Keprihatinan guru semasa ayah ditimpa nahas, buka hati kepada kerjaya mengajar
BH featured Sharifah Nadia Syed Ameer Ali, a recipient of the MOE Teaching Scholarship. Sharifah's father met with an accident when she was still in secondary school and following the accident, there were teachers in the school that knew about her situation, and continued to encourage her in her studies. Sharifah, a former student of Crescent Girls’ School, attained 8 As in her O-levels and entered RI. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science (Education) to study the subject of Mathematics at NTU/NIE. Seeing the concerns given by her teachers during her tough period as well as the advice of her mother to always benefit others had given her the encouragement to embark into the field of teaching.

Source: Berita Harian © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction.