About Us

Our Logo
At CAE, we embrace Assessment & Evaluation as highly connected but unique constructs.
The logo illustrates the connection between the two with the letter 'a' (for Assessment) and 'e' (for Evaluation) as interwoven, yet distinct on its own. The letters are encased within the letter 'C' (for Centre), representing how it will guide efforts of the two areas. As part of NIE, the Centre has adopted NIE colours in its logo which reflect the core identities of dynamism progressiveness and confidence.
Our Beliefs

Evaluation Principles
- The evaluation utilises a systematic approach in the design, planning and execution of the evaluation to ensure the appropriateness of methods and scientific inquiry.
- Objective: to produce accurate, credible & quality evaluative information to inform decisions.
- The evaluation must be appropriate to the context and needs of the stakeholders.
- Objective: to produce timely and suitable information to determine feasibility, effectuality & effectiveness of the phenomenon
- The evaluation provides useful information to assist the intended users in making informed decision(s).
- Objective: to produce useful, practical & beneficial information about the extent to which the educational initiative can be applied to contexts sharing similar characteristics.