Calculator Registration
Students are required to register their calculators as only calculators with a seal of approval are allowed into the examination halls. Calculators with broken seals have to be re-registered. Students must remove the cover of their calculators and place them on the floor next to their desk once they are seated. Please read carefully the Rules of Governing the Use of Calculators at Examinations.
If your scientific calculator model is not listed in any of the above lists, it may not have been evaluated by us. You will need to submit an application to have your calculator assessed. Please go to the appropriate registration venue with the
- All students except EEE:
- Application Form for Calculator Approval [PDF|61KB];
- Calculator to be assessed;
- Calculator manual
- EEE students, please submit your application here.
Please register your calculator as early as possible as it may take up to 2 weeks to assess new calculator models. It is the candidates’ responsibility to clear any information and/or programs stored in the graphing calculators before the examination. Information (including text or formulae) and/or programs stored in the calculator's memory must be cleared before the examination.
Note: We will not approve or register any new programmable/graphics calculator other than the models in the approved list. Students are advised to refer to the approved list before purchasing any new programmable/graphics calculator.
Students are required to register their calculators at their respective school:
* Common Engineering students who have not streamed to any school may register their calculators at the College of Engineering Dean's Office at Blk N1.3-B1-01, Mon - Fri, 9am - 11am, 2pm - 4pm.