We Belong 2023 campaign successfully raised S$1 million
Thank you for being a part of We Belong by joining in NTU Service Week and NTU Giving Day. Your gifts to NTU Bursary Fund, NTU Priorities Fund, NTU Sustainability Fund, NTU Wellbeing Fund and School Advancement Funds will make a difference and support NTU students as well as university programmes.
*Donation amount raised as of 6pm on 23 March 2023

About NTU Giving Day
NTU Giving Day is a full-day fundraising event dedicated to deepening the culture of giving at NTU, where the entire community comes together to support important causes of the University.
On 23 March 2023, students, alumni, faculty and staff took part in a panel discussion, performed in the lunchtime concert and participated in donation challenges. The event's guest-of-honour, Ms Low Yen Ling, Minister of State for Trade and Industry, and Culture, Community and Youth and Mayor of South West District, is also an NTU alumna.
Giving Day 2023 Challenges
With the support of OneNTU community and the generosity of challengers who had pledged donations, funds were raised for Giving Day. Thank you to participants for rising to the occasion and making a positive difference.

Giving Day blood donation drive
On 23 March, more than 120 blood donors registered for the blood donation drive organised by Red Cross Youth @ NTU. This completed challenge unlocked a donation sum of S$3,000 in aid of the NTU Wellbeing Fund from Mr Aaron Chia (CEE/2007), who is a member of the NTU Red Cross Alumni Association.

Celebration of School of CEE anniversary
More than 30 blood donors from the NTU School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) participated in Red Cross Youth @ NTU Blood Donation Drive (22 to 24 Mar). This completed challenge raised S$4,000 from donors Mr Aaron Chia (VP of CEE Alumni Association) and Prof Chu Jian, CEE Chair for the CEE School Advancement Fund.

NTU Service Week hours for NTU Priorities Fund
When the first 6,000 volunteer hours were clocked for NTU Service Week 2023, a donation of S$3,000 was unlocked in support of the NTU Priorities Fund. The donor is Ms Chen Yew Nah, the founder of local tech-based social enterprise Zeles.

NTU Service Week hours for NTU Bursary Fund
When over 8,000 volunteer hours were contributed by the OneNTU community towards NTU Service Week by 23 March, S$5,000 was donated by NTU UAO’s Executive Director, Ms Yap Su-Yin, in support of the NTU Bursary Fund.

A greener campus
100 tree saplings were planted by NTU volunteers as well as staff of corporate donor Advantest (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, in support of the NTreeU initiative, on 26 February. By 23 March, more than 150 trees had been planted, including yellow rain trees donated by Mr Mak Chin On and family. This initiative received S$2,000 in donation support from Mr Ching Wei Hong, Member of the NTU Board of Trustees and Member of the Alumni & Development Committee, for the NTU Sustainability Fund.
Hear from the OneNTU community

Prof Madhavi Srinivasan, Executive Director, NTU Sustainability Office, President's Office
“Sustainability is one of humanity’s grand challenges of our time, impacting all life on Earth and demanding ambitious solutions. NTU Sustainability Manifesto is directed towards building a sustainable tomorrow, and the NTU Sustainability Fund supports this mission through funding programmes and projects that support our wide-ranging efforts in sustainability. Each one of us has a role to play towards building a sustainable future.”

Esther Tan, Deputy Director, University Wellbeing Office
"Wellbeing is important and any small contribution to the NTU Wellbeing Fund can go towards enhancing the mental health and wellbeing of members within the OneNTU community. For example, the University Wellbeing Office (UWO) provides interested staff and students with psychological first-aid coaching, and UWO has also rolled out a Peer Helping Programme which aims to equip the NTU community with skills to help themselves and in turn, help those around them."

Marcus Oh Jen Fang, Year 3, School of Humanities
“I know schoolmates who are recipients of NTU Bursary Endowment Fund, and this Fund plays a major role in helping students in need. It gave them the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills they’re passionate about at NTU without shouldering a huge financial burden. To me, having the freedom of mind to pursue an education with financial aid is precious and donating to this cause is the biggest act of kindness.”

Kweh En Ling, Year 3, School of Materials Science and Engineering
“Education is an investment in one’s future. I remember this quote, ‘Education can change the world. It only takes a little to make a huge difference in the world’. It is through these donations that schools are able to meet their budgetary needs and fund research projects aimed at solving existing problems. Having said that, when you look back on your old school days, you may also recall the wonderful memories you shared with your peers and the professors that have positively impacted you in both your professional and personal life.”

Koh Sze Chee, Year 4, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
“Besides achieving academic excellence, I look for opportunities to maximise learning outcomes by taking part in experiential learning and student activities that shape my life skills and character building. This is what the Education and Student Life Fund is about, to support student programmes, services and initiatives that promote student development, wellbeing and lifelong learning. It will greatly help Fund recipients to have an unforgettable student life experience and let them lead a vibrant campus life.”

Ooi Yuan Phing, Year 4, School of Social Sciences (student on right)
“The NTU Priorities Fund addresses the urgent needs of NTU students who are affected by COVID-19 and do not have other recourse. While the peak of the pandemic is over, NTU will continue to monitor and identify needy students and assist them financially. Thus, this fund is beneficial for those who are in crucial need of financial assistance.”