Mei Ling Tan

Mei Ling Tan

Mei Ling Tan, PhD (NTU Singapore)
Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological University
91 Nanyang Avenue, Gaia, ABS-04-012,
Singapore 639956
Email: [email protected]

Dr Mei Ling Tan is a senior research scientist at The Center for Leadership and Cultural Intelligence (CLCI) at the Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She has published key reviews and conceptually-innovative papers on cultural intelligence and intercultural competence in the Annual Reviews series and in edited books published by the Cambridge University Press and the Oxford University Press. She has been invited to speak on cultural intelligence for integrating culturally-diverse organizations. Her current work, as part of a strategic partnership between the CLCI and the Public Service Division (PSD), Prime Minister’s Office, focuses on creating contextualized leadership competency models for public sector leaders. She also explores the neurological basis of leadership, coaching, and cultural intelligence. She has received prestigious awards, including the highly competitive Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship. Recently, she has won a research award from the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology of the American Psychological Association for a novel longitudinal design of culturally intelligent coaching on leadership development. She has also presented her research at other global conferences, such as the Academy of Management Meetings, the American Psychological Association Convention, and the International Association of Chinese Management Research Conference.

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