About Us

The world has entered a new and exciting era with many disruptive technologies such as 5G, IoT, AI, robotics and autonomous vehicles.

At the same time, it also faces many challenges such as climate change, aging population, and energy and food security. The Centre of Microe- and Nanoelectronics (CMNE) with its large pool of talents of faculty, researchers and postgraduate students, with its superb R&D facilities and capabilities are well-positioned to overcome these new challenges. 

CMNE aims to perform leading-edge R&D which will greatly advance scientific and technological knowledge in the areas of micro and nanoelectronics to meet these new challenges and demands.

To achieve its goals, CMNE must uphold the following efforts: (1) pursue research excellence, (2) encourage interdisciplinary research, (3) promote industry collaborations and (4) manpower training.

CMNE's key research thrust comprises three core research areas: (1) Advanced Silicon Devices and Integration Technologies, (2) Compound Semiconductor Devices and ICs and (3) Nanotechnologies. It encompasses a wide range of expertise, including electronic material syntheses and characterizations, device design and fabrication, device performance evaluation, simulation, and physical mechanism study, etc. The Centre is supported by state-of-the-art facilities in Nanoelectronics Lab I & II, Semiconductor Characterization Lab, Device Fabrication Simulation Lab and Nanomaterials Lab. Its two well-equipped Class 10-100 clean rooms span a total area of 1400 m2 for both silicon-based and non-silicon-based processing, and also provide state-of-the-art material and device R&D.

Over the years, MEC/Novitas/CMNE have made significant scientific contributions and to the electronic communities locally and worldwide. By further fostering close research ties with other universities, research institutes and industrial partners, more impactful and relevant research outcomes will be generated. It is with this spirit that CMNE welcomes you to work with us to collectively tackle the new challenges beyond the age of digitization and Industrial 4.0, for the greater benefit of humanity.