Upcoming CET Courses

CCDS Upcoming CET Courses

Technology in the field of computing is advancing rapidly. IT professionals can stay ahead by continuously updating their skills and staying informed about the latest technological advancements in various fields. Broaden your knowledge and upgrade your skills through a diverse selection of technology-related online Continuing Education and Training (CET) modules^.

Check out the online courses offered by the College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS), NTU.

Course Course Date:Registration LinkBrochure
Public-Private Sector Partnerships30 November - 7 December 24 Click Here
Hardware Security and Design for Trust 16 November - 23 November 24Click Here
Hardware Trojan Threats and Countermeasures 2 November - 9 November 24Click Here
Introduction to Cryptography 19 October - 26 October 24Click Here
Intelligence Life Cycle 5 October - 12 October24Click Here
Corporate Security Structure 7 September - 14 September 24Click Here
Insider Threat24 August 24 - 31 August 24Click HereInsider Threat
Enterprise Cyber Risk Management10 August 24 - 17 August 24Click HereEnterprise Cyber Risk Management
Cyber Criminal Profiling

20 July 24 - 27 July 24

Click HereCyber Criminal Profiling
Mastercard Cybersecurity tools6 July 24 -13 July 24Click HereMastercard Cybersecurity tools
Cyber Fraud Loss Cycle18 May 24 - 25 May 24Click HereCyber Fraud Loss Cycle
CET934 : Payment Flow4 May 24 - 11 May 24Click HereCET934 : Payment Flow
AI3: Computational Game theory4 May 24 - 11 May 24Click HereAI3: Computational Game theory
AI2: Reinforcement Learning20 April 24 - 27 April 24Click HereAI2: Reinforcement Learning
AI1: AI Foundation6 April 24 - 13 April 24Click HereAI1: AI Foundation
Intermediate Cybersecurity Risk Management16 Mar 24 – 23 Mar 24Click HereIntermediate Cybersecurity Risk Management
Application 2: Introduction to Computer Vision9 Mar 24 – 16 Mar 24Click HereApplication 2: Introduction to Computer Vision
Foundations of Computation Thinking and Programming24 Feb 24 – 2 Mar 24Click HereFoundations of Computation Thinking and Programming
Foundations of Cybersecurity24 Feb 24 – 2 Mar 24Click HereFoundations of Cybersecurity


Each course will start on Saturday and ends on the following Saturday.

  • Saturday, 9:30 am-1130am: Live online – Module Introduction, presentation, assignment requirement.
  • From Sunday to Friday – learners’ study online materials at their own time and own pace and work on assignments
  • Wednesday*, 7.30pm - 9pm - Live E-consultation hours on assignment and content clarification.
  • Saturday 9:30 am-1130am: Live online – Summative discussion

Please contact [email protected] ​should you have any registration and funding related queries.

^   No pre-requisites are needed to enrol in the individual modules, however participants without qualifications or working experience in relevant engineering or the related fields, may find some course contents challenging.

*   The Live E-consult session (optional attendance) may vary with each course. Learners will be updated by the course instructors during the first session.