal or no deal? Online deals, retailer heterogeneity, and brand evaluations in a competitive environment. Information Systems Research, 31(4), 1087-1106. MORE
Lee, D., Gopal, A., & Park, S. H. (2020). Different but equal? A field experiment on the impact of recommendation systems on mobile and personal computer channels in retail. Information Systems Research, 31(3), 892-912. MORE
Gopal, A., Karmegam, S. R., Koka, B. R., & Rand, W. M. (2020). Is the grass greener? On the strategic implications of moving along the value chain for IT service providers. Information Systems Research, 31(1), 148-175. MORE
Son, Y., Kwon, H. E., Tayi, G. K., & Oh, W. (2020). Impact of customers' digital banking adoption on hidden defection: A combined analytical–empirical approach. Journal of Operations Management, 66(4), 418-440. MORE
Gallego, G., Li, M. Z., & Liu, Y. (2020). Dynamic nonlinear pricing of inventories over finite sales horizons. Operations Research, 68(3), 655-670. MORE
Tong, S., Luo, X., & Xu, B. (2020). Personalized mobile marketing strategies. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 64-78. MORE
Chen, C. M., & Ho, H. (2019). Who pays you to be green? How customers' environmental practices affect the sales benefits of suppliers' environmental practices. Journal of Operations Management, 65(4), 333-352. MORE
Gong, H., Huang, J., & Goh, K. H. (2019). The illusion of double‐discount: using reference points in promotion framing. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29(3), 483-491. MORE
Mejia, J., Mankad, S., & Gopal, A. (2019). A for effort? Using the crowd to identify moral hazard in New York City restaurant hygiene inspections. Information Systems Research, 30(4), 1363-1386. MORE
Pan, Y., Huang, P., & Gopal, A. (2019). Storm clouds on the horizon? New entry threats and R&D investments in the US IT industry. Information Systems Research, 30(2), 540-562. MORE
Greenwood, B. N., Agarwal, R., Agarwal, R., & Gopal, A. (2019). The role of individual and organizational expertise in the adoption of new practices. Organization science, 30(1), 191-213. MORE
Ghose, A., Kwon, H. E., Lee, D., & Oh, W. (2019). Seizing the commuting moment: Contextual targeting based on mobile transportation apps. Information Systems Research, 30(1), 154-174. MORE
Mejia, J., Urrea, G., & Pedraza‐Martinez, A. J. (2019). Operational transparency on crowdfunding platforms: Effect on donations for emergency response. Production and Operations Management, 28(7), 1773-1791. MORE
Luo, X., Tong, S., Fang, Z., & Qu, Z. (2019). Frontiers: Machines vs. humans: The impact of artificial intelligence chatbot disclosure on customer purchases. Marketing Science, 38(6), 937-947. MORE
Pan, Y., Huang, P., & Gopal, A. (2018). Board Independence and Firm Performance in the IT Industry. MIS quarterly, 42(3), 979-A7. MORE
Elmaghraby, W. J., Gopal, A., & Pilehvar, A. (2018). Starting prices in liquidation auctions for IT equipment: Evidence from field experiments. Production and Operations Management, 27(11), 1906-1927. MORE
Song, B., & Li, M. Z. (2018). Dynamic pricing with service unbundling. Production and Operations Management, 27(7), 1334-1354. MORE
Yeow, A., Sia, S. K., Soh, C., & Chua, C. (2018). Boundary organization practices for collaboration in enterprise integration. Information Systems Research, 29(1), 149-168. MORE
Boh, W. F., & Ravindran, T. (2023). Identifying Business Opportunities Through Innovation. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company.
Nguwi, Y. Y. (2023). Tourism Analytics Before and After COVID-19. Springer.
Teoh, T. T. (2023). Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Applications. Springer.
Teoh, T. T., & Rong, Z. (2022). Artificial intelligence with Python (pp. 3-328). New York: Springer.
Choudhury, T., Dewangan, B. K., Tomar, R., Singh, B. K., Toe, T. T., & Nhu, N. G. (Eds.). (2021). Autonomic Computing in Cloud Resource Management in Industry 4.0. Springer.
Choudhury, T., Khanna, A., Toe, T. T., Khurana, M., & Nhu, N. G. (Eds.). (2021). Blockchain applications in IoT Ecosystem. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Chew, C. H. (2020). Artificial Intelligence, Analytics and Data Science (Vol. 1). Singapore: Cengage.
Chua, G. A., Davis, E. D., & Viswanathan, S. (2024). Business models and supply chain strategy for digital manufacturing. In Digital Manufacturing (pp. 377-408). Elsevier.
Tan, Y. H. M., & Nguwi, Y. Y. (2023). Tourism Analytics—The Case for South Africa. In Tourism Analytics Before and After COVID-19: Case Studies from Asia and Europe (pp. 87-96). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Teoh, T. T. (2022). AI in Business and Finance.
Sia, N. C., Far, A. H., & Toe, T. T. (2022). Challenges for the Adoption of Data Analytics Strategies by Small, Medium-Sized Enterprises in Singapore. In Integrated Business Models in the Digital Age: Principles and Practices of Technology Empowered Strategies (pp. 251-274). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Mok, J., & Joseph, D. (2023). Extending the Notion of Digital Literacy in Business It Courses: Thoughts on Process and Metaliteracy. In Integrating Digital Literacy in the Disciplines (pp. 143-156). Routledge.
Preethi, K. R., Rajendran, C., & Viswanathan, S. (2021). Mathematical Models and Heuristics for an Inventory Routing Problem Without Split Deliveries. In Emerging Frontiers in Operations and Supply Chain Management (pp. 43-63). Singapore: Springer.
AuthorsCase TitlePublication
David Gomulya, Damien Joseph, Wee-Kiat LimEvie.Ai: Charting the Career of an AI Personal AssistantSingapore Management University - Centre for Management Practice
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Ritwika Chattopadhyay, Jitesh Kumar,  Xiaodan Shao, Vivek ChoudharyRobots are coming: Ready player one?Asian Business Case Centre
Xiaodan Shao, Manlu Chen, Vivek Choudhary, Lalit Sharma, Burhanuddin PithawalaRx:AI, Putting Machine Learning Into Medical Prescription - The Case of HealthPlixAsian Business Case Centre
Siew Kien Sia, Alvin Ng, Ronald HeeTowards a Net Zero Future: The Digital Transformation of Johnson Controls for SustainabilityAsian Business Case Centre
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Nigel Phang, Mou Xu, Sia Siew KienReimagining Employee Centricity: The Digital Transformation of HR Function at DBSAsian Business Case Centre
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Siew-Kien Sia,  Peter Weill,  Xu MouDBS: From the World’s Best Bank to Building the Future-Ready EnterpriseAsian Business Case Centre
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Dolly Leow, Wai Fong BohBeeplus: Beeplus: Insight into China's Co-working Space IndustryAsian Business Case Centre
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