Project Group : DEGA

”Eating made Easy"​

DEGA aims to empower the elderly of today and revitalise their lives. The first product, DeSpoon enhances one-handed eating experiences among the elderly. As the elderly age, their dexterity will decline. Hence, one-handed tools become crucial in the elderly’s daily routines such as eating. DeSpoon integrates the different picking up motions of all food types in a spoon. The elderly can now focus on placing the food into ​their mouths, which simplifies eating and practice mindful eating. Furthermore, DeSpoon would also extend to assist stroke patients and people with other movement disabilities. ​

​DEGA Key Features and concepts:

Group members (left to right of photo):
Khairul Anuar bin Hamidon, Woon Yee Gin, Tan Chuan Tai, Emily Thong Yuan Min, Yap Joon Shen